My mild mannered, even tempered, petite banty beauty Josephine has gone BROODY. A broody hen might be compared to a MENOPASUAL women or one experencing a bad case of PMS. Josephine has recently decided she perfers her own company and would greatly appreciate the coop to herself and all that enter should BEWARE...especially ROOSTERS...Now being that I, a kind hearted, loving coop keeper...but not wanting anymore chicks...and certainly not wanting to take the chance of more roosters joining our little flock...I quickly and quietly placed three lovely wooden eggs in the nest box...Josephine is tolerant...and appears quite content...

Thrifting 101... Cathy of the wonderful blog Acorn Hollow, shares with her readers the wonderful items she discovers FREE at the DUMP STORE. She has scored big time over and over again and recently found a Salmon Falls Pottery Lamp, which originally sold for $150.00.Really big score... I have never been so lucky and we do not have a DUMP STORE in my area, however, some weeks ago I saw this lamp at Goodwill... it is a pottery lamp from L.L.Bean and the Goodwill price of $2.50. BIG SCORE...

Last week, at a flea market I stumbled upon this book, the classic The Night Before Christmas, but what is special about this book it is illistrated by dear Tasha Tudor, also $2.50.

and last but certainly not least, a child's size Radio Flyer wheelbarrow.

It is not old nor vintage, but brand new and fifteen dollars less than what I had expected to pay for a new one at Tractor Supply. Someday I anticipate a little boy pushing it along the dirt driveway, possibly filled with frogs or snakes, trucks and tractors, saying "Granny, Granny look what I have found." All in good time, all in good time.
I am just going to take a trip and see if I can find great things. I never do of course. I love the wheelbarrow. I need to get a wagon to pull mine. I keep thinking of getting one just to pull them along.
Yes, I keep locking my broody hens out of the coop. They drive me crazy. They are the worst, grumpy things. I have had my chicks out in the yard in a cage and the broody hens just stand around staring at them.
You inspire me Julie
Hello, yes, all in due time, just see little Travis, look Marmmee. Love The Tasha Tuder book, wow, great find I think. Warm Blessings Francine.
I am in a shock your finds at thrift stores,garage sales and I bet broody hens are no fun.
Julie ~
We don't have a dump store either and our Goodwill is terrible!!! You did find some great bargains. Woo hoo!
Hugs :)
Nice score on the lamp! And the tractor is cute, train 'em while they are young to garden!
I have that little wheel barrow from Tractor Supply. Nice 'n sturdy. The grandkids love it and use it to haul weeds to the chickens :-)
I think I've heard it all now, wooden eggs! I loved her lamp, I love yours too! Love the wheelbarrow!
Wonderful photo of Josephine! And what great shopping finds. Isn't it fun to get a bargain!
You've done well especially with The Night Before Christmas, Tasha Tudor does such lovely illustrations.
I'm with you...wooden eggs help everyone out!
Oh goodness Julie I know exactly what you mean about 'broody' hens...we have 3 at the moment. And one of them has been broody since April! GOOD SCORE is did very well for go girl! Yep before you know it you'll have company in the garden and the coop and the kitchen asking for cookies and all kinds of good things. Won't be long :)
Great finds Julie! We need to go shopping!!
Great score! Ilove it I have that tasha tudor book and I love it! No I didn't get it at the dump:)
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