Mr. Don Juan is living up to his name....

Gladys is not the least bit impressed and wants nothing to do with him....

and Iris....well....she just wants a little peace and quiet....

the vegetable gardens.... a huge disappointment....oh... I did harvest peas for the fourth of July....then things pretty much went down eggplant....broccolli....beets....or tomatoes...that's right no tomatoes, how can you not have tomatoes? I am stumped as to the cause....The good news is I did discover a cantaloupe (key word a )....a pumpkin.... butternut squash and much for this growing season....even the basil bolted.... my green thumb.... wilted....the truth is I am ready for seems the older I become the less I enjoy summer.... I knew this to be true when I saw Halloween decorations this morning in Michaels ....yup I'm ready....bring on the orange and black....

Finally, dear bloggers I am in need of your advice. I am of the mindset to remove the rhododendrons which are located in the front of our home. I would like to replace them with Tree Hydrangeas, but am still on the fence about this....measure twice cut once thinking....once cut there is no going back....

Winslow Homer appears to be pondering the situation, how about you, what do you think?
My parents have had a terrible time with their garden the past couple years so this year they decided not to grow anything at all except a couple tomato plants in the flower garden. Sorry to hear yours were so unsuccessful.
Rip those suckers out! You will love having Hydrangea's instead!!!
I hear you on the tomatoes! I haven't picked a single one. I have a ton on the vine, but it's like they are stopped in time, just green and not getting any bigger or riper(been like this for 2 weeks), so odd.
As far as your garden dilemma, to be honest, I have never been a fan of rhododenroms, so I would rip them out in a heartbeat and put in the hydrangeas. It's hard to see the angle in the pics, but are they blocking your windows? It might be nice for a change and some extra light in the house if they are. If you still can't decide, you could always just trim them back a bunch and see if you miss the big bushes.Or just take out one and start with just one side. good luck!
I think that the tree hydrangeas would be much too tall and not suit the scale of the front of your house. Regular hydrangeas would look fine and not obscure your windows.
well they are big bushes. will the new replacements get as tall?, wide?
Great pics of your furry friends.
I think I vote for the hydrangeas. I'm sure the rhododendrums are gorgeous in bloom, but they are getting pretty big. But also bear in mind that I absolutely LOVE hydrangeas.
Pug hugs :)
I am with you in welcoming fall. SO over summer. Your rhododendrons are huge! I can't say what to do because I am a sentimental girl, but I see why you may want to take them out. If you're not sentimental about them, I'd take them out, but if you like 'em, leave 'em. See, no help whatsoever :)
I am SO not ready for fall.... It has been a good year for broccoli, potatoes, lettuce, highbush blueberries, but the rest is struggling, and the cool rainy weather this week is striking fear into my heart for my tomatoes.
RE the rhodies, I vote take 'em out, but mostly because the rhodie in front of our house caused lots of problems. I'm not a big hydrangea fan, but whatever you replace them with should be IMO much further away from the house.
I am not a good one to answer that question. Like you said, once the damage is done, there's no going back. I would prefer to go to Michaels and get some fall stuff with you.
Hi Julie,
Your rhododendrons look so full and healthy...they seem to grow well up here. It would be a shame to lose them...but I also am loving a Tree Hydrangea that I saw at Springvale Nursery (after the Shaw's Ridge ice cream!). I tried Endless Summer Hydrangea in front of our house...very droopy in heat and drought. Actually, I don't think that you can go wrong with either of your choices....your house is lovely!
Cindy in ME
Tree Hydrangea's are lovely and need lots of water. Here in Northern Wi they take a couple of years to grow tall. Your house is just the coolest looking design! Red houses are my favorite.....
It's been a rough growing year for gardens in many places. I think it was just too hot.
Try a fall crop of lettuce....... quick growing and good eating!
Cathy G
I'm no landscape artist, but the rhodos are pretty big. I think something smaller would be very nice.
As much as I like rhododendrons.... i agree yours should go as they are hiding your beautiful home! I do not have advice on what to replace them with though... but I would keep it something low or thin (to not block the windows)... or even one weeping cherry tree?
I am not going to be much help as both will block light into the house. I am all for natural light.
I am not ready for fall at all. I only grow tomatos in a pot and basil in a pot both did very well this year. sorry to hear your garden wasn't productive.
I'm all for removing rhodies. One of my least favorite plants. I've got a gorgeous smokebush and a selection of blueberries for foundation plants. Good leaf color spring through autumn. Also have some hydrangea - which look good in the fall with the drying flowers. No experience with tree peonies, but they are lovely.
Yes, I say plant the hydrangeas. You can always relocate the rhododendrons to another part of the yard. That is exactly what we did. The only thing is we didn't leave enough space between the house and plant.
I think the rhodies have to go! It's time! I think they are overpowering the front of your beautiful home.
I love hydrangea trees and I think you'll be very happy with them once they have bloomed and you have those beautiful blooms in the Autumn.
Now, about being sick of the summer . . . NEVER!!! Have a wonderful week!
I don't know what to tell you, I hate taking things out. I do love Hydrangeas though. Now that you say that, I did take out my Camellia bush and I have put in Hydrangeas. :)
I got rid of the roosters I had because I just hated to watch the look on their faces every time they got jumped on and the neck feathers pulled. Having baby chicks was nice though. I do like your little rooster though. He seem like a really nice guy.
Winslow Homer thinks what plant blooms the prettiest and the longest? I think your house is so pretty that mauybe a smaller plant would allow you to see the pretty front of your home. I have a morning glory that has taken over my front porch it's pretty but it's too much of a plant. Good Luck.Cheri
great picture of the garden.
I love the garden picture.
Me and roosters dont get a long for some reason, as they are always trying to kill me,lol. Richard from Amish Stories.
Well, if fall must come (and I do like fall) please let it stay a long time...I so dread winter.
Haven't a clue. Just wanted to stop by and see what you're up to. I'd be ready for Fall, too...but along with it comes Winter and I am not ready for that!
I am madly in love with tree hydrangeas this year, it seems like they would provide privacy but still let some light through. The rhododendrons are nice, too and I'm sure they are magnificent when they are in bloom.
You have a beautiful place!
I've never heard of a hydrangea tree, but I love the bushes, the mopheads and particularly the oakleaf hydrangeas. Snowflake is my favorite, along with the blue varieties. Rhododendrons are nice, but they don't really make me swoon like other flowers.
I'm sorry that your garden petered out this year. I just got some lovely huge tomatoes at our local farmer's market and they were SO GOOD!
I don't know Julie, but your house is SO beautiful!!
I'm all for swapping out the rhodies for the hydrangeas. Just keep 'em watered. They would look lovely with the house as a backdrop. My tomatoes are stuck in time as well. Medium size, green, and seem to like to stay that way.
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