Call it what you will....I call it motherly intuition...I knew something was wrong....very wrong....I just did not want to admit it....A call to the vet was made and my suspicions were sweet little boy....Winslow now blind...

He will adapt....I will adapt....we will adapt....One blind twenty year old cat and a rooster who is attempting to "service" all thirteen of my "girl's." If I could get my hands on a Valium I do believe I would take it. Prayers kindly accepted, thank you.
Of course I'll pray for you and Winslow Homer. Such a good dog! Cheri
Sending lots of prayers up for you and yours. ♥♥♥ to Winslow!! -Tammy
Oh no!! Bless his furbaby heart. I am so sorry to hear this. Thinking of you and would send you some valium if I had any.
Oh Julie,
I am so sorry to hear little Winslow Homer is blind. Dogs adapt so well that it's sometimes hard to detect they are blind. He will do just fine.
It's the one thing we worry about too with Smokey being diabetic. So far he is doing good.
I wonder about myself a lot of days too. How life put me here at this moment to be so tied to the concerns of my diabetic pet and caring for aged Mother. Valium and a week in Hawaii sound pretty good to me right now. But I can only think about that! LOL!
You will be fine Julie! We'll pick ourselves up by the bootstraps and carry on. I will be waiting to hear how you and your sweet boy are doing!
Prayers and hugs!
Cathy G
So sad...
I always hate when your truest dreads take place...
I'm sure you will adapt...
I'm so sorry to hear that Homer Winslow is blind. This is really sad but he's lucky to have you. JB
I'm so sorry to hear this but it's not as bad as I thought it might be when I read your title. I'm sure Winslow Homer will adapt to his own well-known surroundings and his hearing and sense of smell will help him compensate for his lack of sight. Poor you - it's so upsetting when this sort of thing happens to a beloved friend.
I am so sorry, poor pup, but thankfully he has a mom who will give him he best of care. I'll pray for sure.
Julie, Know it will all work out. Love to everyone.
Give Winslow Homer a hug and kiss for me......I'm sure the cat will be fine, and well as for the rooster there is always the stew pot if he doesn't behave (I know Rudy is eyeing the pullets wondering when they will join him in the big pen). Meanwhile I will keep you in my prayers.
Oh dear...poor little man! But, he's a trooper and luckily he's been in his house for a long time...remember his nose is even more powerful than his sight--if we believe Cesar Milan--so he'll just rely on that big time. You must be fraught with worry though. I'll keep Mr. Winslow Homer in the prayers!
You are absolutely right. WH will adapt...and so will you. It's always difficult, though, when it's them and not us. Hang in there. Of course, prayers are being said.
My heart goes out to you, my Border collie, Jill, is pretty deaf and her eyes are failing, too. Winslow is soooo adorable! Animals adapt so well. He will be fine as long as he knows you are there for him. Give him a smootch for me.
Awe, I am sorry about Winslow. I have a pom that will be 18 in November, and vision is very poor, along with hearing. If I had a valium, I would put it in the mail today, along with one of hubby's roosters to help you out. Prayer's for you and Winslow.
Poor dear Winslow. The sweet little guy has had a rough year. Yes, you all will adapt but it still sucks. But Winslow is lucky to have a great Momma who looks out for him and takes care of him.
Hugs to you Julie.
Oh I am so sorry to hear this news. My beloved Barney who passed in 2002 developed cataracts late in life and for a few years taking him for walks was an adventure! He became used to me hesitating just before a curb and saying "step" and he learned to carefully step down and then back up on the other side. When playing ball, I had to pretend to throw it into the air and then place it close to his mouth and he would grab it, all proud he had made the "catch"!
I think those years were some of the closest we shared.
There is something sacred about caring for an old pal who has given us so much love and companionship and it was a very special time for both of us.
I will keep you and Winslow in my thoughts and prayers.
Have a wonderful day together!
Tina xo
Thoughts and prayers are being sent your way...{{{Hugs}}}
Oh Julie I'm so sorry to read this. Such a sad thing to happen to poor little Winslow Homer...the little fellow has been through so much already and so have YOU. I would imagine as long as things aren't moved in the yard and in the house that he should do just fine and you'll just have to be his eyes when you take him for his walks. I bet you both adapt pretty fast. Like they say..'it never rains but it pours'. All the best to the both of you...I think you two will do just fine. 'Hugs' to you my friend.
Maura X
Oh I am so sorry about poor sweet Winslow Homer and yourself. I will keep you both in my prayers. You have a 20 year old cat? I have two kittens do you want them? :)
Well, I had a little rooster too and he tried to do his job with his whole heart. I couldn't stand it and gave him away. You do have your hands full.
I know you are in a very hard place.
My dog went blind too, it never stopped her much. She kept up with me as long as she could hear me.
Take care of yourself.
Prayers coming your way :)
Yes, sweet little Winslow Homer will adapt and probably very quickly. I was expecting the worst when I read your post title. I am so happy I was wrong!
Pug hugs coming your way :)
I'm so sorry to hear the sad news about your sweet little boy. Winslow certainly has had his share of tough times recently. Prayers are on the way.
