The calender reminds me it is March 18th...

but with today's eighty degree temperature, it felt more like June. In my world, it was the perfect opportunity to take advantage of such warm weather. The lawn, utterly greening up before my eyes. My husband informed me that he was not mowing the lawn till the later part of April. (We'll see) I soon unearthed my lengthy spring "to do" list. First up, the coop, a thorough cleaning was to be had. Walls vacuumed, windows washed, feeders and water containers scrubbed. The girls enjoyed their highly anticipated first dust bath of the season. Gardens were next thought, should I plant my peas? I decided it was wise not to tempt fate... I was tempted to plant the seeds purchased at the Boston Flower And Garden Show. Oh, I did see many items that met my fancy, however, "a want is not a need" but, these items I just could not leave behind. Two little packages of seeds. I admit, it was the packaging that drew me in.

A bar of the sweetest smelling goat milk soap, mango butter, yummy...

and black African soap, oh heavenly day, wrinkles be gone!

This evening, the sun set in a brilliant orange flame. Off in the distance the sound of motorcycles could be heard, they too making their first outing of the season. The one sound that I have been anticipating, the spring peeper, has yet to be heard, but I shall patiently wait. Tomorrow is another day, and I hope yours will be as enjoyable as mine...
Your day sounds a lot like mine......very busy. We are having those great temperatures up here in Canada too.
Great for working in the gardens.
My you were industrious this weekend! I'm looking forward to planting my garden too! I just picked up my seeds this weekend! I'm looking forward to playing in the dirt!
I am so glad you are having a nice spring day. We are having really our first winter storm of the year. It has been so nice, to finally have cold weather, snow and hail. Our yard is greening up too.
I would like to plant but I know, it would just make me sad,when we get a freeze. We always get one right before Easter. :)
Enjoy your warmth!
The packaging...presentation is great! Wise to wait, methinks. But, we shall see what this early spring-like weather does. Meanwhile, it sounds like you're enjoying it.
Hello Julie!
My goodness your temperatures were wonderful this weekend...even warmer than ours here in Kansas. I just mowed our grass in the picket fence the other day but still have to bring out the 'big boy' lawnmower and do the rest of the farm. I'm afraid it's the weeds I have to mow before they go to seed and spread even more! Ooo that soap looks wonderful ;) Enjoy your wonderful early spring!
Maura :)
That is warm for March - it's warm for any time of the year in the UK:) Trouble is that at this time of the year the weather can change its mind very rapidly from one extreme to the other.
I agree. This weather is heavenly!!! No complaints from Ohio! My spring garden clean-up is done. That's absolutely unheard of for March.
Those seed packets are so sweet. Keepers, right? Love your soaps. I never buy soap from the store.
Hugs :)
Wasn't the weather wonderful. I would frame those seeds packets after I was through with them. They are too adorable to throw away. The soaps look luxurious.
I love how you make the most normal things in a day so interesting and so much fun. Thanks for sharing:)
You have been so busy taking advantage of the nice warm spring weather. It's amazing how quickly the snow is disappearing here. The birds are chirping like crazy outside from the early morning on.
I usually plant my peas, onions and spinach as soon as the soil can be worked but never this early.
I love the packaging on those seeds but a seed is just a seed. Funny how we go for the packaging.
Have a wonderful day. Hugs. JB
It sounds lovely in your neck of the woods. We had hail!!! here in CA yesterday, but things are looking up this morning. I see a little sun trying to peek through the fog. What fun purchases you brought home.
Hello,enjoyed the beautiful pictures you posted,Spring has sprung.Warm Blessings,Francine.
that soap & packets, I would have wanted eveery one there. I heard lots of peepers last night, yours will soon I'm sure!
Sounds like we've been getting the same weather as you! In the 80's for almost a week now!! I've heard about that black african soap on Dr. Oz. Gots to get me some!!!
Perfect!!!! I love the seed packs too! It is very much summer here Julie! Well, but lots of spring color still!
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