Four weeks from still my heart...

I am to become a first time granny...a precious little boy will be entering our lives...DH and I are "over the moon" with joy and happiness. A new generation is beginning, this little red wagon will soon travel down the old dirt driveway... over fields...and woods... just as it did many years ago. Life is good...
How wonderful...congratulations!
In only 4 weeks? Oh I am so glad you finally mentioned it. I have been wondering and wondering. You will have such fun. I am so very excited for you!!!
You will be the best grandma in the whole world. :)
Julie, I'm so happy for you and your husband. Congratulations. Nothing like being a grandmother. It's very special.
I remember the birth of my first grandchild over 18 years ago. She was my subject in yesterday' blog post.
It seems like yesterday that she was born. Where does the time go? Hugs. JB
Congratulations !!!
Grandchildren make having kids wonderful!
You will enjoy every moment, I so understand!
Congratulations to you! It is wonderfully rewarding to be a grandmother. I especially love that I do none of the disciplining...only the spoiling.
Congratulations! I can't wait to see pictures of your beautiful little grandbaby on your blog!
Oh Julie, CONGRATULATIONS! You will be a wonderful Grandma. Oh the spoiling that will be going on.... :)
Congratulations!!! You will love being a grandma...I sure do. Can't wait!
Nothing in the whole wide world is more special or more wonderful than a new baby. You are going to have a blast!!
Congratulation you old Grandma you! Julie what ARE you going to go by now? I am doing a happy dance for you and my heart is smiling! You are going to make the coolest bestest Grandma!
Julie, much fun and love ahead of you with this new little person who is about to enter into your lives and your hearts!
Cindy in Maine
Aw, congratulations! I'm so excited for anybody who's about to become a granny! I'm simply envious!
How exciting! Keep us posted!
Congratulations! A grandbaby in a little red wagon is just about the most perfect thing ever!
Congrats to you and the Grandpa. I miss seeing my grandkids and will be happy when we get moved back up to where they are hopefully this summer. They do grow up very fast so enjoy them as much as you can while they are little :)
How wonderful!There is nothing like being a grammie.
I am so happy for you, congratulations!
I can hear a squeaky wheel and a child's giggle now!!!
HOW EXCITING! Our eighth grandchild will be 1 year old this weekend. There is NOTHING like being a grandma, you will love it so much. I have always been crazy over my children too, but this grandma thing is truly "over the moon". It will be fun to see what he calls you. Some of ours call me Grandma, some call me Gigi, but mostly I am Bebe! Enjoy every minute, Dawn
Julie ~
CONGRATS to you!
Hugs :)
Waiting for the first photo in the Carhartt jacket :)
Congratulations, I love being a Nana. I never realized how wonderful grandbabies are til baby Jack, Hugs Cheri
Being a grandma is my greatest pleasure in life.
What wonderful news! Being a granny is great:)
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