The Old Homestead...

The New Year is rapidly approaching. Once again it is time to take stock of our lives, reflect on the past and ponder goals for the future. In other words, "keep putting one foot in front of the other." We purge our homes attempting to put our "house" in order. Ring out the old, Ring in the new, January is the month of "new beginnings." It is also the time to gather together our holiday finest, dismantle the Christmas tree, the bangles, bobbles and sparklie things which are now carefully wrapped in tissue, placed in their proper boxes and returned to the darkness of the attic.

I will miss the brightness that only Christmas lights can offer and also the fragrance of Balsam in the house. I do admit I miss seeing the snow. The above photo of our home was taken back in October. What snow we did receive has since been washed away....

This Christmas season was a bit off, I can't pinpoint as to the reason why. I dedicated myself to each season. I did not rush Halloween nor Thanksgiving. I did not take one Christmas decoration out of storage until December, nor did I shop. December blew in like a whirlwind, ultimately I came to the conclusion I function much more efficiently when prepared and are things are accomplished a head time.

2012 is now on our doorstep...I wish you all a Happy New this new year bring you joy and happiness and all that is good in the world...
Happy New Year. I hope 2012 continues to bring good health to all, including dear Winslow Homer. And I hope the fox finds a taste for berries, not feathers.
Hugs, Kim (and Millie)
Happy new year. may the new year bring you peace and joy.
Happy New Year to you and your family!
And a happy new year to you too Julie!
Happy New Year Julie, and thanks for visiting my blog and leaving sweet comments in 2011. I'm looking forward to your continued visits.
How exciting to get a Canon Rebel. Mine is a Canon Rebel T1i and I love it. I need another zoom lens but I've put it off as I've been too busy to really get into photography. If I can use the Rebel T1i, you can too.
Love the Chicken purse, I just saw one on Kim's blog just now.
Wishing all the best for 2012. Hugs, Julia
I wish you the best in 2012, you have brought so much joy into my life. Thank you for always sharing about Dog Trot Farm. I am looking forward to visiting with my friend in Maine in the New Year.
Blessings Julie, you have blessed my life.
Hello Julie, I will just leave your answer here as lately my gmail takes days for it to reach people. No, my husband did it. I told him what I wanted and we sat here just about one hour or so and made it. He was fooling around with this program on his computer. He has always liked arranging music so it came out nice. He is doing some more and it sounds pretty good.
I am glad you liked the video. I know why I am tired all of the time. :)
Have a great 2012 my friend,
Hugs from me to you,
All the best in 2012.
Happy New Year.
Have a wonderful New Year!
Happy New Year to you and yours - to your girls and to Winslow Homer too.
Happy New Year Julie! May 2012 be kind and good to all at Dog Trot. I loved reading your comments this morning :) Hugs to you.
Happy 2012 Julie! Best wishes for a wonderful year to you and your family. We're going to watch the Lobster Dip in OOB @ noon today (Jan. 1st) should be fun!
My tree came down yesterday Julie. With a little house you can only keep it up so long! I'm ready for the new year for sure. I have daffodils coming up in the garden a blooming lenten rose and fringe bush!!!! When did THAT happen!!!!
Happy New Year to all at Dog Trot Farm!!!
Happy New Year! Reading your blog was a delightful way to begin 2012...lovely photos and pithy words.
Happy, happy New Year to you and everyone at Dog Trot Farm, Julie. May 2012 be a happy, peaceful and laughter-filled year for all.
Happy New Year Julie! Hope that 2012 holds many good things for you and your family but especially I hope it brings health and happiness.
Thank you for the nice comment on the photo - in general I am a good deal more prim and proper than I was there{:)
Things were off for me this year as well. I couldn't decide what it was, really. But I do think you have a point.. I function better also when I'm prepared. And I definitely was not prepared! Happy New Year to you and yours!! -Tammy
Happy New Year to you, my friend. Dawn
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