In my neck of the woods....sadly.... it does not appear.... nor feel.... much like spring....there are no budding trees....daffidils....or spring songbirds....but....there is mud....lots of mud and fact it snowed most of the morning....just a dusting....but snow nontheless....Yesterday....on a trip to Blue Seal.... where I purchase my girl's organic feed....I spied this very bright and cheery tee shirt....very spring like....I thought to myself "how chic" especially when paired up with my yellow rubber chicken boots....well...low and behold I learned the tee shirt was could resist a free tee shirt....I can hear my boy's now.... "mom you're not really going to where that in public are you"? Oh....yes I am....

The flu is circulating in our area... schools....daycares....and my friend's was one of those days where I felt plain tuckered.... just had to sit close my eyes and prop my feet I sat down I could have sworn I caught a glimpse of Fern running by the window....I knew I had not let the chickens out....It was snowing....the girls don't like snow....I had just begun to drift off.... when I heard a cackling...the cackle of danger....first one hen....and then all in unison....

I jumped up in a panic....pulled my boots on....and flew out the door....

my first clue....

and this....Willa....

and this....Charlotte....AKA....roaster....she is a feather pecker.... I'm always threatening her with the roasting pan....

and this....yup.... Miss Fern....right outside the window...but....

I never did determine what all the noise was about....a few squirrels....crows...but what is um.... scarey....really scarey.... I don't recall leaving the girl's gate open....could there be a Houdini in the group? I sure hope so....

and in the nest box....eggs....beautiful eggs....the girls must know it's spring....egg production has begun to increase....I discovered these eggs this girl's are afternoon layers....

Once back inside I figured I needed a few signs of spring in the house....a new gnome....given to me by a sweet friend....he does not have a name yet....maybe George....

a few Easter decorations....
Oh Julie, this is great. Things like this happen here too--gates open when we didn’t leave them. I have no idea how it happens. Look at those beautiful eggs. Love the spring decorations too :)
Hey Julie,
When you live in New England or Atlantic Canada you have to start the Spring celebration inside. I hope you figure out who was the Houdini. Those girls are just getting too darn smart - letting themselves out.
The chickens look so healthy and pretty.Your Easter goodies are precious.Have a nice weekend. Cheri
If it makes you feel better we had 13 inches of snow here in Northern WI again yesterday. Spring is certainly a slow one coming this year! LOVE your tee and my it does go well with your boots!
You are managing to make the best of this weather and I see the girls are rewarding you! Those chicken tracks in the snow make me giggle!
Hope you're feeling better !
Cathy G
I think that your new free T-shirt is just great and goes so well with your chicken boots.
I love you hens and eggs pictures. Their nesting beds are spotless. I also love you Easter decorations.
It reminds me to put my winter village away, lol. I've neglected to put it away after Christmas this year. It still sits on the piano.
I just don't sweat the small stuff anymore. I sweat enough when I work at the farm, lol... Thanks for reminding me to bring out my Easter decorations that I've picked up at Value Village this past year. JB
oh, Julie...what a scary and blah day for you. Glad you got out the spring/easter decor...that should help. Hope tomorrow shines brighter.
first of all, LOVE the t-shirt!!! with the boots, you go girl!!!! By the way, where did you buy the boots? You chicken, wow, so clean, I could sleep in there, lol....and love your spring decorations, especially the ones from the your boys, too sweet, what happy, wonderful memories. My favorite art piece is from my oldest daughter, a clay "print" of her hand with the poem on it about "handprints on walls etc", when she brought it home to me (when she was 5), she stood there and said the poem so perfectly, and I just stood there and cried....hugs to you, Linda
We too had snow yesterday and spring is no where in sight. I walked across my yard to get a couple of branches from a bush to force inside. I was over my knees in snow. I haven't decorated for easter yet. Maybe this weekend, I just want to remain healthy lots of hand washing.
Happy spring
Darling T-shirt Julie! Wear it with country pride! I am wishin' and a prayin' that Spring hurries its pretty self to Dog Trot Farm!
Hope your feeling better! Maybe your "girls" knew you were under the weather and wanted to make you feel better by letting you know about the eggs, so they thought they'd come by and say hello!
Your Spring decorations are adorable! I'm looking forward to putting some out and I think I can finally make it to the forthysia bush to cut some branches to force some flowers!
If your tulips are drooping drop a few pennies in the bottom of the vase and they'll perk up for you!
Hope you feel better in the morning!
The chickens are making their spring statement.
Humans aren't the only ones tired of winter!
Oh I love all the Easter decorations! So glad the girls were ok!!
I, too, have eggs blown by the now-grown children, and I bring them all out at Easter. I hope things begin to dry up for you and Winslow Homer!
Yes I would wear that shirt too! Did they have a guinea one? hahaha!
The eggs look beautiful, and the girls. Glad there was nothing missing but will have to see if you ever figured out the problem...sending warm winds your way!
Beautiful hens and beautiful eggs!
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