The lazy, hazy days of summer have set is a day for a tall glass of lemonade and cold watermelon slices...
along the coast the southerly wind blows, the smell of salt is in the air...a gull soars into billowy clouds...
tourist are now in and seafood being their main focus... the vast majority of "snowbirds" have returned to their cottages and summer homes, opened now and readied for summer this day comes to an close, we cast open our windows allowing the cool evening breeze to flow throughout the house, dispersing the days stale air...
at dusk we hurry to our gardens which are found in dire need of a cool drink, we find them hot and thirsty from the day long heat...
works like a charm everytime...Life is good...Sweet dreams...
I just love his dark hair. He is such a beautiful little boy. I just love that picture of him sleeping. What a blessing.
I am so glad you are having some warm weather and not rain.
We are having lots of humidity and heat. We don't get this very often but gosh it is hot.
The garden likes it and the weeds like it better.
Have a wonderful weekend Julie.
High today was 65! What a relief from the hear. Of course, it was rainy and misty all day. OMG, it just makes you want to kiss his cheeks! Have fun!!!!
Good Evening Julie, yes, hot and humid here to, can`t even open the windows, air will not cool down. Love the pictures, can almost feel the cool ocean breeze, ahhhh. I just came in from giving my flowers a drink to. Travis looks so content, life is good. Blessings Francine.
Aww, talk about living the dream, especially with that baby! Love your chicken photo too! :-)
beautiful, sublime!
heart-rendingly precious! TL!
They are saying it's the worst drought here in the midwest in 10 years. I'm out watering every morning. Gotta love Summer! Gorgeous photos especially that little sleeping baby doll! :)
The perfect end to a day, indeed! What a sweetie.
Julie, Your pictures were beautiful!!!I loved Baby and boat on the water the best! Were finally cooling down in southern California.HUgs Cheri
Lucky, lucky grandma. What a gorgeous boy. Everything else must pale in comparison to this new joy. I can almost smell the baby powder, just looking at his picture. So hoping I get there someday...
We are longing for some rain down here... the grass is getting sharp and crunchy! I starting to feel like a human sprinkler, wandering about with my hose! Ahhhh,all the joys of summer in New England! :))))
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