WHEN NOTHING GOES RIGHT, TURN LEFT... author unknown... lets just say...for the past few weeks the sun has remained hidden ...the weather has been rainy... wet and cold...certainly not the summer weather we have been anticipating....okay...dreaming of...I dare not put my MUCK boots away...the hens door yard has become nothing but mud...a dust bath remains a distant memory for them...there are insects living the good life in the vegetable garden...weeds have grown as tall as sunflowers....ants have invaded my kitchen...and now... to top it all off... the days are becoming shorter...Feeling the need to raise my spirits...I walk...

Fives days a week... rain...snow...or sleet... a remedy to maintain my sanity....I walk...seven miles and climbing... an hour and a half...it is pure enjoyment with a little entertainment thrown in... Accompanying me is my friend "Becky" also known as my "partner in crime." We laugh and laugh... till we cry...I do realize it is just a matter of time before this soon to be middle aged women has to invest in Depends... if you get my drift....but laughing is so good for the soul...and such a good way to start the day. Becky and I have decided to branch out...see the new wheels...a bike rack went on my Outback and we were good to go...We made our first grand attempt on a fourteen mile ride....the wind was blowing in our hair...well...not really as we did don "brain buckets" everything was going along smoothly... that was... until back in the distance I heard "my pedal fell off"....needless to say we ended up walking that morning... along with me making a mental note to "always check over and tighten up any screws or bolts on a newly purchased bicycle..and to definitely invest in Depends...

So there you have it...my cup over flows...

flowers will grow.. weeds pulled...

the sun will return...

and the chore list will get tackled...
Great laughter! This was so funny. I am so sorry you have all that rain. Please, just send us a little down here in the Carolinas. We are in somewhat of a drought. Poor little chickens. I bet they just look outside their little doors peeping out for some sun. The bike ride image was just too much. Have a great week- Debi
good I am glad you are having fun.
I don't see a single weed so I am sure you have looked at someone else's garden. I looks so pretty and green.
I did get a laugh about the Depends! It's good to laugh so hard...... LOL!
Your flowers are gorgeous! I am sending you some better weather Julie. You are having what we had last week with all the rain and cold! So be watching for some summer weather soon! Peas and sunshine for the 4th!
Cathy G
This was very funny; I'm sorry, but it was. I'll take the rain and give the chickens a break. They need to dust their wings. I'm sorry about your pedal, but that was funny too, and I needed a good chuckle tonight. We are in drought conditions and could use a little sprinkle, and I'm sure you could use the break so you can get back to pulling weeds. Have a great week - Debi
Well, if there was a chance I'd forget to laugh you've taken care of it with this post. Thanks for the chuckle - and keep on walking/biking!
Lovely, lovely surroundings have you. I love to walk to, some of my best thinking gets done when I'm walking. Peace to you today! ~Vonnie, NH
Your gardens look fantastic! I don't have enough blooming right now, I need to add more plants :-)
Love the depends comment, I so know what you mean. We played a games with a group of friends the other day, and it was a close call. We all laughed 'till our sides ached. It is a great feeling, glad you experience it too!
I thought of you the other day when I found a book at a tag sale, Betty Crocker's Kitchen Gardens, illustrated by.... Tasha Tudor. I am enjoying her artwork.
It is amazing how we get all the things done that nag at us. We have ants in our Kitchen as well, what the heck!! Have a great week. And by the way all of finds are for sale, so if you like that Black bucket, let me know.
O mercy , what an adventure! But thanks for the giggle ! Enjoy your week! hugs lil raggedy angie
Julie I am impressed with the walking and biking! Your flowers photos are beautiful :) Can't forget to laugh, got to have funny in our lives-Depends or not!
OK, I'm laughing. That bike story would happen to me!
Impressive walking distances... wow! Love the pics, and the post :) -Tammy
I love your undaunted spirit. Have a great week and I hope that your weather improves soon. I love your beautiful flowers. You have peas already. Wow. JB
Oh I am so sick of the rain and gloom here in Indiana. Good for you for not giving into it. I just want to spend the day in bed. Your flowers are beautiful!
Laughter IS the best medicine for just about everything.....it makes your heart lighter! Wish my knee would let me do all of the walking and biking you gals are up to....I'll have to enjoy it through you're blog. Great garden pictures....my flowers are just starting to pop. Hope you enjoyed today .... one more nice day before the rain makes a come back.
Thanks for the smile!
Cindy in Maine
Sounds to me as though you have exactly the right attitude to life:) Like you I walk and it gives me the tranquility to cope with life's little ups and downs.
Your garden looks great to me, wish mine looked as good. It's suffering from severe neglect this summer but as you say the weeds will get pulled and the deadheading will get done eventually.
The rain is giving you a lush garden. Everything looks amazing...I can't see a weed in sight! You are too funny with the new wheels! I used to bike a lot...can't wait to get back to it!
LOVE your pictures. Thanks for sharing!
Pug hugs :)
Your garden looks beautiful and the peas sure look like they will be ready for the 4th Maybe Becky should get a scooter like you push with one foot.
I walk on a bike path and think I would enjoy riding a lot more. Your garden is gorgeous. Enjoy the peas!!
Yep...Depends! Well, you know me Julie...if nothing goes right, I'm still turning right!!! hahahaha!
I hope the sun is shining today.
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