December of 1996 my husband asked me what I would like for Christmas...

my reply... Beauty...Beauty? Is that a new perfume?... I had been watching a local noon time news show that fateful day, a day in which this particular television station was hosting the local animal refuge league. A lovely lady representing the league had brought in with her a few of their cats that were up for adoption. A small petite cat named Beauty caught my eye, really it was love at first sight. I am pleased to say my husband did indeed adopt Beauty for me as my Christmas gift that year. Not only did Beauty have a new forever home, but a new name too, Sweet Emma Lou. Emma Lou spent her first week hiding under our bed, by the time I got a good look at her I thought for sure my husband had brought home the wrong cat, she looked nothing like the cat I had seen on television. I eventually chalked it up to good makeup. It did not take Emma Lou long to make herself right at home, with four other cats and two dogs in the house she had no choice. Emma was approximately five years old and thought to be an indoor only kitty. We soon discovered that Emma had a special gift... Most nights while we slept she was on the prowl, her prey: socks, hats, and underwear...most mornings I would find one or more of these items downstairs on the living room floor always wondering how they got there. One morning while cooking breakfast I heard a strange meowing, one of those proud meows which says come look at me...and their she was coming down the stairs with a red knit hat in her mouth... Oh how I have loved that little cat... Emma Lou out lived those four cats and two dogs and even in her old age she could put Winslow Homer in his place. the age of twenty Sweet Emma Lou passed heart hurts...but I know it was her time...and I am so grateful that she was in my life for sixteen years...Emma Lou you will always remain safely tucked in my heart...
ohhhh, Julie. I am so sorry for your loss. It's always difficult, and too matter what. Our beloveds.
My heart feels your pain. Hope you can find peace knowing she had all those good years. I have four cats now ranging from ages seven years to 1 1/2 years. Some pure breed last one found in the trash dump! Hope your husband knows just what to do for Valentines Day. prayers
My deepest condolences Julie. You were so blessed to have her for that many years. Take special care of your self in days ahead and sending big hugs and prayers for you!
Cathy G
I'm so very sorry for your loss. It is always a tragedy to lose a pet, they are such a part of our families. Hope you have a restful, peaceful weekend, Dawn
Ohhh, I am so sorry to hear that, she was a beautiful girl, and so lucky to have you in her life.. Hugs to you from Ali and the kitties Mercedes, Ocho and Paisley Doodlebug.
Oh Julie I am so sorry. She has been with you such a long time. I have some cats almost that old and I know the same thing will be happening to me as well.
I am thankful you had her such a long time.
I wish I was there to give you a hug.
Blessings my friend.
Your sweet Emma Lou looks a lot like my 8 yr old Cat "Pickles" I think it is wonderful that you gave her a forever home when she needed it. If I had the room..the finances and a house with a 6 ft privacy fence I would have more Dogs and Cats. The only way I know to help them now is to donate a portion of the proceeds from the sale of my cook book that will be ready to sell on Feb 28th and it makes me feel good to know I am helping a pet have a better life. Keep an eye on my blog for information near the end of the month. I will be having a give away for coffee in my blog next week so be sure to hop on over and get in on the drawing. Thank you for sharing your sweet story about Emma Lou
Hi Julie.
I am so very sorry to hear this news. You gave her such a loving and great life. She was a beautiful cat. I feel your pain and I can relate to exactly what you are going through after my loss last month. Know in your heart that Sweet Emma Lou truly loved you too. I always say that animals bring so much joy to our lives, but it hurts so much when they leave us.
Aw, so sorry to hear about Emma Lou. You gave her a great life and now she's joined the others at Rainbow Bridge.
I am so very sorry for your loss. What a great old age she lived to be.
I've always enjoyed seeing her sweet face lookiing back at me from your blog. Hugs to you and yours!
We are both blessed with husbands who let us bring home animals and animals who fill our hearts. Much sympathy to your household for its loss.
