Last week at this time....Winslow Homer was a very sick little man....unable to eat....vomiting....lethargic....he spent last Friday at the animal hospital on IV fluids....we were given the grim news Winslow's time on earth was nearing it's end....his liver was failing....

The decision was made.... Winslow was brought home with a multitude of medications....a port in his leg for emergency purposes if needed....and a game plan....If he survived the weekend we had an appointment Monday morning with a Veterinary Specialist....

Monday arrived none too soon and at 11:00 AM Winslow Homer had an ultra sound and additional blood work done. We soon learned Winslow's gallbladder was enlarged and liver inflamed, his liver enzymes highly elevated, however no evidence of cancer. There was a possibility of pancreatitis and or hepatitis. Definitely a very sick little dog.... but the big question was would/could there be a possibility of recovery?....With even more medications....and diligence....we have made it to today, Friday. This morning while at Winslow Homer's followup visit I was given the news...."he's not quite out of the woods yet" which I replied "do you feel Winslow Homer can make a full recovery?" "yes, I think so" she replied. Those few simple words brought music to my ears....a song in my heart....and a dance for joy....a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders and I could breathe again....

Tonight Winslow Homer is home and resting comfortably, he is on the mend. What a roller coaster ride. None of us know how much time we have on this earth, but I am grateful Winslow Homer will be in my life for a bit longer. I am grateful to my husband that he was not ready to let Winslow go and felt Winslow was not ready to leave either. A big thank you to Dr. Rust and Dr. Bergen for all your help and support.... and finally a big thank you to blogging friends, friends, and our family for all your prayers and support.

