It is with sadness that I announce the time has come for Fern and Phoebe to be relocated... their malicious behavior can no longer be tolerated. Every course of action has been attempted and failed miserably... Iris remains their main target...Fern and Phoebe are a bonded pair and as such will go together to live on a dairy farm down the road. Their pampered life... as they know it is OVER...

Since this fiasco began I have discovered what a special hen Iris is...during the day she cautiously roams the yard along side the other remains normal until one or both of the Wynadottes decide it's time to jump on her back...pull her feathers...with this type of behavior Iris has become reluctant to enter the coop...hence laying has become a problem...Iris realizes the odds of being chased out of the coop and nest box are great...but my girl will not be held back and has become quite resourceful...she has learned to come to the back door...knock with her beak...I inturn open the back door...Iris walks in and enters her cage...

I believe she realizes this is a safe and secure environment in which to lay...

I open the cage door...

out she hops...

proudly leaving her treasure behind...

I have learned to never under estimate the intelligence of a hen... is true my house is beginning to smell like a barn...not only is it time for Iris to move back to the coop with her is time for my little "peeps" to move out too. My once tiny five "peeps" have grown into four rowdy teenagers. Yes...four...more on that tomorrow...

The gardens are beginning to flourish...there are days of summer like weather and days of cold wet weather...the wood stove is still in use...taking the chill off in the evenings...

such is the weather in Maine...I do hope summer has come to your neck of the woods!!
I know how much you love your girls so the decision to relocate 2 would be tough. But poor Iris needs a break. I hope she is OK. I'm impressed with her resourcefulness. She's a smart little chicky.
It is starting to look like summer in N.S. too but I'm still using my furnace. It's still chilly.
Poor Iris - she obviously knows you are 'safe' and it is cute how she'll peck the door to get in/out. What an adorable chickie!
Love your garden pictures! Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your weekend.
The poor little thing. I guess that is where the expression "Pecking Order" comes from. Tough love hurts(for the other two) but there was nothing else you could have done.
Even in the animal world bulling goes on. Iris is a beautiful lady and I had no idea how intelligent chicken were. Thank you for letting me invade you space and read your posts!!
Heyyyy!! You've got a house chicken, too! :-) Your Iris and my Honey could be best friends and start their own kinder, gentler flock!
I'm happy for you that you have the option of having Iris rejoin her existing flock now that the "bad girls" have been sent away. No way, no how can I convince Honey that she should go back to the chickens and her coop. She tells me she quite fancies it here on my porch. :-)
Your iris flower are so beautiful on your fence, Julie!
Iris is a pretty chicken. I have come to believe chickens are smart since getting a few myself weeks ago. It makes is easy to gater her eggs from the dog carrier right inside. This amazes me. Blessings!
Iris is precious - her story made my heart smile ♥ Hens are smart cookies, for sure. Happy trails to Fern and Phoebe. Your gardens are beautiful! -Tammy
I guess those chicks didn't get the message about bullying! I admire Iris! What a resourceful chick she is!
That is the cutest thing ever, I had to show my husband and read him your post, he thought it was cute too.
I bet those two hens will be sorry to have lost the land of ease.
I can't wait to hear about your chicks tomorrow.
Oh yes, I know that smell - the one that comes with chicks in the house or in the attached garage. When the smell is noticeable, it's time for the little ones to go outside!
Your Iris is indeed a special hen!
Oh my goodness! Thanks so much for sharing pics and story of Iris!!! That's too dang cute! Made my whole dang summer! :-) Your garden is looking so lush and beautiful! Ahhhhh Summertime!
I've also had issues with bullying Wyandottes. I think some strains of that breed are aggressive. Like you, I've also sent aggressive hens off to live elsewhere. Often they go right to the bottom of the pecking order and never cause another problem! You're fortunate to have somewhere that will take those two.
-Terry at
How amazing that your chickie pecks on the door to come in and out! I can't get my dog to do that! I love your Blog!
Julie I just love you. You do what is right for your "girls". You do what your heart tells you. That series of pictures of Iris make me tear up, but in a good way!
When I had my chickens I had a coop in the backyard for mean girls.I totally agree with you. It's a hard decision but it's not fair to sweet Iris. Hugs Cheri Love your garden
Our unexpected rooster does that to one of our hens. It takes her forever to come out of the coop in the morning because the second her feet hit the ground, he's on top of her riping out feathers. But, of course, he's my youngest son's chicken so not sure I can get rid of him...and I've become attached to him to, truth be told. Poor Tulip, Pete Rose needs a less on how to court the ladies. Beautiful flowers in the garden!! ~Vonnie, NH
Oh my word I've never heard of a chicken doing that!!! I think you've made the right decision about the Wyandottes!!
Hi dear,
Just checking in...oh, oh, Fern and Phoebe.
Loved this!
Pocketful of joy to you (can't wait to get HOME)
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
What a lovely, gentle and intelligent hen Iris is - I'm glad that her life will soon be more peaceful. The two Wyandottes have made their bed and will now have to lie on it!
I know that was not easy for you, but it is for the best. Summer comes and goes here in PA. Have a good weekend.
I'm sorry the girls have to leave but it's the best for the rest. Will Iris relearn to go his business elsewhere ? Sorry you lost one of your babies ...
That is so touching. I love stories about chickens. What a nice hen, no wonder you want to protect her. Your clematis looks gorgeous!
Wow, I'm learning new stuff about hens and I'm impressed by how she has solved the problem and still lays eggs for you. I think that the other two will wish that they would have been nicer to her.
Your clematis looks so beautiful. JB
I'm sure it was a hard decision but the right decision to make. That Iris looks like such a sweetie and is definitely a smart hen!
What a woman, er I mean hen, that Iris is!!!
Your clematis and gardens look beautiful.
Hugs :)
I just love your posts about your hens. And what a smart hen that one is. Four bullies have come to live in my chicken coop. They are model hens here. It's good to relocate bullies, they then become nice.
i guess and so i goes too in chicken world....
i wish you and winslow homer lived closer....
and i LOVE seeing your garden...and hearing that the woodstove is still keeping you warm....
summer will be here soon, my friend
happ to see you at farmhouse kitchen julie
it's always a pleasure to have you stop by...
sending love from california
kary and teddy
Poor Iris! She'll be back to her old self in no time, I bet, once the sisters are relocated.
Your garden looks beautiful!
A couple of weeks ago, one of my SLWs and one of my BOs had a stand off over a piece of kale. They just stared at one another for at least 20 seconds. Finally the SLW walked away. That is the first time I've seen a BO stand up to anything. Kale must be valuable.
What a special hen Iris is! Cute! Love the pictures of your clematis! I have the very same kind only mine isn't doing very well. I moved it from the spot it was at because it wasn't doing very good and it doesn't seem to like its new place either. ho hum.
What a gorgeous story. It is peculiar how some hens are so gentle and sweet, while some are such bullies. i have one who is picked on a little bit, and yet she is larger than all the other hens! What a clever girl to come to your door and knock! She sounds a real sweetie.
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