Today is a day of sadness...

Today we buried our sweet Pip...our blue egg laying Ameraucana hen...

It is never easy to lose a pet...whether it be farm animal... today... in my case a pet chicken...Sweet Pip...also know as Pip-A-Roo died late this morning in the company of Winslow Homer.

Yesterday morning Pip appeared fine...later in the day however, I went to let the girls out for an afternoon romp and noticed Pip remained in the nesting box making odd sounds...At first I thought she was in the process of egg laying..( my girls do make odd sounds during their egg laying) I gave her some privacy and went out into the yard. Slowly she made an appearance but remained in the coop run and just sat. It was then that I realized something was drastically wrong. Her breathing was labored and the muff on her face was clearly "pecked off". I cleaned my girl up and brought her into the house to the chicken infirmary. Winslow stayed by her cage keeping a watchful eye on her. I administered drops of water via a syringe and began to massage her crop... I could not feel anything hard or out of the ordinary. I then gave her a couple of drops of mineral oil massaging once again...I firmly believe there was something blocking her airway and I nor DH could dislodge it...I had purchased their organic feed earlier in the week and the feed store did not have the usual mash... just I opted for girls have never consumed pellet grain before...I am wondering if Pip somehow got a pellet lodged in her hens noticed Pip's odd behavior before I and began pecking at her. Chickens can be cruel...even highly pampered chickens such as mine. I feel terribly guilty... I was unable to help her in her time of need. Pip is now buried in the flower garden...beside my dear hen named Georgia. We will miss Pip dearly here at Dog Trot Farm... she was a very sweet girl, would come when I called her name and "scooch down" to be picked up. She was the very first girl to lay an egg in the flower box and also on the outdoor grill. Dear Pip...please know that you were loved.... a favorite here at Dog Trot Farm...and thank you for all the wonderful blue eggs and all the surprise egg findings...we will miss you...and Winslow Homer too...
So sorry to hear about Pip. I grew up on a farm and I remember those days - so hard! Try to enjoy your weekend, Dawn
No guilt! She could have been ill for awhile and not let you know, or sick suddenly and there was nothing you could do. That's often the way with chickens. I'd be surprised if the pellets caused the problem - she's eaten bigger and worse rummaging around outside. I once had a hen look fine, suddenly have labored breathing, and it turned out that she died of peritonitis - something that took days or longer to develop and yet there was no clue to the end. You never know with hens. Pip died peacefully with her dear friend Winslow, which is a good way to go.
Sorry about poor Pip. It's never easy, especially since your girls are more than hens - they are family.
They are 'your girls' and I know it had to have been very difficult to let her go. I suppose with all animals this is an inevitable part of life, but it's never easy.
Rest in peace sweet Pip.
Julie I am so sorry. Pip was dear to me for some reason. But you are dear to me too. Pip was loved and more importantly respected. I am happy that Pip was one of your "girls" because I know she was loved and treated with respect and dignity through her whole life. My heart feels peace knowing that Winslow was there.
I am so sorry !!! She knew she was loved. I hope you went right out and got new grain for them. (if that was the problem)
I am so sorry Julie my Ameraucanas were always weaker too. I have lost two hens the same way this year. They are okay one day and dead the next.
I never know what on earth it could be or why. You have been through so much this year and I am so very sorry.
People who don't have chickens don't understand how we with chickens can get so attached, but we do and it hurts so much to loose one.
Thank goodness for your chicks!
Hugs from me to you, my dear friend in Maine.
So sorry to hear about Pip. Do chickens frolic at the Rainbow Bridge, too? I bet they do!
Hugs :)
Sorry you lost Pip. I have lost a couple of dear hens too. It's a hurtful thing to not be sure what happened. One we found one just laying out in the chicken yard, a small trickle of blood from her beek. Another laying on her side in a nest box, no sign of what happened to cause death. Both seemed fine just a couple hours earlier.
I understand that feeling of hens being family too.
So sorry to hear of your loss. You must think of the good life that you gave her. I bet she loved her life at Dog Trot Farm.
Oh I'm so sorry Julie. You are such a good Chicken mamma, no hen could live a better life than there at Dog Trot Farm. Give Winslow extra pats from me. Thinking of you.
Big hugs!
I'm very sorry for your loss. Pets are living beings and they become part of the family, something people without pets don't understand. Pip sounds like she was a wonderful loving girl.
Julie, I'm so sorry for the loss of your special chicken. These things happens no matter how well you care for them. It's the same with the calves.
I lost one last year and I was blaming myself for not being more alert that something was wrong and we had an autopsy to determine the cause and it was twisted bowls and the vet said that there was nothing that I could have done.
I found her laying on her side moaning in pain and by then she had bloated up. I called for help and I managed to lift it up but she fell down again and I no longer could get her to get up even with my help. I was crying. I thought it was my fault.
Just be glad to know that you did nothing wrong and you are not to blame. You gave her all the love and care possible. You are a great mama to those chickens. Hugs, JB
Oh how this breaks my heart ;( You did everything possible to help her (I learned a few things too while reading this - what to check for, etc). We do the best we can, but sometimes things happen beyond our control. Bless your sweet Pip who departed in the company of her loved ones - may she rest in peace. Hugs, Tammy
I'm sorry about the loss of dear Pip. I already lost 3 hens this year, and I know it's a sad, sad thing. Each one has a different personality, and it breaks my heart to lose one. Take care!
I'm so sorry about Pip. I'm sure she knew she was loved and lived a pampered life, you are a good chicken mama.
I'm really sorry about you Pip. It just sucks to lose something that is loved! Hugs! so sorry to hear about Pip. Am sure she knows she was loved. You didn't do anything wrong, chickens seem to go like that, they can sometimes be very fragile. Thinking of you!
I am so sorry for your loss. Your so right, losing a pet (of any kind) is never easy. I do hope you can take comfort in knowing that Pip had a wonder life, all because of you.
I also hope that this can still be a Happy Mother's Day for you!
I am so sorry it is so hard to lose a pet.
Julie, I'm so sorry you lost Pip. She was well cared for and had a wonderful chicken life. Sometimes we never know what causes things like this to happen.
Have a wonderful Mother's Day, my friend.
Dear Julie,
I hope you and Winslow Homer are doing okay at this writing. How hard it is to lose our beloved pets. Rest assured you did everything possible to help her and that she led a very loved and happy life! What more can we all ask for!
Healing thoughts and prayers for you dear friend this day.
Cathy G
Dear Julie, My sympathies to you on the loss of Dear Pip. Now that I have girls of my own, I more deeply understand your loss, it will be hard to part with my girls when their times come.
Happy Mother's Day to you today. Please pamper yourself, you're a great mom to all your kids, human and otherwise! ~Vonnie, NH
So sorry to hear about Pip. Hugs, Becky
So sorry to hear about Pip. You know she loved you dearly and trusted you, or you would have never been able to pick her up. Big hugs to you, we all no too well what it feels like to lose one of our cherished pets.
oh julie...this has left me in tears...i am so sorry for your loss....i understand completely how you feel about losing your sweet girl..... she was so loved...a member of your family...
please accecpt my heartfelt sympathy,
sending love,
kary and teddy
Aw, you did everything you could. Somethings just can't be helped. It is a terrible feeling though. So sorry.
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