Last evening as I climbed into bed...

I could feel it beginning...the dreaded migraine...nothing can interrupt life like a had been a year since my last migraine attack...severe enough that my neurologist put me on a ten day cycle of steroids...thankfully that worked...since then however... my neurologist has closed his practice to teach at Dartmouth Hitchcock, the headache specialist has left her medical primary care physician informed me I do have the option of returning to the original neurologist I saw when this nightmare reply "why in the world would I choose to return to a specialist who falls asleep while taking a patients medical history?" This morning...I popped a pill, pulled the covers over my head and spent the day in bed...thankfully this evening the migraine is subsiding...the hunt for a new neurologist is on...that in itself can cause a migraine..what is a girl to do...Botox anyone?
Oh I am so sorry, "knock on wood," I haven't had any like that in the last couple of months. There is nothing worse that that. I do hope you find someone close who can help.
I really, really feel myself start to panic when one starts to come on.
I hope you feel better and this was a one time deal and no more. You don't have time for this right?
I hope you find someone that is good and you are comfortable with.
feel better soon.
Oh no. Trust me, I know they are no fun. I think your treatment plan of staying in bed under the covers was wise. I hope you can find a new neurologist.
I feel your pain, I too get horrible migraines that render me in bed, sometimes for days, I get the dyphasic aura fun stuff. In the last year though they have been better all because of a neurologist who prescribed a vitamin regime and a naturopath who suggested magnesium. I'll have to find my paperwork on the vitamin regime but it was something like coq10, ribolavin...the magnesium I take everynight, about 300 mgs. Once I find that paperwork I'll email you. I really hope you feel better soon.
Oh Julie you poor girl! I've had very few headaches in my life but the ones I've had have made me appreciate that I am VERY lucky that I don't suffer like others do. I have never had a migraine but I can imagine how horrible it must be. I hope you've continued to feel better this evening and I hope you have a good night. Take care.
Maura X
Real sorry about your migraine. Do you have any idea what brings it on? I hope that you feel well again real soon.
Hugs, JB
I hope by the time you are reading this the migraine is gone!
Good luck finding a new doctor. It's never easy.
Hugs :)
I sure hope you can find a good neurologist who can help you. Can you research online for specialists in your area? My mother suffered for years with migraines until she went through menopause and they subsided. Back then they didn't really treat with medications. Take care and you will be in my prayers dear friend!
Cathy G
Hope you feel better!!
Botox worked for a friend of mine. She had them for almost a year.
I only had 2 my entire life, I never want to go through that again. I hope you recover quickly & get a good doctor!
Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. We sure do try to find unusual prims for the shop and to ship. I sure feel for you with those migraines. I haven't had one for several years, but once I had one that lasted a whole month!!! What a nightmare. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Dawn
I feel your pain! I haven't had a migraine in about 2 years! In fact, they run in my family!!!
I hope you feel better soon and I hope you find a wonderful MD!!!! I find a cold cloth over my eyes helps too!
Bless your heart. I've never had a migraine, but my dear friend does and I've seen how she's suffered. I'm glad you nipped this one in the bud and hope you find another neuro that you like. Does Botox work?
If you can get a copy of your file from the neurologist that you liked, then find a new neurologist that is willing to follow the same course of treatment that worked in the past. I have done this before when I had to switch doctors. Good luck!
Migraines are horrible, I used to have them a lot but one advantage of age is that they are now a very rare occurrence. Hope you are fully recovered now, they always take at least a day of feeling like a piece of limp rag as well as the actual migraine.
I'm so sorry to read about this. Migraine is too, too awful.
I hope you find a new neurologist before too long - and well before another migraine can lay you low.
Oh, my dear, I do feel for you. I had my first run of migraines about two weeks ago. Major yuck! Hope you feel better soon and find a good doc.
Julie hope you are feeling much better today! Thnking about you :)
I am so sorry to hear that your migraines are back! I have never had any but I do suffer from depression and HATE it. My sister gets migraines and has told me how debilitating they are, so my heart goes out to you and I hope you find the right doctor soon!
Tina xo
Oh, Julie...poor you. :-(
I know how debilitating and agonizingly painful those things can be. Hoping you are back on your feet and pain-free today!
Hope your feeling better real soon. That new Grandbaby will be next door before you know it.
Bless your heart sweetie, I'm so sorry ya suffer from these stinkin' headaches.
Yep, ya need a new Doc for sure...may be just what the doctor ordered to help ya.
My heart goes out to you and my prayers are with ya darlin'.
Feel better!
Migraines are terrible, You poor thing. I'll say a prayer they end soon, Hugs cheri so sorry to hear that you suffer from migraines. They are not fun at all. Take care.
Hope you're better by now! I'm so far behind Julie!
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