Lessons learned from Christmas past...

The month of December was nothing short of a blur...It all began with the annual hunt for the perfect Christmas tree...just so you know there is an unspoken rule in our home that I choose the Christmas tree....(Advice from the late Tasha Tudor) In my opinion this once a year event should not be hurried but savored. I enjoy walking up and down each row of scented balsam... breathing deeply the cold winter air ...the earth blanketed in a sea of white. My husband is in charge of the tape measure and hand saw....this Christmas however, my husband found the perfect tree...I was in charge of the tape measure... there was no sea of white...December became the month of shopping...wrapping...baking...visiting...there was no time to do anything else. Typically we enjoy attending a Christmas concert or play...local craft fairs and touring historic homes decked out in their holiday finest...we watch the old Christmas movies...It's A Wonderful Life being our personal favorite...There is Christmas Eve service to attend and an evening meal to cook and it would not be Christmas without the local tour of holiday lights....Let me state right here right now I did not rush the seasons, no sireeeee... I enjoyed Autumn, Halloween and Thanksgiving...I put a smile on my face and gave them my full attention...Christmas decorations did not appear nor did my beloved Christmas tree (which remained unadorned till the second week of December)...I'm returning to my old ways, ways that work for me...2012 Christmas shopping has begun...Christmas Eve dinner will be made in the crock pot... beef stew and biscuits....I have 11 months to put my hands on It's A Wonderful Life...the dvd that simply vanished... wrapping presents on Christmas Eve...sinful...addressing Christmas cards in July while sitting at the beach....a grand idea...Next Christmas I'll be back to my old ways....this" enjoy the moment" is for the birds....if I am to be stressed out it is going to be on my terms...and the search for the perfect Christmas tree...I realize I don't mind carring the tape measure after all!
I have had those same thoughts. I have never ever had a year like this year, I have never gone shopping in December. I got a package to you for your birthday. I had great plans for my other friends. Zip, I had boxes of cards to send, zip. It was terrible. I didn't even finish my projects I wanted to do in December so I am finishing them up now. I will put them away for next year. Talk about stressed.
I think I lost a few years in trying to enjoy the season. I wanted to just enjoy Thanksgiving.
It almost turned me into a Bah!! Humbug.!!!
Like you, I am going to be getting ready all year. :) Maybe that isn't so bad.
I watched one Christmas movie and no more, I listened to Christmas music twice.
So glad you voiced this, it makes me happy, I wasn't the only one.
Hey, have you used your new camera?
Thank you for that! I needed that one really bad, and am actually going to save it into a file.. which will pop up periodically as a reminder to me in my task list/email!! Seriously, I am! You put it all into perfect words. Exactly what happened to me!! Thank you, thank you, thank you ♥ Happy New Year! -Tammy p.s. Christmas Eve dinner in the crockpot is perfect. My guys will have to deal with it ;)
This all makes perfect sense to me if I could just pull it off. Maybe this is the year. Happy new year! Jan
Finding the perfect tree was always my job too. Big, fat, bushy and perfect - I would accept nothing less. My grandfather taught me how to pick the perfect tree until he passed away. I carried on the tradition admirably until this year.
I bought an artificial pre-lit tree. I bought a good one and guess what?? People couldn't tell the difference - some even when up and touched it to be sure.
I'm right there with you, my friend! I was also still wrapping on Christmas Eve. I'm going to try to buy several gifts per month until December gets here and have most of it behind me so I can also enjoy the many blessings of the season. Have a great week! Dawn
You make me laugh Julie! I wish I had you're sense of tradition! I just barley sneak by each year...and as you must know I failed miserably this time around! :-/
Julie ~
I know exactly what you mean when you said December was a blur. Usually I try to get my shopping done by Thanksgiving. This year I failed miserably and I vow not to wait until fall if I am going to give hooked mats for gifts! Too much stress and pressure!!!
Happy shopping!
Hugs :)
Tee hee! Go for it, remember that oldie? I did it my way! Sounds great!
We had a very diffrent Christmas this year. while I missed out on family and my dear sweet miss baby. I found a lot of peace in the season. No hurried shopping,No crazy decorating, no constant cooking. We watched movies, looked at the holiday lights, and enjoyed each others company. I agree with you we get so caught up in the season that we forget to take a breath and enjoy the season.
Hi Julie,
I think you are just having a little PCSD (post Christmas stress disorder)! It can be treated with a nice orange and cinnamon spiced cup of hot tea with a left over Christmas cookie!
I actually played a little Christmas music today after a week or so without it..
I will try and send some snow your way if you think it would help!
Hugs and warm wishes my friend!
Cathy G
There's a lot of wisdom in this - when I get things done ahead of time there's time to sit back and enjoy the season!
I love shopping all year and then you can go to the stores or malls right before Christmas only if you want to and not because you have to. I will also be doing a lot of things different and I know I will never make 28 quilts for gifts and some to sell again. The older I get the more I slow down...and I think that is a good thing :)
You are a girl after my own heart! I've already started my shopping! I took a lot of breaks this season, and I might do it next year too!
Keep warm!
It sounds like a good plan to me. I'm already getting stressed out over valentines day. You just can't win.
Julie you crack me up! CH and I never got with the program for Christmas. I never got the Christmas spirit, both of us spent the holidays under the weather and I am just now feeling like I am ready to face the world. We did have a peaceful Christmas and just hung out at home. We did some crazy making shopping one day and I was cooked. I can't even think about next year, I am just going to to enjoy and try to make it thru today!
Julie I think you managed to state everything that I have been feeling lately!December seems to have passed me right by and all the hopes and thoughts I had for it seems to have vanished in the blur.Hugs,Jen
I always look forward to each holiday and each season. January is the month of snow for me (and birthdays, including my own) so I have snowmen as my theme, then Valentines and the list goes on.
I love each season, but more than all I love summer.
At least you're done for this year! I still have Christmas shopping to do for a family get together on Jan 7th. Will it never end???!!!
I think you're on to something! I like the idea of slowly prepping for Christmas all year long, especially when it comes to finding the perfect gift.
Happy New Year! I enjoy your blog so much.
What happened this year? It really was just a blur. I feel the same way.
I've always believed in advance planning for Christmas, lots of cooking and baking for the freezer in late November,write 5 or 6 cards a day through November, presents bought mostly online and wrapped by mid-December. Major house clean the first week in December then I put the tree etc up around the 8th-10th and sit back and enjoy the season:)
This Christmas found me sick with a bad cold and very tired, not even a single Christmas card addresses with the pile sitting on my desk, hardly any baking to speak of, the outdoors lights still in the big box, not even opened... What normally take me one afternoon to decorate the ARTIFICIAL tree and the house took me 5 days.
After contemplating what I did that was different than usual, I came to the conclusion that I have spent way too much time on Blogger. Maybe next year I'll have to tackle this in a different way.
I've already started to plan for next Christmas. My daughters and I are having a Gingerbread decorating contest. There is a whole year to tackle this. JB
I love it Aunt Julie. Ask Mum or Essie for my e-mail I wanted to send you a site I think you will love! Thank you again for the horses, they are in my curio with my other horses and look amazing. Give everyone hugs for me :o)
I wonder what it was about this year that we all had such a hard time? It was a blur for me as well. Even tho we use an artificial tree (sinful, I know but there are allergy issues with the family)the season just passed without the sentimental effects that I so love. I do hope things go back to normal for all of us next year.
Happy New Year to all!
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