I believe that each of us has an inner voice...a voice that helps guide us through our everyday life...I also believe departed loved ones can aid in our decision making by sending signs...case in point...I received so many warm and heartfelt comments regarding my post about Sweet Emma Lou...one particular comment read "I know what your husband is getting you for Valentines Day"...my husband read this too and asked me if I was ready for another cat..."no" I replied...however my inner voice instructed me to look at the website of our local animal refuge league...today I made a visit...
two fat hens (or roosters). . .
2 hours ago
Yes, Yes, Yes! Bring sweet Lida home to DOg Trot Farm. I believe in signs.
I don't know if it's a sign or not but I've always said that saving an animals life can never be a bad thing. I'm sure Lida would love a home and family of her own once again,
She is waiting for you, precious Emma Lou knows that Lida needs a home and that you have a loving home to offer. When I had my old house I found that one of the owners had been named Ms Lida Lawrence, I'd never heard that name before and I thought it was such lovely name. Yes I think someone is trying to tell you something.
Take care,
Yes, it is a sign and I think it was sent by Sweet Emma Lou. Lida needs to come home with you. :)
I would say a most definite "YES"!! Go rescue Lida!! You must be ready if you are already looking and this one couldn't have made it any clearer to you that she is suppose to be yours :)
I think LIDA found her furever home! I love green eyes!
Cathy G
Think how happy she would be to come and live with you! You might still grieve your beloved kitty, and you should...but your heart is big enough for this lovely lady...Go Get Her!
It sure is!!!! Go for it and such a pretty name.
I believe that too.
Hi...My siamese died 10 years ago and I did not replace her right away. I waited almost a year...I always go to the Humane Society...I looked and looked because my heart was with Siamese cats...they all purred and begged to be taken home but none spoke to my heart. Then one day my mom, my sister and I went into the Humane Society...we looked at all the cats..my sister was ahead of me and she looked in the last cage on the bottom and called me and said..here's one with blue eyes..he was white with brown points. I picked him up and knew at once he was the one. I walked around with him and up to the front desk and asked about him. They had just picked him up from under a house..he was with his mother and 2 others, which were not siamese. The lady at the front desk said he could not be adopted for 5 days. We were about 45 miles from home I told her and I begged and told her that I would bring him back if someone came in to claim him, lucky for me they did not. I then went to the Goodwill Store and bought him a basket and some blankets and took him home. He is now 9 years old and weighs 20lbs.You can check him out on my blog..by clicking on older posts. I just think when you find one you will know it in your heart.
My previous cat that died 10 years ago did the purring and begging and was just as sweet as could be until I got her home...I picked her up and she swatted at my eye cutting my eyelid and I had to go to ER for a few stitches...but she was a good cat...evidently she did not like being held a certain way.
Good Luck in finding your special kitty.
Smiles and Huggs
Well, gee, I think if if felt like a sign to you then it was a sign. It tugged at something in your soul. I do believe animals are sent to us. We have had animals show up and they fit our family perfectly, and whatever person needed that animal usually was the one that the person/animal connection was the strongest. I am sure that Lida needed an owner as much as you needed a kitty. It sounds like a good deal to me.
I would say it is a sign and lida has a new home.
That's a flashing neon sign :)
I think Lida would have a wonderful home with you go for it!
I believe there is no question that you have been guided in the direction of that sweet girl. You were nudged to the site. There is a girl there who needs your gifts of love, and nurturing. She has characteristics similar to your Emma Lou. With all the standard, cliched names that are tagged on to shelter cats, she has the same lyrical name as your grandmother. I think not coincidence. Karen
I think you've already answered your own question. A similar cat? Yes. But your grandmother's name? Definitely. Besides, Lida needs a home where she will be loved and doted on. And isn't that what you do best? ;)
First, so sorry to hear of Emma Lou's passing. I know the place she held in you heart and home.
To today's question. I cannot believe she isn't home with you now. I totally believe they find us when the time is right. You've been found.
She sounds purrrfect for you!
It's a sign....go for it.....she looks like our Misskitty...
I believe that it's a coincidence. I believe that your first instinct of not replacing Emma is the right one. Although she's a nice cat needing a home, and her name is Lida like your grandmother you had made a decision for a reason. Making a decision when you are grieving is not the right time. Give it a bit more time. If she is to be yours it's because you want her , not because of some spirit sending you signals.
