Last week was nothing but a "gosh darn" bust... my "to do" list remained body felt off... tired...weak...all I wanted to do was sleep...and guess what? I listened to my body, I slept. No walks, no household organization, no baking...I do not deny the laundry did mount and dust bunnies grew. I did however muster enough energy to make my dental appointment. I knew if I cancelled, odds were I would not be rescheduled for months. After a clean bill of health, no cavities, the word ORTHODONTIST was mentioned. It appears my lower teeth are spreading, spreading? Age related I'm told, now I ask you is there anything beneficial to the aging process? oh... right "WISDOM" Lord have mercy. Yesterday, being a beautiful sunny day I was more than ready for an outing. I am one for taking the "road less travelled" especially a dirt road, preferably out in the middle of nowhere. We found ourselves travelling down this road enjoying the scenery out in the middle of nowhere... Honestly, I saw no "DEAD END" sign...but I did notice this sign looming in the foreground. Yes indeed it caught my attention: NO TRESPASSING:
CONTROL. ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK" Well you can't get your point across much clearer than this. I had the feeling that beyond this point was book material for Maine horror author Steven King... Cujo, Carrie, Salem's Lot...I know if you are familiar with any of Mr. Kings books you get my drift...

I kinda like that sign. Very polite and to the point :-)
It doesn't matter what you all sounds so gosh darn interesting! Your writing style is wonderful and I enjoy reading you very much.
Hot chocolate...mmmmmm.
So you are having warm weather too? At least you have some clouds in that shot. We don't even have clouds but abundant sunshine. I have done every rain dance I know to do, All of our cars are spick and span, I was thinking today, maybe I should just wash all of my windows. Maybe that will bring a storm or 10.
I am glad you rested. Last week was a hard push for me too.
That sign was really something.
I am glad you like dirt roads. They are nice to run across and see where they end up.
I am glad your cabin was in good shape too.
Have a great week,
that is one scary sign. Glad you are feeling more like yourself and out and about again.
Yikes! That is a scary sign!
Are we talking 'braces' here? I'm thinking I'll be needing them soon enough. Probably about the time I'm 50. Someone else I know has them and she's 50-something.
Nothing like a little leisurely trip on the country road.
I think that the farmer is taking all precaution against poachers of cattle. I think that his sign is precise and to the point. We have some no trespassing signs on our land that are ignored and the trespassers damage the fields that have to be repaired at our expense and time.
Wearing braces must need to get used to. Lets hope that you won't need them. JB
How pretty!!What great pictures. I love to see everybodys weather in the different parts of the world.
Hi there - thank you so much for your uprayers for my little friend Kristen. She went home today! She still has her speech therapy to do and we're still waiting on the path report, but things are on the mend.
Beautiful photos there with your new camera. I think I would avoid both that farm AND the ice right now! Great photos - I think I need one of those cameras!
I think that's a great Keep Out sign, it's polite and explains why. As for camp and the pond it looks so beautiful and peaceful.
Teeth spreading when you get older? That's the first I've heard of it! I suspect that the orthodontist is out to make 'a few dollars more'! I'm 65 and as far as I can tell my teeth are in the same place they've always been:)
A lovely country road...
Wow, I would have been very afraid! You pictures are tremendously beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing them. I really enjoy your blog so much.
Julie you make me laugh! I'm not much on techie stuff either. I shot on the big A, Auto on my camera forever until I felt brave enough to move that little dial. I do not know how to work our GPS and now I just put the place I am going into my phone and it gets me there. Better still I just print out a Mapquest route-I like that best. It has been crazy warm here to for days and days and no rain or snow. I have heard the word braces at my Dentist's office and they were talking about ME!
I rather liked the sign...I wonder how many obey it? I know people around here who would just 'come on in'.
We have been sick around here too. Glad you are feeling better and had an outing. You have to wonder what the guard dogs would have done to you if you had gotten out of the car.
Oh my. I felt the same last week. I longed for the peace of that first week of the new year. My Dad's hip replacement was mending nicely, my children and their friends were packed off with all the surplus Christmas goodies, and yet, I felt a little low. Not the bundle of new year energy that I expected to be. Didn't accomplish half of what I had planned. Didn't ride, paint, or stitch. Continued to work half-heartedly on the overhaul of my workroom. This week, I must say, has been better so far. Guess we just need to allow ourselves a little down time now and again. Time to re-charge the batteries. Doesn't help that the weather can't seem to decide what season it wants to be. Wishing good things for you in this new year!
I just posted on Facebook...If it wasn't for Stephen King, Clowns and Fog wouldn't be so scary!! I thought this as I walked up my foggy drive the other day. Well, it could be the last 4 days now. Fog Fog Fog!!! Get that GPS out and the camera Jules!!!!
PS those people must be from England. They are very polite. My sign says "If you can read this, you're in range!"
I'd back away from a scare sign like this!!!
I love the first line..."we do not want to appear unfriendly." Heeehehehhee!!!
Beautiful pics sweetie.
God bless ya and have a stupendous day!!! :o)
I think the sign is really good. There are a lot of old roads that seem to go nowhere but which end up at a dead end in someone's yard with barking, scary dogs rushing the car (if you are lucky, and didn't walk). I thought these folks were most considerate. The dogs would just be doing their job by protecting 'their' livestock against intruders. I love how they put their phone number there.
I wonder if the place would have been on your gps. :<)
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