As I looked up at the big blue sky this morning....I realized how fortunate I am to live the life I live. Now some people live BIG lives and others SMALL. I fall into the category of the later. For instance I am quite content in my own fancy or grand vacations....however I do admit.... I would love to visit each and everyone of you....

I live in a humble home surrounded by fifty granite counter tops or flat screen TVs extensive wardrobe consists of various aprons and assorted pairs of "muck" COACH chickens provide ample entertainment....and Winslow Homer my constant companion....I have a wonderful family....sons who check in on their mother.... and a handful of close lucky am I to own a plot of feel the warm earth slip through my fingers and watch the first spring offerings begin to burst forth....It seems to be the simple things in life that make me happy....Some people search their entire life looking for that something they feel is missing....sometimes that something is right under their nose....the simple life....that is the life for me....
Oh how I agree. I am thrilled when all my kids are home and we can eat a meal together. I also just love shopping for simple things for the kitchen. Dish towels, wooden spoons. I doesn't take much to make me very happy. I have always been a home body.
That is a lovely post and lovely thoughts. Do you know I think we could be such good friends in real life. I am so thankful that God let me meet you via the internet I love your thoughts and I am so thankful for your simple life. You and Dog Trot and Winslow and your hens have gave me such joy. I credit you and your lovely pictures and your life for giving me the courage to write about mine.
So Thank you.
Why is it that as we get older we so appreciate what God puts right in front of us. The sweetness of Life is what a Wise woman that you
are is Thankful for. Cheri
Good for you Julie. I know I'm not as simple a girl as I could be but the older I get the more I think life is a bit to complicated. And I really could go for a tropical vacation! LOL!
So funny you should have this post tonight. I went to a fund raiser tonight it was a worthy cause but a huge crush of people. I could feel my self shrinking into my clothes not comfortable with all the noise and crush of people. I couldn't wait to get home. and while I loved the vacation we just went on and it was a wonderful break. I couldn't wait to get home cold and all. We have this sign at work that we sell and it really sums me up.
it says "Your home now Breath" I find myself holding my breath way to much when I feel stressed and away from home.
This post will touch a lot of hearts, especially mine. I'm with you on the "big" material things. Nothing like the simple handmades and old prims to make a house a home. I have a Rosie (boxer) dog this is also my constant companion. Keep the great posts coming, Dawn
What a great post Julie. The simple things in life are the best--not the fancy things. I can’t imagine anything that would make me happier than a beautiful flower or watching my animals play and run...simple things are missed by so many. You do have a blessed life Julie--how wonderful that you see it for what it is :)
I sooooo understand how you feel!!! Simple joy is all one needs!
There's nothing like a home that's loved and people to share it with. I also enjoy being in my home very much. What a lovely post!
I have to agree, a beautiful post. It shows we can all be truly content in our lives, if we just allow ourselves to be so. You are blessed.
LiBBiE in Oz
Me too Julie...must be in the genes! Hugs to WH.
I look forward to reading your blog each day. Your lifestyle is the one I am striving is the simple things in life that make us the most happy. You are truly blessed!
The simple act of reading your blog makes me happy! You have the life that I long for and hope to have one day, you are blessed.
What a great post Julie, I couldn't agree with you more. It's so timely too. As we enter into Lent, it's time to rethink and make changes in our lives and rid ourselves of excess and get closer to what the real life is about.
Here is a toast to the simpler life. JB
I so agree! Very well said. Some people think I live a very hard life, but I would wish for no other. Nor do I see it hard!
Amen and Hallelujah!!! It is, after all, who we are, not what we have that counts the most. God is lovin' on you today, girl!
Wonderful! I used to want to have European vacations...but now I am content to come home, pursue my creative outlets, be with my hubby and dog...bliss.
I totally understand what you've written. I too am content on my 12 acres with my 23 chickens, Silver Fox rabbits, 4 German Shepherds and garden. I can go for days and not need to leave my place. It is nice to hear so many others feel the same way.
I love your post, and have to agree, a great day for me is being able to stay home and enjoy being a housewife!
P.S. You are welcome to come visit me, I'm probably not far from your neck of the woods!
It sounds like you have the life that is perfect for you. I always tell my husband that we don't need to win a lottery or receive a windfall - we've already won the lottery of life, just for living in this country with one another and having the wonderful children that we do.
Julie, This is so, so true. A simple life, self-sustained as much as possible and my own little piece of land. I feel so blessed each and every day I get to wake up to this.
What a nice post. Very true.
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