Life with a blind dog...from my experience it is harder on me than Winslow Homer...What I have learned is never rearrange your furniture... with the holidays in sight this could be a challenge. It is difficult enough to watch your dog bump and bang into everyday items ...let alone a Christmas tree trimmed with treasured ornaments. Never ever leave your barn boots in front of the door...spread eagle are the words that come to mind...Winslow not me. This is not the time to adopt or foster a new pet...unfamiliar scents can cause a BIG ruckus...when friends or family visit let them call your dog's name and let your pet be the first to approach...

The leash is now their friend...both inside and when your husband offers to take the dog out while he closes the chickens in for the night...returns to his nice comfy reclining leather chair...and minutes later his wife hears a distinct yelp and soon asks "where is WINSLOW HOMER?" and he replies "oh my GOD I forgot Winslow"...darkness is fast approaching and I hear the words "I need help"... in my mind I am thinking..."I'll have to call everyone in the neighborhood... rustle up a search party...and then I hear the words "I've found him." I mumble a little prayer, thank you Jesus...
On this beautiful Fall day... I grab the leash... Winslow and I are off...I enjoy the sights..he the sounds...

"October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came,
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band."
George Cooper, October Party
Poor sweet Winslow. I've said it before - he is a lucky pooch to have you.
Hugs, Kim
What a hard thing. OH it breaks my heart. I think it would be much harder on me than the animal. Our bunny is blind, and it breaks my heart when I let him in the yard and he just stays in one place. So I know how hard it is, yep I bet the leash is your friend.
Bless your heart, I have been there and know what you are going through. I also had a deaf dog too. Winslow is lucky to have you!!! Give him a hug from me!
Karen & the Hounds
Winslow Homer is one lucky dog. I know it must be hard on you.Anything that is disabled a person or a sweet animal changes everything.But we all treasure them and adapt Hugs Cheri
Julie, this breaks my heart. Beautiful, sweet, wonderful, independent, feisty Winslow Homer... I'm so glad he has you to look out for him, but oh - if anything could be done to get him his sight back, I'd be standing by your side, making sure it happened.
Please give his belly a scratch, his head a rub, and his round little body a hug...from me.
There are lots of lessons to learn for both of you while you get used to a new situation - Winslow Homer sounds as though he's doing fine as he adjusts to life with four senses rather than five. Maybe OH isn't quite there yet though:)
That sweet Winslow! It is sooo sad, but at least he does have a great mama to see after him. I have a pom that will be either 18 or 19 this November, she is for the most part blind, and can't hear thunder. At least she can still see figures and movement, but I still can't imagine the pain that you must feel for your Winslow. Give him a big hug from Soph and me!
I am sure Winslow is teaching us all important lessons, how to handle adversity with grace. It sure helps that he has such a loving family. Blessings to Winslow and yourselves as you all learn to adapt to Winslow's new reality. Such a sweet little dog. ~Vonnie, NH (PS, many things going on over at my new house, but I can't talk about them just yet, soon, but not yet. Big changes happening, stressful, but good. Thanks for checking in over on my blog!)
Oh, I just love Winslow!! He and our Hickory would have much to talk about. Thankfully Hickory still has some sight left in one eye. Great post!!
I'm glad your dog was found safe and you and he joined each other in a lovely fall walk. I love the quote you included about an October party. The colors are so brilliant right now!
Hi Julie, I'm so sorry about Winslow's blindness. Like everyone said, he's lucky to have you. It does take adjustment and I know that it's harder on you than Winslow because animals accept their lot in life better than us human.
I hope that he still has his sense of smell and hearing, poor thing. He still need an abundance of love and reassurance and you are the best one to give it to him.
Have a beautiful Autumn day. Sending hugs JB
Julie what a wonderful momma you are to sweet Winslow! It breaks my heart to know that he is blind but he is blessed to have you caring for him.Big hugs,Jen
Poor Winslow - I'll be he doesn't mind half as much as you do. I'm glad he's got such a wonderful mommy to take care of him! He trusts you and he knows you'll take good care of him!
I'm so glad you have him...and I'm glad he has you. There are many people out there who would just put him down...but THANK HEAVENS not you!
This just goes to show ya, God truly does care about the little things!!!
I'd say October gave ya quite the colorful party there!!! Magnificent!
God bless and have a marvelous day sweetie!!!
Julie, I always get teary when I read about Winslow, because of my blind Danger Duck. He knows where I put his water each morning, where his bowl is and where I stand to hand feed him his spinach. I wouldn't miss my time with him each day. I had a hard time not being able to get out to him with my knee. But, the knee is now on the mend and I am back out with my guy. Hugs to you and Winslow. know it's more difficult for you than it is for WH. Truly. You are doing a great job and I think he is fortunate to have you. Hang in there.
Julie I hate this has happened to Winslow but I believe he is enjoying his life at Dog Trot, has his sniffer high in the air enjoying the smells of Fall and taking in every second of every minute of every hour of every day with you and your Hubby. Well, except when he isn't enjoying a good nap. Winslow isn't letting it bother him, he is just loving his Mom and Dad and living his life. You are a good Mom Julie :)
It is heartbreaking to have a dog that is blind or deaf..We had a little Poodle that died at almost 15 yrs old and she was blind and deaf...I truly believe what kept her alive that long was the 2 younger pups we got to keep her company (American Eskimos) It was amazing to see how they took care of our Little Keoki and I think she knew her way around a lot by smell. It didn't matter what part of the house my DH was in, she could always find him. The vet said it would help her to have another dog and he was right. If Keoki got in a jam they would bark and let me know.She has been gone for almost 4 years now and we still miss her. We had her creamated and she is in a container on a shelf we have in our bedroom so she is still near us. Take care of your little doggie and he will live many more years...he is used to being is you that is not used to it. Maybe get him a companion.
It will also be good company when your older doggie goes to doggie Heaven :)
Poor little Winslow Homer. It sounds as though he's doing ok though and you're coping albeit a little frayed around the edges at times like this. I can imagine it will be a challenge for all of you when you start decorating next month. What a beautiful orange/red you know what kind it is? I wish we had the reds down here in Kansas...we do have red trees in the fall but they're mostly in peoples yards. I hope you and hubby and Winslow are having a wonderful weekend!
Maura :)
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