If you have been a reader of my blog for any length of time, you know I am a homebody, I adore my girls (the chickens) and Winslow Homer is never far from my side. You also know I have a deep appreciation for Tasha Tudor and her life at Corgi Cottage. Quite by accident I discovered Mrs. Tudor. Fifteen years ago the ABC program 20/20 was airing, I really wasn't paying much attention, but I did hear the interviewer ask "what do you think of Martha Stewart?" "Who?" was Mrs. Tudor's reply. I was hooked, I sat down and finished watching the rest of the interview, completely drawn to this feisty lady, her art and the magical world she had created for herself.

On Sunday, June 24 th my dream of visiting Corgi Cottage is coming true. My Dear Husband, sat at his computer ( at work no less) got called away ("I can't come, I'm doing something important") really I'm sure he was thinking "my wife will kill me if I don't come through" and yes!! He obtained two tickets to the Corgi Cottage Home and Garden tour and to meet members of Tasha's family. To walk the paths of Corgi Cottage where corgis once traveled, visit the barn where Tasha's beloved Nubian goats were kept, stand in her kitchen and envision her washing her antique china with Pelger the parrot on her shoulder and the "piece de resistance" Tasha Tudor's "paradise on earth" her gardens. Dreams do come true, and I feel like a very lucky girl. Honey, have you given any thought about Italy? A girl came dream, can't she
Oh how nice, yes, that is a dream come true to you, I think when I first came here to visit, that was one of the first things I learned about you. When I didn't know much about blogs. :)
I am so happy for you, I know it will be the best day ever.
I am just so happy for you! Dreams do come true! So sweet of him! Please share when the time comes. I hope the peepers come with your warmer weather!
Very Sweet!
What a great surprise! You'll have to take lots of pictures to share with the rest of us and tell all the stories. I know you'll be in your glory! Have a great week, Dawn
Oh, lucky you,Ialso am a huge Tasha Tudor fan. Love her way of life,simple. Enjoy,Francine.
Your so lucky! I bought her garden book years ago. Her place looked beautiful!
Oh you lucky girl!
I stumbled across one of her books at the library a few years ago and quickly ordered all the rest. I could have poured over the photos of her kitchen and gardens forever. Maybe I did! : )
Please make sure the camera battery is well charged that day. Can not wait to see it from your perspective. And enjoy!!
OH Boy! I know you'll be in heaven Julie!
Julie ~
Your Dh is a real sweetie and a keeper for sure.
June will be here before you know it!
Hugs :)
oh!!!!!! You MUST post a gazillion pictures! LOL She was a gift to the world, with her art, her stories, her simple way of life. Congrats to you!!! You must be so excited! Have a fantastic time!!!!
ohmygosh...how sweet! oh and you will be in seventh heaven. I am very happy for you.
What a sweet husband!
I hope you'll share your visit on your blog. I would love to see Corgi Cottage!
Your one lucky lady, and what a sweet husband...can't wait for your to share your trip!!!
What fun! You must be so excited. You know I love corgis. I love Tasha Tudor too!
That sounds like a lot of fun. I'm not very familiar with Tasha Tudor. I've heard of her, but I'll need to do a bit of research!
I'll be on chicken duty June 23 and 24th., and Winslow Homer will be going ridie.
How fantastic! You lucky girl:) I've been a fan of Tasha Tudor ever since I discovered her via the book The Private World of Tasha Tudor when I was in Williamsburg. Since then I've bought pretty much all of the books that have been written about her.I would love to visit her house and garden but shall have to live vicariously through you I think. Lots of words and photos please!
You are gonna have SO MUCH FUN!
How wonderful! Please take us with you.
OH! LUCKY! LUCKY! YOU!!! And for us for we will get to see what you see!
Sounds like a "perfect day"!
How wonderful! I will be looking forward to pictures and tales of your visit
Oh how wonderful! I can't wait to hear about it! What a good hubby you have!
Yay for you! I'm so happy for you and can't wait to read all about it.
Wow, I'm so happy for you. What a thoughtful gift from your husband. I know that you will enjoy every minutes of it.
I love her books and her illustrations and read many articles about Tasha Tudor. She was a great artist who chose to live of the land just the way she wanted. JB
Hi, You are one very lucky lady; what a wonderful present. I have read several of her books and love her(in fact I have the same book as you sitting on my coffee table).You must take photos if you can. Italy-I'm all for dreaming, maybe I'll try it on my man since I've turning the big 60 next week.
So happy for you! I know that you will have a wonderful time! Hugs,Jen
What a wonderful Husband to get the tickets to go to Corgi Cottage. Just reading your post I could see the goat and the Parrot on her shoulder. Hope you have lots of pictures to share when you get back. Have a great time visiting the Cottage and have a great week end
What a blessing!!!! Precious husband, for sure!
What a rare and much appreciated treat for you! You deserve it!
Yes, I loved it that she didn't know who Martha was. Great to hear that.
About 15 years ago Tasha and I were keynote speakers at a herbal forum in Pennsylvania. She was a HOOT! Barefoot on stage, which endeared her to me because I often have to take off my fancy shoes when I give a talk. My gardener's feet are used to clogs and sandals. Her feet showed LOTS of outdoor miles. No painted toes for her.
Can't wait till you go to the cottage, but REALLY can't wait till you walk through her gardens.
All joys,
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
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