Today was lovely... the weather was warm and spring like. The peas have made their appearance in the vegetable garden along with spinach and lettuce... with another sowing completed today. Winslow and I took our daily walk through the woods where the birds were all in song and the pileated woodpecker drumming the old dead pine to beat the band.

Shrubs are bursting forth with color and my "girls" are taking full advantage of these warm days.. sunning themselves... bathing and grazing about the yard. Life is good. Winslow Homer's health remains in check...however...we did experience his first low blood sugar began with Winslow just standing... staring... and then "boom" keeled right over... I quickly retrieved my KARO syrup filled syringe and promptly administered it into Winslow's mouth....momma mia talk about heart pounding stress...but once again he bounced back...truthfully I wasn't so sure I was going to...

Today I returned to the feed store ...the feed store where I purchased my five new bantam chicks. The only purchase I made was organic feed for the girls. Since I watched that one episode of Animal Hoarding...the one where a gentleman had 168 chickens living in the house...can you imagine?.. I have had this secret fear that could be me...I mean It takes all the restraint I can muster not to bring each and everyone of those sweet little chicks home with me...

Loretta... oh how I love saying that name... Just look at that sweet face...I just pray Loretta is not a Leroy...these bantams were not sexed...bantams in my area do not come least not at the six stores I went to... they all said the same thing nope NOT SEXED... but that was the chance I was willing to heart has been set on bantam chicks...Loretta, is a Mille Fluer and she is one sassy gal... I am now pleased to introduce Josephine... a black Japanese Bantam...she is so tiny...just a wisp of a thing...but definitely the most vocal...her favorite place to be is on the bottom of the pile or firmly tucked in the middle amongst her sisters.

nighttime at the nursery...just look at those tiny tail feathers...

all tuckered's been a long day...

Goodnight from all of us here at Dog Trot Farm...sweet dreams...
so very sweet and glad winslow homer rallied.
we have nice days and spring is every where.
rain in the forcast.
Finally Spring is bursting! It's long over due! Gee, very scary episode with W.H., I'm happy to hear he and you are doing OK!!! Your little chicks are so darn cute! I'm looking forward to seeing them grow! Have a wonderful day!
Oh I have a feeling once our coop is built, I may run into some troubles. 168 chickens in the house huh?
Oh my! : )
Awww, what a sweet post. My heart is just melting at looking those little chicks going to sleep. Just too darn cute for words. I even see a little poo puddle. You are so lucky to have some chicks.
I'm so glad that pour Homer Winslow bounced right back after giving you a scare.
You are a good nurse. Good luck with your brood. JB
My goodness, you're getting quite a flock there at Dog Trot Farm! It will be interesting to see if you have a Loretta or a Leroy. Have a great week, Dawn
ohmygosh, who would have thought that sleeping baby chicks would look so dang adorable? I mean, really...they're chickens!
Oh how adorable those little chicks are!! Glad Winslow Homer is ok. I know how you felt. My dad is diabetic and he has gone low more times than I'd really like to deal with!
The chicks are so sweet! One of my goals when we get our move made to Maine is to have chickens. I'll have to live vicariously through your chickens until then!
I'm glad you were able to get the Karo into your pup in time!
I never would have imagined that little chicks would met my heart. Those pics are just precious. And you pick the best names for the "ladies".
Glad Winslow bounced back so fast with the syrup. What a trooper he is.
Those little chicks are precioius and your photos are so fun. Winslow - quit giving your Mom heart failure buddy.
Oh Julie I saw that episode too and I knew it could just as easily been me too, only never in the house. I do know that fear. I take some one with me now every time I go to the feed store as a way of protection. :)
I have some years that my bantams will be girls and some years they are all roosters. Last year I got 4 silkies and all of them were roosters.
The previous year they were all girls, I hope you have a girl year.
You are such a quick thinker in grabbing the syrup, I don't know if I would have thought to do that.
I love all of your flowers, and I love your spring pictures and I love all of your chick pictures.
Thank you so much for sharing you life with us,
Chicks are so sweet & cute. Hugs for Winslow, from all the animals & Ginny at ginnysyard
OH!! OH!!! OH!!!!!! how cute! I can't believe that just 6 short weeks ago that's what mine looked like. They are so adorable...please come over to my blog for an update on my girls, big doings over there with the new coop in progress two posts back. I'm glad Winslow Homer was okay!! How scary! ~Vonnie
Oh! My heavens I would have been terrified. I'm so glad you had what you needed and could take care of him immediately!
The little peeps are just adorable, sweet little babies.
Aw, they're so cute Auntie. Can't wait to see more pictures of them!
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