My opinion only.... Hugs. JB
Hi Julie. I truly think it was a sign. I got a sign and you saw my Blog this week :)
Things happen in the strangest ways.
Pretty kitty, I hope you get great joy & friendship from your new friend.
You asked for an opinion, I will give you mine, you do not not have to agree. Saying that, here I go jumping off my thin edge I am standing on.
I do not believe in coincidences, I believe all things are in control by my Father's hands. I believe so often things come up, like your kitty's name etc. that speak to us way down deep in us. They remind us of people, places, situations, etc. that have become a fixture in our lives, or perhaps our families. When these times arise, and they do, it is almost like we know them already. I believe because the incident, person, place, etc feel so familiar to us. It is like we recognize them, and relate to them.
That being said, I do not believe we can have any contact whatsoever with anyone who has died. I belive the wall between us is fixed, and cannot be crossed. I believe the Bible says no to this.
I do believe darker forces work to make us believe that we can continue in the type of family,or friend, etc. relationships that exist for us as human beings once one has died, but I do not believe it is possible.
I believe in our very needful selves we want to cling to who, and what we perceive as loving or good, and sometimes take things as being a "sign" from another. Sometimes our feelings mislead us, other times we can be influenced by something as simple as a comment from someone else, written or verbal.
Sometimes our inner child relates to the familiar, and seems to need to cling to the past that was good. Like when I use Momma's old dishes I get the warm fuzzy feeling of her beside me eating out of the too. These feelings are based on my love of her, it is a way of not letting go, I think. The reality is though, she will never be with me here again, her death seperated us from that.
My own 2 cents, perhaps not worth that much even. Were I you, I would simply assume this delightful creature is now yours, and the name is the same as your grandmother's but nothing beyond that.
No need to publish all this unless you choose to, just wanted to answer your question to the best of my very limited understanding.
I don't know Julie. Sign or no sign if you heart is ready and I think it is, Lida is going to love life at Dog Trot Farm. Lucky kitty! Julie I can't figure out the dang words to prove I am not a robot. I am on my third try!
I think it is definitly a sign! Sometimes even though we don't think we are ready, someone else knows better and shows us that we are. She needs a home and you have one that is loving and kind. When was the last time you heard or came across your grandmother's name? That should tell you something! She's beautiful and she purred, it appears ment to be to me!
OK...I've got tears in my eyes. Yes!!! It is a sign. Do it!
Oh my goodness, it sure could be a sign. Are you ready yet? That is the big questions. I'm sure Lida would be very happy at Dog Trot Farm though. Good luck, Dawn
I think this is a sign and you should go for it. A new kitty can never replace one that has passed on but it can bring you some Joy and Love. Plus you will find another kitty to learn all the habits of. That Kitty looks a lot like my Pickles :)
Hope to see a picture of her in your blog soon and saying that she is now in her forever home
I think you should bring her home :)
YES!! What are you waiting for!!
perhaps the fact that you went to the animal refuge in the first place is the sign. >^..^<
I do believe so. And I bet as I write this, she is at home with you or soon will be. Keep us posted, which I know you will.
Yes ,I was looking for a siamese kitten for my daughter when she was little and got my Katie who has since passed years ago at the humane society she jumped at the cage when she saw me and was not a kitten.I brought her home at first she would hide under the bed, I slowly got her to get out from under the bed. She was my best cat ever! That was a sign!Someone needs you.Cheri
It certainly is a sign, she's beautiful. Go and get her straightaway!
Oh yes. Take your sweet Lida home. It was meant to be.
Definitely a sign. That little Lida belongs to you. I believe she was sent by your Sweet Emma Lou!
I too have an old cat. You would not be showing any disrespect to Emma Lou to pass on the love and generosity that you had shown your oldster. I think it is a fine tribute. Emma Lou may have sent her your way. Take care, Mary A
I've been offline for a few days, so missed the post about your loss - I'm so sorry.
A sign? But of course! Get right back there and bring Miss Lida home with you!
Julie ~
I think there is a consensus here ... lol!
Lida is beautiful and I thank you for rescuing, whether it is Lida or some other furbaby!
Hugs :)
I believe in signs so YES...bring her home! She purred she said yes as soon as she saw you!!!
I would definitely take that as a sign!
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