Fern...first in line for breakfast...yogurt and raisins...

a scene from my morning two mile trek...the calender may say spring has arrived...however...hoods were up and gloves were on...

a friendly discovery...I do believe Mr. Gnome is still in hibernation...

lilacs... patiently waiting for warm sunny weather... can there be anything as lovely as a warm spring day... windows open... the heavenly fragrance of the sweet lilac drifting in...I think not...

crab apple in bud...

a pansy face...one of the first flowers on vibrant display in our neck of the woods...you either love them or hate them...I love them...especially in shades of tangerine...

a quick stop to "the farm" one of my favorite places to visit...there are always so many friendly faces to see...

the greeter...

the new kid in town...

and I am at a loss of words over this Tom Turkey...just look at that face...quite freaky...I mean please someone tell me what is all that skin for...
On another note... I would like to thank everyone who took the time to comment on the loss of our girl Pip...looking back...I now realize the tension in the hen house... which I felt was due to the arrival of spring scents...skunks...owls...hawks...and now the dreaded fox....was actually due to Pip's health...I am quite sure the girls understood there was something not quite right with Pip much sooner than I did...Tension has eased and things have returned to normal...whatever normal can be in a coop full of women...My little "peeps" are growing in leaps and bounds and Winslow Homer...is holding his own...he is being a naughty little boy rolling in all kinds of nasty stuff...if you get my drift...but he is enjoying life...and I am just happy he is still here with us...life is good...
The lilacs here are just a memory Julie! And are those train tracks on a bridge and you were walking!! I know you're in good shape but dang...can you outrun a train???!!!
I enjoyed our talk today! Hope sping hits you soon!
I think that I must have the only chickens who don't like raisins!
So glad and I love your day in pictures. It looks like a nice day. So glad things have returned to normal. Yes, they always do know when something is wrong.
It makes me happy to see all of your signs of spring.
Julie, it went from cold and damp yesterday to hot and humid today. huh?
I love coming here and reading your blog. Love your photos and the way you put your words together.
Spring will arrive soon...enjoy it.
Doesn't this weather feel like November! Your photos from your walk are just lovely, and like you I'm waiting for Spring! Have a wonderful week!
At last! I've been trying for the last day to comment on your Pip post and Blogger wouldn't let me! It kept erroring out, again and again. So frustrating!!
I am *so* sorry to hear about your sweet Pip - she was such a pretty girl and I know how special she was to you. Sending you gentle thoughts and big hugs from Oregon.
Our lilacs are plumping up nicely and I can't wait to bury my nose in a big bunch!
I'm sorry to read about your Pip. After a long winter of care the little gals really are family, and her going will leave a hen-sized hole.
It looks as though spring is arriving late in New England as the lilacs here are in full bloom and smell wonderful. I was sorry to read about the loss of Pip but it's good to know that Winslow Homer is still enjoying life.
I am with you on the lilacs. I've got a quite a few but am thinking I need to plant a few more... Some of the varieties are lovely.
You know if Winslow is rolling he must be feeling good! So happy our Fishy wasn't a roller. He may have been clueless about skunks, but spared me that!
Glad all is well and sorry about Pip...
Great pics from your walk! The gnome in the tree is cute! Nice looking rooster to have as a greeter at the farm! Maybe Homer likes getting a bath... and that's why he keeps stinkin' himself up! lol! Boys! ;-)
Hi Julie.
Looks like a nice walk you do daily. I also do a walk every morning with my dogs in the woods. It is a good way to start the day.
But......I am wondering if Winslow Homer accompanies you on your walk?
My Shorty(my Jack Russell) doesn't come with me any more as she is about 15 years old and almost deaf and blind, so it is just myself and my two big Australian Shepherds and sometimes DH comes along.
You take such lovely pictures. Lilacs are blooming away in MA right now. I do love the way the buds look ready to burst though...it's the anticipation, I think. I'm glad the girls are back to some normal, though sorry about poor Pip, and I'm really glad that Winslow Homer is feeling good enough to be naughty!
Our lilacs haven't even buded yet.
you are right those are friendly faces. I have no information about a turkey except it tastes good.
glad your group of women have settled and are doing better.
down here on the seacoast of N.H. our lilacs are just about to come into bloom. The purple is breaking out!
Julie, your shot of the train tracks over the water/river/stream/lake is spectacular. Love that shot!
I am glad "the girls" are less anxious and enjoying Spring unfolding at Dog Trot. I agree about the fragrance of lilac, hard to argue with that but I have to tell you I cut my first Peony yesterday, stuck it in a Mason jar and put it on "the Porch" and it smells delicious :)
Pansy faces. Too dang cute.
Good morning! I'm waiting patiently for the lilacs to bloom here in Michigan too. Nothing like that beautiful fragrance. I think Mr. Turkey has a snood and it is used to digest his food, but not positive about that. Aren't they strange? Have a great week, Dawn
so sorry to hear about your Pip... She seemed so special...
I wish we could grow lilacs here in Texas but it's too hot I guess. I have often wondered about all that garb on a turkey's head, too.
Isn't it funny - you think about big dogs getting into nasty stuff, but even my little chihuahua does the same thing, yeck - even eating cow poop!
I'm so sorry about you little bird. They are like family and they do wend their ways into our hearts.
I didn't know chickens like raisins. Lol Winslow Homer is such a trooper.Cheri
It so nice when spring is blooming all over and the rhythms of spring settles down. I love your pictures and I hope that Winslow keeps up on being himself even when he does what dogs love to do best especially right after a bath. MIne used to want to roll in the dirt. The dirtier the better was her motto. JB
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