Sweet Emma Lou - So sorry for you. I know you will truly miss her. What a very long life she had which speaks to how well you loved and cared for her. She sounded like a kitty with real character with her prowling around moving things around at night. Hugs to you.
So sorry Julie. Emma Lou sound like a wonderful, funny kitty. She was blessed to live at Dog Trot for 16 happy years.
Run fast and free, Sweet Emma Lou.
Julie ~
My heart aches for you. What a beautiful post about your sweet girl.
Hugs :)
I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet "Beauty" {{{HUGS}}}
Oh Julie,
I am so sorry for your loss. Such a long and wonderful life she had! I know you'll miss her dearly.
Oh, my heart just broke when I read this. I am so sorry! What a blessing she was to your family and what a blessing YOU were to her....may God send His peace and love to you....
Sad news, indeed.
Julie I am so sorry. I know I can say that Emma Lou was one of the lucky cats in this world. She was loved, she was respected till the end of her good life and she left this world with the dignity that all kitties deserve with the love of her human family wrapped around her. I hope my Country Cat meets Sweet Emma Lou. Mine and CH's hearts break for you. I am going to go hug Suds now for me and you and Emma Lou and Country Z Cat.
How lucky you were to have had her for 16 yrs. She must have had a very good life with you to have lived to 21 yrs. Sorry she had to leave you. Jan
My deepest sympathies.
But oh what wonderful, colorful memories you will have of a cat who lived a well loved life!
I think one of Gods biggest gifts on this earth has been our sweet animals. Emma Lou sounded like a wonderful kitty. 21 years is a long life for a cat and she was blessed to have you as her companion, I am so sorry for your loss of Emma Lou,Hugs Cheri
I'm so very sorry to hear of Sweet Emma Lou's passing. She will be waiting to you at the Rainbow Bridge.
I am so sorry aobut poor Emma Lou.
We have a cat thats coloring looks a lot like Emma Lou she will be 18 this spring I worry all the time.
We here at ginnysyard are so sory to hear of Emma Lou's passing. Please know we are sending warm thoughts to you.
I'm so sorry that you have lost Emma Lou but at least she had a long and happy life with you and she has left you with many happy memories.
Oh Julie, I'm am so sorry for your lost. Loosing a beloved animal that has been with you for so long is like loosing one of the family almost. Although we know they will not be with us for the long haul it makes it very painful just the same.
I cried a lot when my Leo had to be euthanized but it was the best as he was suffering and could no longer manage. He was the most beautiful long hair marmalade cat with such a dignified personality. I swear that he could almost talk. I loved him so much and still misses him.
Hugs, ♥♥♥
I am so sorry to hear that Sweet Emma Lou has passed. I know that she had a wonderful happy life and I am so glad that she became a member of your family. She will be with you always and she is an angel now that loves and blesses her forever family.
I'm so so sorry. My heart is aching. I know this is a part of life, but oh it is so painful. Especially for those of us who love animals so much. Fortunately she had you all for her family - and blessed you were to have her.
Oh Julie, I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet kitty. What a gift she was to you but I'm sure You were more of a Christmas gift to her. From how you write of your furry and feathered family, she couldn't have come into a more loving home.
I'm so sorry.
Dear Julie,
How sorry I am to read of your loss. Losing a beloved pet hurts so deeply. Emma Lou sounded like a real character. Time heals but its still so painful going through the process. Take care.
I'm so sorry!
Oh Julie I just saw this post and I am so sorry that you have lost your Emma Lou. She had a good and wonderful life with you and your family. I hope this week is an easier one for you. Take care.
Maura X
Emma kitty you were so special. I will miss you.
Emma Lou, a very good life she had in such a wonderful home. Thinking of you Julie!
Gosh! I'm so sorry. losing those we love is hard, those with fur are very hard as they give us unconditional love.
Julie, I am so sorry to hear about Emma Lou. What a wonderful number of years she had with you and you her. Thinking of you.
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