It's the little things in life that puts a smile on my face...warm days and cool nights... the realization that Autumn is just around the corner...

watching late summer blooms dancing in the cool evening breeze...

discovering Jack Be Little pumpkins...two in white and four in

orange...survived... despite a beetle infestation...

A trip to HomeGoods...a twenty dollar budget... purchased... orange/clove hand soap, I discovered this product on someone's blog, I'm sorry I don't recall which blog it was, but I thank you for bringing this product to my attention, a Yankee Candle and a Yankee Candle car refreshener in the scent Candy and orange paper straws and a wooden twig pencil with an owl owls...

and with Autumn on my mind, I decided to dust off my ceramic pumkins... bought at the Dollar Tree last year, and if you are wondering... yes... they do have them in stock again this year...I tuck them in nooks and crannies...a simple delight...

now Winslow Homer enjoys the simple things in life too ... chicken treats, short walks, a favorite toy and recently guarding over Travis Lloyd...this may not be simple...especially being an old blind dog...but...three days per week Winslow Homer and I are on baby duty and enjoying every moment...

At three months Travis enjoys carriage rides on the bumpy dirt driveway, is partial to the color red, and loves being read to...

and I recently discovered Travis smiles in his sleep... simple's what makes my world go about you? do tell...
You have two sleeping beauties there. I'm so anxious for Fall too.
I must now go to Homegoods for those straws and the dollar tree to look at the pumpkins, Thanks ;)
Travis is a cutey and he's smiling because he is dreaming of his grammy.
We are all looking forward to fall in this house too.
Sweet pics of Sir Winslow and oh, so cute, smiling Travis.
Life is good!
Hugs :)
long rides down country roads,
picnics in the car,
watching the leaves chase
each other like children running
(soon to come!) old dishes,
and answered prayers that are good.
Thanks for sharing your sweet simple joys! So glad you found a few pumpkins in your patch. My simple joy was finding a gourd plant growing in our urban alley... Complete with gourds!
Blessings, Patti
I love those simple pleasures too. I'm hoping to start doing a little decorating at home soon, but we've been so busy getting the shop ready for our open house. Travis is sure a dolly! Enjoy, Dawn
Travis is adorable!I hope he always has sweet dreams that make him smile! What a great haul you got with $20! I love it all! I'll have to check my dollar tree for little pumpkins; thanks for the tip! SO funny--I'm into owls all of a sudden too! Just started last Fall when I bought a FAll decoration with a really cool owl. Now I'm crazy for them! Have a great nite! Maggie/Maggie's Lil' Fixins
Hello Julie, love your goodies you bought, candle, straws,neat colors to. Yes,I feel the hint of Fall in the air,yey!!!! Travis looks so cute smiling in his sleep. The pumpkins are sweet, now I would like some. The simple the better, sunrise, sunset, the color of the Autumn blue sky,pumpkins and pinecones, all make me smile.Blessings Francine.
I like your outlook on the change of the season, for me it means insomnia and long restlessness nights. It happens every change of season. My body reacts this way every time, I have difficulty to adjust and I get so tired during the day.
Travis is such a sweetheart. What joy to have a baby sleeping so sweetly.
I love the cooler weather at this time of year.
Enjoy your nice purchase.
I just love those little ceramic pumpkins and the real one too. Cute. JB
Lovely post. I love fall!!
For me...watching my boys play in the surf and explore tide pools, the first leaves I've noticed changing around my home, red lobsters in the pot, my husband relaxing in the sunroom with a good book, my garden bursting with food, my boys laughing together...oh, the list could go on and on, Julie. Thanks for bringing those to mind today. We're headed to the coast for a last swim before school starts on Monday! ~Vonnie
Travis is so adorable! And Winslow Homer is handsome as well. It will be a long while before our temps are truly cool, but I love the change in the light.
Love the pumpkins!
While I know this summer has been humid I am holding on by my finger nails I love fall but it is not long enough and I know what follows yeck. Good finds at tj's your baby is getting so big. My grand daughter has decided she likes to call her mother by her given name which makes me laugh but my daughter mad I try to tell her this too shall pass just let it be.
Well Julie what is not to love about every single thing in this post. First, what a lovely picture of the baby smiling in his sleep that is so precious. I love all of your pumpkins and I really like the tiny white one, Aren't those beetles terrible? They just destroy the pumpkins so fast. That was when I stopped being organic.
I love all of the wonderful things you bought. Thanks for sharing,
As always stopping by is a treat.
My world seems to go round way to fast lately...
A few moments with your lovely photos and "pumpkin talk" is a step in the right direction.
Julie, Love your pumpkins that you grew. Wish I lived out in the country where I could grow them. In a residential neighborhood there is no room for pumpkins. Love the picture of smiling Travis...precious!
Julie, You are blessed.
The pumpkins are lovely. I especially love the white one. Travis is as sweet as ever smiling in his sleep. I imagine you were sitting there admiring him sleeping and caught his smile.
Lovely post - Travis is a real sweetie:) I love all the autumny things that you've written about, I do wish that the stores over here sold more seasonal stuff - I really like the faux pumpkins for instance but only once have I seen them in the UK and like an idiot I didn't buy any!
Oh he is absolutely precious! You must so enjoy your three days. : )
Dogs at my feet and a cat on my lap, my husband holding my hand during the night, the first cool fall breeze, freshly mowed grass, the excitement of children when they see you...thank you for reminding me of simple life pleasures....have a great day!
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