Morning dawned with the promise of spring, slowly the earth has begun to awaken from it's winter slumber...The morning air is filled with bird song, red breasted Robins dot the country landscape, Blue-birds inspect newly cleaned nesting boxes...the scent of mud distinct in the morning air...ah, springtime in New England....

With spring comes the awaking of flora and fauna... he may be old, he may be blind, but Winslow Homer's hearing remains or night he is quick to alert us to any impending dangers. Deer, fox, skunk, owls and for the past few nights Winslow's ears have been tuned in to the howling of feral, coy-dogs...truly we are grateful for his service, however, the relentless 2:30 am warning, where DH or myself plod down the stairs, sleepy eyed, and trek around the yard is becoming old...tonight however, we have come up with a solution to our see Winslow Homer loves to go "ridee" especially to is now warm off to the car he will go...yes...for what he believes is an early morning excursion...

Oh, what we do for a good night's sleep...What are the odds DH will remember Winslow is in his car? well, if worse comes to worse, Winslow... you'll be enjoying bagels and coffee for breakfast!!
He has the sweetest little face. :)
He still looks very good for all of the trouble he has undergone. I am glad his hearing is still so good. I am also very glad that you have spring now.
Winter will be back upon us this week, except I am glad for it not having much this year.
Have a lovely Wednesday,
he's such a cutie! what we won't do for those we love!
Some day I'm coming to New England in the Spring. We're having an early spring too.....thankfully! Jan
What a riot!!!!
What a sweet picture of Winslow. He's a real cutie.
That face!
It must be the breed, because Rory alerts us to every suspected danger within the sound of the house - no matter what time of day or night.
Poor little guy. We have a cat that is getting up there in years too. She will meow and meow if we aren't up at the "appropriate" time, if we haven't fed her in a timely manner, even if her bowl still has food in it. It's hard to see our beloved pets grow old.
How funny. A good night's sleep is high on my priority list! WH is still a very handsome fella.
Let's hear it for spring.
Pug hugs :)
It sounds like Winslow Homer, even though not a pup anymore, is still a dutiful watchdog. I do understand the desire for a good night's sleep, however.
Good boy. My dog Bella goes crazy if I say "Who wants Coffee?" She knows she is going to get a ride to Dunkins. They love their rides for sure.
I must ask.. what breed is Winslow Homer? I have a Cairn Terrier that we adore. I just found your blog.. and invite you to visit mine. I live in Oregon on a 100 year old farm. Teresa :-)
Ah, poor baby, he's only doing his job to warn and protect you. He's such a smart dog. JB
Good old Winslow Homer:) Did he get bagels and coffee or did your DH remember him?
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