In the quiet of the night it came...

heavy wet snow...

winter has arrived in New England...

I am thankful the power remained on...there was much to get accomplished this day...

the pies came together... apple and pumpkin... cranberry bread...made with locally grown organic Maine cranberries...and of course it just would not be Thanksgiving without my mother's recipe for cranberry relish...cranberries..walnuts...marmalade...sugar and lemon juice...delicious!

Out in the coop...Little Josephine is a wonderful mother...she and her babe are safely enclosed in a cage tucked under the nesting boxes...the heat lamp is working overtime keeping them warm and snug...

just a "wisp" of a thing this new babe...this is my first go around with egg hatching...Josephine left the nest on Sunday morning and joined the other chickens in the coop yard...I had
intentions of removing the eggs...but she had been so committed I decided to give her another few days...and Tuesday morning we were in for yet another surprise...

we here at Dog Trot Farm have been twice blessed...this little babe is the spitting image of his proud papa... I bet I can guess what you all are thinking...

COCK-A-DOODLE-DO...Happy Turkey Day !
How wonderful, joyful congratulations to your growing "family"! The chicks are precious, the snow a delight, and the pies look wonderful. Happy Thanksgiving!
Lovely photos!
Such sweet chicks. The year I let my hen have chicks it was during a heat wave. She left the nest after 6 of the nice eggs hatched. 3 of them hatched on their own. It was so weird.
Have a lovely day with all of your families and I wish you many blessings.
Your snow is lovely. Welcome winter.
You have so much going on there for Thanksgiving. How much snow did you get; OMG. We have very good winds today and a little cooler. Oh yes, so glad you still have power if you're still baking. Love those baby chicks; what cuties. Keep them warm! Happy Thanksgiving.
Love the snow pictures though I'm glad that so far I'm not having to cope with actual snow:) Your chicks are gorgeous and that pie looks delicious - Happy Thanksgiving!
brrrr not ready for snow. Those baby chicks look so sweet. Makes me want some! I love the old pine table story.
Happy Thanksgiving
Cindy Bee
(PS - I came here from The Country Mouse)
I'm glad we just had the rain. The snow is beautiful though. The chicks are adorable. I can't wait to hear what names you choose.
Two Julie, TWO! They were little gifts I do believe :) Your snow looks beautiful but I believe I will let you have it. 65 in MissouREE today and sunny they say. Your pie looks too good to eat! Have a wonderful day!!
Just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and to let you know how much I enjoy your blog! you have such a nice style of writing and lovely stories. Your home is beautiful!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Love the photos of your snow; I'm thankful that we have nice sunny weather-in fact it should be in the high 60's today. I love the snow too but am not ready for it.
Hugs, Noreen
Happy Thanksgiving!! Love the chicks. We had rain for the last two days but, I had a feeling you were getting snow.
Love the photo of the precious babies! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Tina xo
Oh Happy Thanksgiving, The chicks are so cute, Cheri
Happy Thanksgiving. Now you even have more to be thankful for on this great feast day. Congratulations. I thought that chicks were hatched in the spring but I guess I was wrong. JB
Well, you make the snow seem like a blessing - so pretty etc. My car is currently stuck in the white stuff - half on the asphalt - half on the still not frozen lawn. And yes I got mad, spun my tires and got buried a little deeper. And I can assure you I was not spouting thanksgiving blessings this morning!
But I do hope you have a wonderful day!
It looks more like Christmas with all that snow there! It is beautiful to look at! But glad we don't have any YET!]
Those chics are precious!!
Hope you have a wonderful day and wish I was eating at YOUR house!!!
Cathy G
This is SO exciting Julie!! Aren't you glad you have the Mr Juan!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!! Ours was PERFECT!
Happy Thanksgiving to you over there on the east coast, Julie! I suppose that by now it is Friday for you, but I'll send this greeting while it's still the special day on this side of the continent.
What a treat to have two little chicks in your coop. So sweet!
Hello dear, congratulations for adorable puppies!
I've seen your previous post, how wonderful, I love your house is full of feeling ... in fact, anyone who loves animals is full of love!
Thanks for the comment to my new project, I'm happy that likes to American ladies, it's an honor!
Beautiful pictures ~ as always. Love those baby chicks.
Hugs :)
Your snow pictures are awesome.
Aww, such beautiful little babies! Hopefully the snow is now all gone!
Ahhh! How wonderful! Spring has come to Maine in the form of baby chicks.
Your photos are so wonderful! That pie is Martha Stewart worthy. And those sweet sweet.
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