How delighted I was to have received the Tasha Tudor Museum Newsletter in the mail yesterday. Long ago, I discovered this lovely women and her world. Not only was it her art work that drew me to her, but more importantly her lifestyle. When I stumbled over the words "from the time Tasha Tudor was a little girl she new exactly what she wanted: to live on a secluded farm where she could surround herself with gardens, a household menagerie of pets, barnyard animals and art" I knew I had found a kindred spirit.

How I wished to step inside Tasha's private world. The Corgies, Minou the one eyed cat, Hannah and Pegler Tasha's African gray parrots, the nubian goats. Many a time I was tempted to sign up for Tasha's garden tours offered at her beloved Corgi Cottage. I was always hesitant, I am realistic enough to realize that even perfect worlds have their flaws. After Tasha Tudor passed away, there was a rift among her four children. Money, possessions, and even her ashes were fought over. (finally resolved) I am glad I did not go on that tour, but prefer to remember Tasha through her many books. The Tasha Tudor Museum is alive and well located at the Jeremiah Beal House in West Brattleboro, Vermont. Recently I discovered a blog titled "An Historical Lady" Mary Spencer and her husband Adam are living history reenactors and have been invited by Amy Tudor to present their program at the Tasha Tudor Museum this summer. I do hope to attend, how lovely it would be to meet Mary andAdam, to admire all the hard work the Tudor Family and friends have done to create such a museum honoring this incredible women we know as Tasha Tudor...
Tasha Tudor was amazing.
I could live that lifestyle too.
My mail held sale flyers for spring plantings, there were a lot of day lilies in the mix. Tasha Tudor hated day lilies. Then I came to visit and you were talking about Tasha.
Hi there, As soon as I saw the title of your post, I knew I had to read it. I too have been taken with Tasha's life, her artwork, her simplicity and finding beauty in the everyday. I tried to get the book of her philosophies but had trouble finding it online. I would love to visit her museum. I so enjoy your blog(even though I don't often comment)because I love animals and would have more dogs if I could.
Have a great weekend.
I always loved Tasha Tudor,I loved her simplicity and her art and animals. Thanks for telling more about her. Cheri
I also love the way Tasha Tudor lived....& by her own rules. I'm thinkin' I,too, would rather hold on to the way I imagine her living rather then see someone trying to make a dollar off her memory. That's so not her! Jan
I love the world according to Tasha Tudor. Like Beatrix Potter, she created her own world. Just the week after Christmas I found one of her books for $.50 at the library used book sale. It was my first to own, after reading through them off & on for years. I hope you get to make the journey, and will tell us when you do!
When I saw your post title on another blog, I knew I had to come over and read what you had to say! I had the honor of meeting her many years ago thru a mutual friend when she was at the Cincinnati Garden Show. They were short handed in her booth and asked me to help, since I've done shows for years and knew what to do. Afterward my husband and I had a private meeting with her while she ate lunch! You can imagine how thrilled I was ~ she was a dear sweet lady ~ one I'll always remember. I'm going to get on the newsletter list ~ so glad I saw your blog tonite!
How I would love to visit the museum! Maybe some day...
Tasha Tudor is a favourite of mine too. I first discovered her through the book The Private World of Tasha Tudor which I bought on a visit to Williamsburg. Since then I've acquired pretty much all the books about her life plus a couple of videos. My favourites are the two books about her garden and crafts. It was sad to see all the wrangling that took place after her death though.
I know virtually nothing about Tasha Tudor - off to find out what I can!
Some people are just amazing beyond words..Thank you for sharing that
Sounds like she followed her dream. To bad all of us didn't plan and follow our dreams
I would love to see this couple reenact Tasha Tudor life on her farm. I always love reading anything about her.
I don't know a great deal about her, other than the 'pop culture' info. but your post has made me want to investigate her more! Thank you!
It sounds lovely and I hope you get to go. It makes me sad sometimes to know that people did things like that. I know that sometimes it is better to remember them as I think they are. I have read some biography's That made it hard for me to go back to those books I once loved. Now I am very, very careful what I read. I don't need to know the dirt, they were after all human, just like me. It sounds wonderful to sit and read before the fire.
Take your camera!!!!
I just love your blog, and I love Tasha Tudor. I have enjoyed her for years and always wanted to make a trip to her home and have tea. It never worked out but would have been fun. I have two corgi's. Tasha and Winslow. Hee Hee. Thanks for you fun blog. Kay
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