Sunflowers, such happy flowers, they can't but help put a smile on your face...

they stand tall and erect, as watchmen over the garden...sunflowers are a favorite of our feathered friends as well as backyard chipmunks and sunflower travelled all the way from Bakersfield, arrived as a seed, a packet of seeds sent from my dear blogging friend Kim. Kim grows the most beautiful sunflowers in her Field Of Dreams. This sunflower is a symbol of friendship and kindness from one friend to another. And such a lovely way to put a smile on this friends face...
You are so sweet, I am just thrilled they grew all the way in Maine. I was looking at my tired sunflowers and thinking I needed to start gathering seeds for next year. Before they quit blooming and I don't know what colors I have. I have some really lovely black ones and some bronze ones and some red ones. Now that I know they grow in Maine. *wink, wink*
That is a very nice picture
It looks great!! What a friend.
Sunflowers are my daughters favorite flower...she goes right to them when we see them in the market. How lucky you are to have them growing in your garden!
Hello Julie, yes, they sure do put a smile on my face, love them so. Enjoy passing feilds of sunflowers waving traveling by them down the road, happy happy. Blessings Francine.
Beautiful! I have a small bed of "Music Box" (dwarf) sunflowers in front of the chicken coop. And some sad looking taller varieties growing in the bigger garden. I wonder what variety that is in your pic.. so pretty! -Tammy
love sunflowers, yes!
Our sunflowers just started opening...they really are so cheery!
I am a sunflower fan, too. They certainly bring a smile to my face.
They really are a happy flower. Almost like a daisy on steroids. Bigger, bolder and louder. Love them!
I love Sunflowers!
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