I am quite certain it is painfully obvious that I am not tech savvy. My blog is a "Plain Jane" compared to most, attempts have been made to rectify this, however the end result is never pretty. I wipe my brow and breathe a sign of relief when I manage to return my blog back to it's original format. That being said, I have learned to leave well enough alone. Sometimes less is more. This is where intimidation comes in. Completely surprised was I when I open this amazing Christmas gift from my Dear Husband. Stunned, I opened the box and realized a Canon Rebel was staring me in the face along with two additional lenses. "Take it out of the box honey." Nope, don't want to touch it, thought I- intimidation had set in. Oh Lord, how in the world am I ever going to learn how to use this amazing camera. Well, it may be a slow process, but I am determined to conquer it. I mean I received the camera last Sunday and today (Friday) I have actually removed it from it's box, charged the battery, placed the battery and chip in their proper location and have even formatted the camera.

Who said old dogs can't learn new tricks. Stay tuned...
Your going to LOVE it!
Good for you!
I received a Kobo Vox and I have yet to do a think with it. Somehow a book is just so much more user-friendly....sort of like my little point and shoot cannon!
Good luck - you'll put many of us to shame!
You are going to love it. Mine is the same, with the 2 extra lenses. It looks more intimidating than it actually is. Once you get addicted (and you will) buy a portrait lens. Very versatile and less than $150. It's become my favorite lens
Looking forward to seeing many beautiful photos on your blog, hope you have a wonderful weekend. Happy New Year!
What a lucky girl you are! Don't let it intimidate you. If all else fails, just set it on automatic and start taking pictures! Have fun, Dawn
You will do wonderful. Would love to have this camera. I hope you have a wonderful 2012.
OH wow!!! Lucky you, I would love to have one of those, can't wait to see what pics you take!!
That camera has amazing lenses. Don't worry about the bells and whistles. Set it on auto and have a good time.
that camera is amazing. lucky you. I too am challanged in the blogging tecnology my blog is very plain. Lucky you with priscilla the purse. Not sure my friend priscilla from portland would love the name:)
happy new year
What an awesome gift , amazing camera , you will get many years of fun and great pics out of it ! Have a great New Year !hugs lilraggedyangie
What a nice gift! I am still in the process of learning how to use my Nikon I inherited from my son ( he got a new one). I get intimidated too, but on auto it is easy :)
Wow, nice camera! I'm looking at getting a new one soon too! Enjoy!
I wish I could feel that kind of intimidation! Enjoy, Julie!
Your camera looks impressive! Have fun.
What a beautiful camera. Just think of all the fun you will have photographing your hens.
Have a Happy New Year.
Oh it is so beautiful. Just the one I would buy if I was going to take the jump into learning something new. I am so glad you are so brave.
I can't wait to see your new photos but then you have always had such a wonderful eye and really your lighthouse pictures are some of the most beautiful I have ever seen. I still think of the one with the giant wreath and the snow.
You are going to have so much fun.
How wonderful the faith he has in your abilities! Enjoy! Share with us as you learn!
I also got a new camera and it is difficult to know which mode to have it in for different pictures plus I am having a hard tim uploading them and then another problem finding them. Soooo it between trys I will continue to use my cell phone like I have been using for over 2 years. The good thing about the new camera is now I can zoom in on hummingbirds in the feeders this summer.Hopefully I will have it figured out by then :)
Good luck with yours...keep us posted
LOL! I hear ya! My mom bought me a serger for Christmas and the box has not even been opened yet. I am watching how to vids on youtube so I don't go into shock when I look at it!
Awesome gift! What fun you will have learning all the new techniques! Just one step at a time and you'll be clicking away! Have a ball with this!
Happy New Year!
Oh, such sincere camera envy!! I'd so love a nice digital camera. My mom gave me a lovely little camera a couple of Christmas' ago, she'd upgraded and gave me her previously loved one. I also have a NIKON film camera that I ADORE, but the cost of developing the film makes is an occasional use item now. I truly miss using all the lenses and getting just the right focus on something to reflect my feeling of it. Someday, I hope to get the equivalent NIKON DSLR to use my already owned lenses with. Until then...I'll live vicariously through you! Have a great time with it, you've got such a lovely eye for photography! ~Vonnie
You are going to have so much fun Julie! And you have Eve to call! I have had my Nikon for three years and I still get surprised every day! It can make you cranky and overwhelmed too, but it is worth it! You will do great!
Julie ~
You have taken such beautiful pics with your old camera so I can't wait to see pictures with the new one. I am sure we will be totally blown away!
Happy New Year.
Hugs :)
Hi Julie,
First of all, Canons are great cameras, so even on full auto you'll get great photos, especially considering what fabulous subjects you have to hand.
That said, I highly recommend that you take a photography class. I took on in college back in the 1750s, and learned a lot that I still use to this day. Of course, were were still using stone cameras, so the whole digital thing is still new to me.
I am seriously considering taking a digital photo class through one of the adult ed or community college programs in the area. I know I will become more comfortable with the camera if I do, and I'll learn how to use old skills like adjusting the depth of field with the new technology I have.
And who knows, maybe I'll meet you in class!
Nice camera. Wish I had one with extra lenses. I have a pocket camera that should be retired.Its been dropped in the mudd and manure too many times.
Like you, my blog is very simple. Less is better. Plus I can not figure out how to add stuff to it without causing everything to get scrambled! May 2012 bring you Joy.
Come visit when you have a chance!
HA HA!!You'll be fine Julie!!! Have fun and no worries. The greatest thing about a digital camera is "delete"!!! A picture a day (or 300) will solve all problems!
You will love it!! You can do this - I was intimidated a bit too in the beginning. But no longer! And I'm finally delving into some (gasp) non-auto settings :) Enjoy, and do not fear!! -Tammy
I am the 'old dog' who could not learn the new trick of a complicated camera. I had to give up after a couple years. Maybe my pictures aren't so great now, but I'm happier with my little point and shoot. I did a little blog entry on giving it up.
I wish you much better luck with yours. It could be just my brain. :<)
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