Don Juan is a lover...he adores his harem of three...with Josephine broody and on the nest...his harem is reduced to two...Don Juan has no interest whatsoever in any of the larger gals...he prefers his ladies on the petite side...

This is Phoebe...she is a big old gal and may I say proud of it...she has absolutely no fondness for Don Juan and his rowdy activities...when his fits of passion rise Phoebe is quick to intervene...she jumps on his back...grabs his comb...pulls him of the lady that he is attempting to service and promptly chases him off into the darkness of the coop...

In other words, she has no tolerance nor appreciates any "hanky panky" going on in the hen yard...

This Don does not give up so easily...he dusts himself off...shakes his feathers out and prepares himself for another day...or at least another attempt at does need to live up to their name and reputation...
That is so funny but he is young yet. Just wait until the spring. He will let the big girls have it. I had a tiny little guy too, the bigger hens beat him up for awhile but when spring came he was a little tornado.
Roosters are so entertaining.
Julie ~
These last few posts have had the most wonderful pictures. Thank you so much for sharing!
Pug hugs :)
I'm all ohooo and awwww here as I look at your handsome rooster and gorgeous hen, So very pretty both of them. I'm thinking RUG... They are so beautiful both of them. Nature will have it's way. Must be the wrong time of the month for her, he,he... JB
Ooh, Phoebe is a bit of a prude! Lol
Beautiful birds!! I love your photos--especially of Phoebe walking tall and proud :)
I agree with pugs and rugs. The photos are wonderful. Have you ever thought of making note card. The post is so amusing. of course you know me, I could read about and look at chickens all day. I just bought my fifth book on how to raise chickens.
I enjoyed the tale and pictures of Don Juan and Phoebe. I'm smiling...
How funny! Love the photos!
Good luck'r gonna need it!!!
Good for Phobe....Some of our roosters ruined the backs and heads of our hens.
Go Phoebe! I have one hen who has refused to have anything to do with my rooster. She's broody a lot so that helps. They do have their favorites, don't they? I think my mature gals were happy to see Toby turn his attention to the younger ones this year. Your rooster is very handsome!
Poor Don Juan:) It can't be doing his reputation much good when he's being seen off by a hen! I suspect that Farm Girl may be right and that when Spring arrives the worm will turn and Phoebe will be put firmly in her place.
Your chickens are beautiful, Julie!
Too funny!
I wish we could have a rooster. I know that our gals would be happier and safer.
Don Juan, well that boy needs a hobby has he thought of chasing squirels and giving a gal a rest.Lol
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