I had a very similiar experience in 2008 with my little Corgi. I wasn't ready to give up either. She was only 7 and became very sick very fast over Thanksgiving. After being told to put her down, I found another vet who agreed to see her and told me it would be iffy but with surgery she "might" have a chance. Jazz had a severe case of sepsis. We did the surgery and recovery was slow but she is still here today...happier and healthier than ever! My prayers are with you and Winslow.
Oh Julie,
How terrible for you. Winslow is special and obviously tough as he has had a rough year and is still around. I'll be praying he rebounds back to his lovable old self soon.
Oh my goodness, a roller coaster indeed! Poor little Winslow Homer, he has been through so much. I am so glad he is expected to recover, I was holding my breath there for a few minutes! Please give him a kiss and scratch under the chin from all of us here!
So glad to hear that Winslow Homer is on the up side of things.....I know what it is like to have a very sick dog, we still don't know the exact cause of Hunter's illness. I will keep Winslow Homer in my prayers.
I am so glad that he is at home and he is recovering. Sometimes it is just the simple things that matter so much. I am glad you had some pictures of him, he is just the best dog.
"Oh no," I murmered when I started reading - my son said "Mom, what's wrong?" I said "It's Winslow Homer, my favorite little online doggie that I love so much."
Do you think it's silly for your readers to love him? No way. You have brought Winslow into our lives and therefore into our hearts - who could not adore that little fellow? You are doing a great job of taking care of him through this latest crisis. Hang in there and keep on keeping on - I'm placing my money on better days ahead.
I've seen lots of beloved pets in our practice recover from pancreatitis, extremely high liver enzyme levels, and so on - I pray that Winslow Homer will be in this group - the food and medications can really turn things around. We are all pulling for you, Winslow, and your mommy and daddy too!
Give him a kiss on the top of his head for me. Get well soon, sweet boy.
Such sweet news! Keeping you and Winslow Homer in my prayers.
What great news to receive that Winslow Homer can fully recover. I can relate to having a dear pet put to sleep and it's a very painful experience.
My thoughts are with you and your husband. I hope and pray that your beloved dog will make a full recovery. Hugs, JB
Our good wishes are going out to Winslow Homer for a full recovery. Our canine friends totally become part of our family and we don't know what we'd do without them. He's a lucky little dog to have you for his human! Dawn
Oh my, he is such a little trooper. Bless him!! And bless you for having faith in him. There is just something about Winslow Homer... he's a very special little guy. Sending our love and prayers! This brought tears, but I'm hopeful now too! Hugs... Tammy
Awww Julie I am at a loss for words. I want Winslow to be ok and not have all this stuff messing with his health and I want you to not have to worry about him. I was there with Country Cat. It is like you are holding your breath all the time. Just know that I am thinking of you and Winslow and hoping that all goes well. You guys are on my mind and I can't help but think about you!
Soooo glad Winslow Homer is feeling better. I hope he continues to improve and you get lots of years together!
I thought you were going to tell us you had to let Winslow Homer go. Thank goodness it's just the opposite! I really, really hope he can be cured. My heart aches for how much you, and he, have been through. The poor guy must be feeling awful.
Please give him a little hug for Lily and I.
I am so glad that little Winslow Homer is on the mend. I have fallen in love with him through your blog and I know that he is is loved and cherished by you and your family. I will keep him in my prayers. Be strong little Winslow and be well soon.
A speedy recovery Mr. Homer!! Big hugs from cousin Evie!
Julie. My heart is with you. As a vet tech, I truly know what you're going through...seen it all happen. Cherish the time you have and know that Winslow Homer feels your love.
I am so glad that Winslow is okay and I love your chicken boots!!!
Anyone who has had a sick dog knows exactly what you guys are going through. Speedy recovery to your sweet little dog.
Winslow Homer and the love you show to him brought tears to my eyes. What a brave sweet dog. I will Keep Winslow in my Prayers, Cheri
Here's to Winslow Homer continued improvement, good thoughts heading your way.
LiBBiE in Oz
So glad to hear that Homer is mending. I sympathize with you. My corgi is twelve and has had health problems during this past year. It is so hard to picture life without them. I am simply enjoying my time with him as much as possible! All my blessings to you and Homer. May he have a speedy recovery!
Julie, prayers are out to Winslow Homer, you and your husband. I pray he can spend the time he has here with you as comfortable as possible. He's one tough little cookie, that's for sure. Blessings to you...~Vonnie, NH
My heart sank as I began to read your post, and I was so relived that's he's going to get better! Kisses to your beautiful pup!
Wow! What a scary and nervous time! So glad to hear Homer is recovering! He is a strong willed pup! :-)
That's wonderful news! Homer is a little trooper!
We are blessed to know that you are hanging in there. love ya lots, Nanny and Papa
I am so sorry for winslow homer and you. I hope that he makes the recovery you are praying for. How wonderful he has you and your husband for a mom and dad.
I hope your dog will get better soon. I had a dog with liver failure and the vet wanted to put him down. I did a lot of research and started feeding him foods without harmful preservatives and gave him milk thistle & coQ10 daily. The vet was amazed that he survived. He was a 126 pound Chesapeake Bay Retriever who did lose some weight (which he needed to) but he lived for 6 more years. Hope you have many more years with your dog.
Julie, I'm so sorry that Winslow Homer has had a set back. I know he gets the best care possible, so I'm hoping and praying along with you that your little guy gets much better. Milk Thistle is good for helping to repair the liver. We had a little dog who had liver damage from high doses of phenobarbytol and the Milk Thistle really helped bring his numbers back to normal.
We're thinking of you, Winslow!
Iris, Imogen, Moose, and Spike!
Oh Julie,
I hope things are on the mend for little Winslow Homer and you are able to relax a little! It's not easy having a sick pet. Such a precious little one he is!
Sending you warm thoughts and kisses for Winslow from afar!
Cathy G
OH Julie, I have a big lump in my throat. I’ve been going through this with my Pappy and it’s such a roller coaster. Pappy has cancer but he is in remission now and I pray he stays that way. I just know how much Winslow means to your family and how much you love him. I am praying for the little guy. I’m so glad they think he can fully recover!!
Hugs, Amy
Please give Winslow, big hugs from all of us at ginnysyard.
Hi Julie.
What a horrible thing to go through.
I will keep Winslow and you in my prayers. He is a wonderful dog.
Prayers coming your way from the Winslow fans over here in Vermont!
Make sure the "caretakers" get some rest too!!!
Janis, Mavis and the Herd
Oh! Julie! I was so afraid to keep reading, but I'm glad I did! What a horrible time for all of you. My prayers are coming your way for Winslow Homer and you!
Linda sad this must be...but so glad you have some more a child I grew up dogs, terriers, and I know they are a part of your family....hugs to you, Linda
Today is the 17th and I have been out of town and am just reading this. I can only hope and pray that Winslow Homer is still hanging in there as its been a few days since you last posted. My heart goes out to you. Margy in KY
Oh Julie, poor sweet Winslow Homer. I've been out of town and not reading my usual blogs, so when I saw this, I was so scared. Very happy to read that he, too, has decided that his time here with you hasn't reached its end. You are a team, you two.
Please give him a hug and a pat from me and Roxy. ♥
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