Oh Julie. Winslow has YOU. What a great gift of luck and love for him. You just don't know how much you are in my heart. I have wanted to email but I knew you had much on your plate. Prayers are being PixExpressed to you this instant. From CH too. I have needed to talk to you about kitty things but I knew you had too much on your mind. I do have Valium on hand and have taken it a few times the last two months because of Izzy the Busy/Crazy/Psycho Kitty :) I won't say hug Winslow and give him all your love because I know of course you are already doing everything for that little scamp of a Pup. Just know that I and CH are thinking of you, Winslow, Sweet Emma Lou and your Hubby(not to put anyONE in last place). I wish I could hear your voice. My heart feels your sadness about your sweet Winslow Homer. You both will adapt because I know he is willing and you are brave of heart.
I'm so sorry for W.H.'s problem. I will keep your little boy in my thoughts and prayers. Thankfully he has a loving mom who will take care of him. I think you should make a nice pitcher of sangria, find a shady spot and cuddle with W.H. You both need some relaxation time.
It brought sadness to my heart. My dogs are all aging at the same time. I think about you and all that you have. I have no Valium, but I do have the grape.
Oh, Julie... I am sending lots of good vibes your way.
12 ish years ago, I adopted a wonderful older chocolate lab, Portia, who had been neglected. Within a year, she was 90+% blind. She had her moments, but she did amazingly well.
She learned to stay nearby me, and could eventually go for walks off leash, still loved to ride in the truck, swim with me nearby, and even could still play and fetch with a scented tennis ball that I would roll on the grass, and she would follow the scent. She lived for several more years and was a very happy girl.
With such a great dog mom, Winslow Homer will be OK and learn and adapt I am sure.
Still, if I had any Valium I'd send you some. Deep breathing!
oh, his face melts my heart, I grew up with of luck to you, Winslow Homer (love that name), your cat, and your poor hens!
Oh, Winslow Homer...I'm so sorry. You're such a special little guy and I do wish you wouldn't have to bear blindness. Give your mom and extra special snuggle because she needs one, too. Prayers to all of you at Dog Trot. And Julie, unfortnately, the whole rooster thing gets so much worse when Don Juan is about 4 1/2 months old. YIKES, Pete Rose is one active little devil. Peace to you, ~Vonnie
Poor Winslow Homer : (
So sad he has lost his sight. You definitely have your hands full, that's for sure.
Kisses to WH! Maybe he needs a seeing-eye dog ; )
Your sweet boy will adapt and be quite content. He still has you and a familiar home. He'll probably manage quite well as long as you're not planning to move the furniture. We'll be praying real hard anyway. Hugs to you both.
You will be fine, Winslow will adapt in his own uncomplaining and take one step at a time way, and your cat will gallumph along, and the rooster, the rooster, well, I don't want to go into what he'll be doing.
Blessings to you and Winston, now down that Valium.
So sorry for winslow Homer but trust me you are taking this harder than he is. just don't move furniture around he will do ok. so very sorry.
My heart breaks for you!
Im sorry about sweet Winslow; he will adapt I know, but I am sure it is scary. My boy is getting older and my fear is of losing him as English Bullies don't usually live to be his age of 10. But I know you both will get through this as you are a good mom! I wish I had a Valium too!! LOL
I know that you'll all adapt, but still it's hard for you - probably harder for you than for Winslow.
Sending you hugs - from one Cairn lover to another, because there's nothing like those little guys.
The reality of Winslow's blindness is his other senses, hearing and smell, will show him the way. I see this all the time in my boarding kennel and the dogs usually do just fine.
I have two roos with my flock of 20 hens. It is pretty funny watching the young one try to sneak a quickie with one of the old boy's girls.
I Feel your sorrow too, I know our little Winslow will adapt to the challenge
Ahhh Winslow Homer, your nose will lead you down as many paths as your eyes! Mom, don't worry, just don't move the furniture around!
I'm so sorry that the diabetes has affected Homer Winslow's eyes.. I see that precious face and I know that you are hurting. I have been following your blog and have always hoped I would hear good news about him. You have my prayers, sympathy and compassion.. My family and I are Animal lovers with a capital *L* and can understand what you are going through.. I wish you all the best.
Bless his little heart. I know you will get through this somehow, someway..
What a sweet picture of Winslow Homer...... he just tugs at my heart strings!! Prayers and positive thoughts to Winslow Homer and to you!
Cindy in ME
So sorry to hear about Winslow. I am currently dealing with a blind and very crippled duck. Danger Duck, a.k.a. DD is my Pekin and getting very old. But he still eats, and knows where his water and grit are. So, me and the other ducks watch out for him. <3
Poor sweet Winslow! He has the best mom in the world so I know he'll be fine! I love you!
Well, the rooster I would re-home. But of course that is up to you. As for your lovely puppy, I so understand. Fuzzy is going is so hard. On him and me. My prayers are with you.
I am so sorry about Winslow but be of good heart. It is not as bad as one might think. I have lived with two blind dogs and have one now that has about 10 percent vision left. They truely do addapt and the nice thing is that they don't woory about going blind. They get around very well. My experience tells me it will be harder on you than on Winslow.
Best wishes.
Oh Julie, he will adapt, you are right but nonetheless it's not an easy pill to swallow. Please give Winslow a gentle scratch behind the ears. We all love him so.
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