Note the fire truck...

I know the above photo doesn't look like much, however it is evidence to my story. Yesterday I met my mom, who is spending a couple of days off the Island to run errands and doctors' appointments. With ample time between appointments my mom decided it might be a good opportunity to have a much needed hair cut. The salon we opted for was new to us, however, the stylists were friendly and a twenty minute wait was doable. Also, the salon offered a nice selection of what I refer to as "trash" reading material. Who knew the "in" color for spring is mint green. Off in the distance I overheard the stylist talking with my mom, asking her what she was looking for in a hair cut and also stating she would be happy to color her hair. I heard my mom answer "not today." The next thing I knew an extremely loud fire alarm was screeching. We all looked at one another...I grabbed my mom...pulled the salon cape off and we along with everyone else promptly headed out the door...the entire strip mall was being evacuated...45 minutes fire was discovered... we were back in business. Now, I have to admit I am one of those people who have wondered what one would do if in the middle of having your hair dyed or highlighted (as in my case) and a fire alarm sounded. Would your hair over process and fall out? How about being in the middle of a yearly physical, your legs propped in stirrups, your dress, a paper johnny and you need to evacuate. You're on the eight floor- do you grab your clothes or just run holding your paper johnny closed...Ya, I know my mind can conjure up some strange, but valid scenarios... come on, I can't be the only one.
Hahaha, your mind works like mine. Years ago (when I was young and more vain) I used to sometimes visit the tanning beds. I always worried about your scenario. Unless I was unconscious - I would grab my clothes!
Heck I am just glad your Mom didn't leave with green hair. That is where I thought you were going with that. Gosh, I don't know, my greatest fear has been that I would be someplace and a earthquake would happen. It happened once when my boys were in one theater and I had the younger kids and we were there to see Lord of the Rings and we had a earthquake.
That was scary being separated from my children, but the earth quake went along with the movie so few people knew, they thought they had upgraded seats.
Next time I am in the doctors office I will be thinking about it.
I would put my clothes on really fast. Glad there was no fire!
I'm so glad there wasn't a fire! That would have been horrible!
I would have to grab my clothes and knowing myself so well I probably would put them on before I evacuated the building! LOL! Glad that it was only a scare and not a real kfire.Hugs,Jen
Julie ~
Food for thought. I think I'd have to opt for clothes ~ really don't want to scare those trying to rescue me :)
You're not the only one. I've wondered about the hair scenario. Last year, I was in the salon for highlights when the city shut the water off to the whole shopping center. Fortunately, I had just been rinsed, but there were several who had their "do's" finished with bottled water. Yikes!
LOL what a thought...but we should be prepared for anything right??? I think I'd be grabbing my clothes ;)
Hope your week has been good so far.
Maura :)
There are a lot of us weird thinkers out there in Blogdom!
I was once in a hotel fire - out in the street in my not-so-pretty pj's. After that I bought some very modest, very covered-up pj's!
My mom always likes to joke about the power going out during a mammogram. LOL!
The first thing I thought of when I saw that picture was, 'Hey! We ate at that Panera last year when we went up to Portland for the day!'
I know I would grab my clothes before I dashed out a door.Lol
Wow, I've never thought of this before, but you can bet I will now, especially during the mammogram. I don't think I will tell my sister about this though because she loves new ideas to worry about, I mean seriously worry about. This would keep her up all night long!
Oh my gosh I can't stop laughing!!!
Did you guys have to mention mammograms? I get mine tomorrow. Lets hope there are no storms, accidents or anything else that can cause me problem.
This happened to my sister while she was sitting in the dentists chair having her teeth cleaned in a highrise on the 46th floor in NY City.
She grabbed her stuff & ran. When she got to the street she realized she still had the"bib" on!
What a scenario. I'm like Farm Girl, I thought that your mom was going to have a green dye job. lol...
I'd grab my coat, pants and boots for sure. Now, I'll be thinking of this on my next doctor visit.
Can you believe that the word verification is glyfire. JB
Ahh, too funny! I'd put my clothes on! Fast! Great story, I'm sure you'll have lots of laughs over it!
oh my funny...but could have been not so funny. I am still laughing...
I confess that I've never really thought about it before but I guess I'd make for the exit with as much dignity as I could muster! The visual images you conjured up made me laugh though:)
Were you in the SuperCuts?? My bus goes in that plaza every day!
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