Skippy the squirrel...the first face to greet me this morning. Technically my husband's face is the first face I see in the morning, however, with his 5:30 AM departure, my eyes are still closed and my brain in slumber land. So if it's Wednesday that means it's Weight Watcher weigh in... I have come to the conclusion, in my case, slow but sure wins the race, to date 7.1 pounds lost. I have finally accepted the fact that I am the tortoise not the hare...I don't like it but I have accepted it...

If you listen carefully you just might hear the sound of sap hitting the old metal in New England it is "sugaring" season. Sugar Maple trees are being tapped, warm days and cold nights are the perfect conditions for a productive sugaring season. There is nothing that says SPRING like the taste of warm Maine maple syrup drizzled over french vanilla ice cream...yummy

After Weight Watchers I strapped on my snow shoes and hit the snow covered trails. Over fields and through the woods...not a squirrel to be seen or a bird to be heard...

Don Juan keeps guard over his ladies...

and the light of the moon...Winslow Homer and I took a stroll

honestly... I swear I could hear the song of peepers under all that snow...Soon, very soon...
Everyone's metabolism is different, and that changes with age. So, be generous to yourself. You're on the right track. Eating right and exercise is a positive change, even when the weight loss is slow. And slow isn't bad - it's more likely to be permanent! (Did you know that I used to cook at a health spa?)
I think slow is good and 7.1# is GREAT! I wish I could get motivated to lose, but haven't gotten there yet :(
It was gorgeous in Ohio today and hopefully we'll have more of those days soon.
Hugs :)
Well if you hear the peepers, then spring has finally come.
I love the pictures of your walk. I love seeing skippys face in the window. Way to to 7 pounds is amazing. You are doing so good. I wondered how you were doing but I was afraid to ask.
You have the picture of the moon, and here it just rose. :) Isn't it nice we see the same ole moon. :)
Slow but sure and all of'll get there. I love what you wrote today.
What a beautiful pictures of the moon! Just think the hare always looses, so be thankful. You're doing great! Have a great day tomorrow and enjoy those animals, Dawn
Keep up the good work - you'll reach your goals! Slow, but sure wins the race - that's what the tortoise said!
Beautiful nightime sky...
Isn't progress great? Even when it's slow, you are still going in the right direction. I would love to have genuine maple syrup,mmm! Love that moon, I was out looking at it too!
Congrat's on the weight loss, are you working on the new program, and if so how do you like it? Hugs Mary
I've got the Spring fever bad here too! You've captured the sights and sounds so perfectly.... better get in some more snowshoeing while there's still snow.... tee hee!
Cathy G
Soon, indeed!
I'm close behind you in the weight loss thing - 6 pounds today. It is starting to show because I'm short (finally, a positive spin on being height-challenged!). Keep it up - and perhaps stay away from the sugar bush!
You have quite a bit of snow there! How lovely to be able to get maple syrup from local sources - on ice cream or pancakes it's wonderful and I always bring some home from my US visits.
Hi Julie.
It is sugaring season up here in Canada now too.
Can't wait to go and have a pancake breakfast at one of those sugar shacks that always put them on each year.
Love the picture of your chickens.
Oh! I love the squirrel picture, so adorable!!
That moon was so yellow and so beautiful. It was so warm and warmer still today oh happy day.
congrats on the weight loss. It is so hard. I hear a lot of people complain about sugering here to warm they keep saying. I will buy a quart that will keep me all year.
nothing like the real thing.
Lovely pic of that moon!! I've been passing many tapped maples on my way to work. We are gearing up for Spring! Good luck at the weigh in. I need to get back on track. I think you're doing great!
I know what you mean. I can feel spring approaching, and I can't wait. Snow shoeing is something I have always wanted to try and with that beautiful photo I think I would like to go at night.
Great job! You are doing it right. My dietician told me that slow is better. I've lost 30 since if you do the math that's 3lbs./month average. Some more than others, it's feels like I'm crawling towards my goal, but it seems sustainable the way I'm doing.
We have PEEPERS Julie! Lovely shot of the moon :)
Julie, that Rooster is just too handsome... I love your spring photos and I can almost hear the sap dripping. Isn't it fun to see all those buckets filling with sap?
The sun is shining here too and the snow is starting to melt. It will be nice to have the time spring forward to again. Another sign that spring is on it's way.
Have a great weekend. Hugs. JB
What an adorable picture of Skippy. Congratulations on your weight loss; you are moving in the right direction...unlike myself. I have gained 2 lbs.
Any loss is a good loss with weight!keep up the good works. I saw a rabbit in my diveway yesterday.I have never seen rabbits in Crest.So now I have squirrels and rabbits in my garden. Yikes!
I've been able to work outside in the afternoon without a coat. Hip Hip Hooray!!!
We had cold weather and sleet here yesterday but the night before you could really hear the peepers.
The day before was in the seventies. Missouri has fickle weather.
How I would love to see the trees tapped. When I was five I drove a nail into the Sugar Maple in the back yard and hung a coffee can on it hoppin' to get me some Maple Syrup. Heeehehehehe!!!
God bless ya and have yourself a fantastic weekend!!! :o)
Beautiful!! but for the snow!!!
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