Get that smirk of your face...

Here's the situation...lately I find myself unable to sleep...well, let me rephrase that...I do eventually fall does not come easy...but it is safe to say by 2:00 AM I have arrived in slumber land. I am sure the brightness of the winter moon does not help nor Winslow Homer's late night barking episodes, also figure in the role that hormones play in a menopausal women... along with trying to perfect one's holiday season...I dare say sleep does not come easy...Now getting back to the above photo...I have uttered not a word about this morning's see I LOCKED myself out of the house...all I can say is thank goodness I was not in my nightgown...yes, I have been know to deliver breakfast to the girls in my nightie...out the door I went with hot oatmeal and raisins in hand and as soon as the door closed behind me I realized what I had done... No fear I thought... a spare key is hidden in the coop...hidden alright...dare I say I never found that darn key...notice the above guilty faces...beaks help whatsoever...I do believe three rather naughty hens hid the spite...due to the fact that Josephine and her two babes are residing indoors and they are not...So here is a bit of advice...never hide a house key in a hen hide one in an obvious location like a window box...I am so grateful my husband had the sense of mind to do so...just another day at Dog Trot Farm...goodnight.
Julie I needed a good laugh tonight and you supplied it! I don't sleep well either due to not being able to turn off the worry button! I think the three hens knew the poop, I mean scoop and were keeping their beaks zipped. Sleep tight!!!
What a dilemma! I loved your story I could just see the girls wondering what the heck you were doing. Lol
Oh my goodness, Julie! Darn those hens! That is not good, but I'm glad it all worked out.
Hugs :)
Hehe..thanks for the giggle, but I have to confess...I got locked out today too! It wasn't my fault though..the screen door handle broke and it wouldn't budge..luckily I managed to yank hard enough to get it to come open eventually, but I was without a coat or anything on my feet...brrrr.
Hi Julie! Oh boy can I the menopausal nights and to being locked out of the house. I get to sleep ok...I just wake up around 2...head to the bathroom then back to bed and then just lay there and think about everything under the sun. If I get thinking about things too seriously the sweats start. As for a key outside...Henry the kitten must have knocked the key off it's hiding place and it took me about 15 minutes to find it. Good thing it was in the summer! Good luck tonight...I hope you have a good one!
Maura :)
that is so funny, I am so glad that you were not in your nightgown. I am also glad your husband had a spare key hid.
I would be up a creek if that happened to me. Did you take you phone?
I hope you get some sleep. I was thinking about you and your Migraines that hit in December. I hope you don't have any this year. I told my husband the other day that menopause in not for the faint hearted.
Naughty, naughty girls!
And look at all those innocent faces... lol
Maybe a rare species of sneaky chicken? Such a sweet story, if you could but read their minds! Thanks for the smile on this late night. I hope I sleep more tonight than last night, not much fun in the late nights. Thank goodness for resourceful husbands!
What a good job your husband left a spare key in the windowbox! I'm another one who goes to sleep without any trouble but I wake up in the middle of the night - have discovered that a large glass of water by the bed does the trick, I just sit up and have a drink (without putting the light on)then I turn over and go back to sleep. Apparently you often wake because your body is dehydrated. If worrying enters the proceedings the answer is six drops of Rescue Remedy which is kept in my bedside drawer (and another in my handbag, it's wonderful stuff!)
I find feeding the 'girls' in your nightie totally normal :@ And where is the fun in hiding a key in the window box.
LiBBiE in Oz
I think your ladies are mad at you for not bringing them inside too. But gosh hot oatmeal and raisins for breakfast, shame on them. I think the occupants would like to camp at your house.
My sleepless hour is 3 am. I'm up and wide awake! I'm glad you were able to get back into the house!
Thanks for the laugh! I keep spare keys hidden outside as well. I would not want to go to the neighbors for help in one of my "morning barn outfits." Fortunately, this time of year if I'm out in my jammies, I have insulated coveralls over top. Good luck keeping those hens in line!
I know how you feel. Once I got accidentally locked in the garage. Hubby didn't know I was in there and closed the automatic garage door. It was so dark I couldn't find the light switch. I yelled and yelled but he didn't hear me. Eventually, he came hunting for me and discovered what had happened. I didn't know whether "murder" him or hug him.
Oh darlin' your the second blogger this mornin' I've ran across who's locked themselves outta their house.
Girl, I used a product called Menopause Solutions (health food store) that stopped all symptoms for just over a year. No hot flashes, night sweats...etc. Now, it was quite pricy but what's a night's sleep worth?
When it stopped workin' though it stopped. I was back in the throws again! It was a wonderful year though.
I posted about it here:
God bless ya and have yourself a beautiful day!
BTW: Giveaway, My Place...ya'll come! I'll put the cocoa on!!!
Oh dear! And those hens do look guilty!! Glad your hubby hid one somewhere else!!
I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time....but it sure is funny to read. I am picturing the chickens all plotting and whispering "you sit on it" - "no, you sit on it" LOL
Oh this is too funny, not for you at the time, I'm sure.
This is the second blog that I read this afternoon( yes, I'm reading blogs in the afternoon today) that someone locked themselves out of the house. The other one was in purple PJs out to feed the cat and had to climb to the second floor small window to get back in because she couldn't find the hidden key... lol.
About sleepless nights, I've been there and done that, so you have my sympathy. Hugs. JB
I have an issue of hiding things so well I hide them from me. Last winter we started locking our house for the first time in 20 years I knew I would forget so I hid a key I walked around with outside a lot to find the perfect spot. I locked myself out and I could not find the key and it is winter. Cell phones do not work here. I found the key last summer:)
Sleep what is that I have had a hard time sleeping for the past 5 years at least. I hope it resolves it self soon for you.
Cathy poor thing. So glad it all worked out. Those hens...naughty girls.
I thought you were going to say you were locked inot the hen house...which a friend did to herself not long ago.
I'm glad you got in all right1
I hate when stuff like that happens. I also have been having some sleep issues. I have started waking up at four o'clock in the morning. I am exhausted before I even set foot outside my door to go to work. This age/hormone business is for the birds.
That is so you Julie!! Good thing the weather was nice...I think!
Good advice. Wonder which one ate the key?
Hee hee. I'm sorry I shouldn't laugh. However, it is extra funny for me because my dear hubby has locked himself IN our hen house once but...four times! He has this spring latch on the outside and if it shuts while you're gathering eggs you'll get locked in. He's crawled through their door on his hands and knees and been able to unlatch their yard gate and get out but it's been a humbling experience for him LOL! P.S. So excited for your giveaway!!
The previous comment was actually from me. I was just logged in to the wrong account ;)
Oh my - had to laugh outloud at your predicament! You're in good company - not many of us if this age sleep good. I don't either... Your hens do look rather guilty - look at those shifty eyes...
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