Thank you all dear friends for your kind words in regards to the death of my Sweet Emma Lou. It was her time and I know she is in a better place. Your heart felt comments will certainly aid in the healing of my broken heart. On a happier note I thought I would share a seafood recipe with you. Most people enjoy seafood, I on the other hand do not, nor do I enjoy the aroma, if I am being honest I would tell you the smell of seafood makes me sick...okay gag...

It is scallop season in Maine, and fresh scallops are at a premium, $16.00 a pound. My parents who were visiting us last Sunday, purchased two pounds of scallops, fresh right off the boat. My husband was plain giddy with the thought of making this recipe, Scallop Puffs. This is an Island recipe and if you enjoy scallops it more than likely make you giddy too. We broke out the Fry Daddy, a gift I had given my husband five or more years ago. It had never never seen the light of day as normally we do not consume fried foods. If I recall correctly I purchased the Fry Daddy for making dough boys, a favorite food my husbands enjoys when visiting county fairs. Back to Superbowl Sunday, I had a turkey roasting in the oven, turkey being my favorite food, I was not about to let the odor of deep frying scallops intertwine with the delicious aroma of turkey roasting. Undeterred, my husband set up shop on the back porch and fried those puppies till they were a light golden brown. All I heard was "Bill these are delicious," "do you want more Nanny?" "Pile them on" I guess they must have been delicious as they devoured the entire pound...Here is the recipe...
Mix first five ingredients together, no not over mix batter. Cut scallops into small pieces and fold into batter. Heat desired amount of oil over medium high heat ( WE USED THE FRY DADDY-ONE HEAT ONLY!) Drop batter by the teaspoon into hot oil and cook on both sides until golden brown, about 2-3 minutes per side. I hope you enjoy!
I'm with you on the fish odor thing. Only a few fish that I'll eat, too. How nice that the scallops were enjoyed, though...enough that you shared the recipe. Although, just sayin'...I won't be writing it down. {grin}
Mmm those sound heavenly to me.
Mmmm...those scallop puffs look amazing!
I'm sorry that you are not a fan of seafood but it's awfully nice of you to share the recipe just the same.
I happen to have come from the north shore and practically lived on seafood when I was younger, mostly fish though but my favorites are scallops and lobster.
Thanks. Hugs JB
How did I miss your sweet kitty's passing? I'm sorry to hear about that. She lived a Long, Long time and I know she had a lovely home with people who loved her dearly...
I DO enjoy seafood, and these scallop puffs sound heavenly. IF I could get some fresh seafood here in Texas (and we don't live near the coast - I don't know even know if they can get scallops this far south... hmmmm...)
Well I laughed through this whole post, I detest any kind of fish, shrimp, crab, you name it. I read it out loud and about fell out of the chair when you said it made you gag.
My husband and kids love any kind of fish and they do eat it and I always want to hide.
I bet it is rough for you living in Maine.
I think it sounds like a very good recipe though.
Thanks for the laugh Julie, I am glad you are doing better today.
You have my mouth watering. Fresh scallops are a real treat. Neat recipe too.
I am not sure if I would like them either but will be trying some because I got a recipe from Paul Anka about 20 years ago that will be included in my celebrity cook book I am almost ready to put up for sale. This one also has an avocado salad and have never tried avocados either. I do love cat fish nuggets cooked in the oven. I will have to check out the price of scallops as all fish is high priced here in the Midwest unless you catch your own. Did you take a little bite to test them..ya never know you might like them :)
I like fish but don't like shellfish at all so the scallops are not something I'd be likely to try. Glad the rest of your family enjoyed them though:)
I never get tired of scallop puffs. So delicious. I'm ready for more.
Scallop season is the best although shrimp are pretty sweet too. They're asking $14.50/lb on the side of the road Downeast which is much higher than last season. The seller told me they are having a hard time finding them thus the price. That is what dragging will do for you.
Those puffs look fantastic. Does hubby ever make shrimp puffs?
CH loves scallops. I didn't think I did until I ate half of his dinner of scallops in Florida :)
Well, I'm with your hubby, I love fish of any kind, well that's now completely true, I don't do sushi, nor do I eat a fish that still has the head on it. Anyway, these fried goodies look wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
Though your heart is still filled with sadness for your sweet Emma Lou I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day.
I wouldn't touch anything 'sea food' growin' up. Heck, I was raised on a beef farm and that's what we ate.
Now I've acquired a taste for some. It can't be real fishy or I still won't touch it with a ten foot pole.
I'll never grow up.
God bless ya and have a wonderful Valentine's Day sweetie!!! :o)
Are those Sharon's scallop puffs? I'm so sorry about Emma :( I loved that little cat.
And you call yourself a Mainer:) Ha it is so funny my best friend is from Portland and she has the same issues. She gags. I on the other hand would dive in! mmmmmmm It is also shrimp season those sweet little pices of love.
ohhhh! I'm gonna have to give these a go at some point, yummy!
I've not stopped by in a few days as I have been very busy, so just learned of Emma Lou's passing. I'm sorry for your loss, Julie. I hope for a peaceful journey through grief for you.
I also wanted to thank you so much for your "hugs" over on my blog. It makes me smile when I see your comments, you have such a nice knack of making me feel better. So, thank you for random acts of kindness sent my way. It means a lot.
Peace to you on this fine New England day, ~Vonnie
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