Sunday, August 26, 2012
Sadie Mae, my recently adopted shelter kitty...has expressed her desire to explore the great outdoors...
Her plea is constant and continual as she sits by the front door watching the world go by...okay, watching the birds and insects fly by...so here's the question, if Sadie Mae were your kitty would you allow her free range? I would love to hear what you think...Thank you...

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I have a sadie who goes out I do not alow her to be out at night and she is only out when we are around so yes I would.
I've never had a cat, but Millie is not allowed to free range at all. Busy street and she thinks cars bring friends. Not a good combo.
I've never had a kitty, so I don't know about their habits. I think, however, that living in the country, there would be lots for a kitty to do without getting into trouble or hunting the birds at neighbours' bird feeders. Do you think she'd come home for her meals, or to spend the night?
Okay, 14 hours isn't that far! Hope you can make it to Michigan one of these days. It would be so much fun to meet in person, Dawn
No. I have 4 kittys. All were strays and only one goes out but I am never at ease when he does. And he does come home with wounds at times. Our vet has told us a cat that goes outside tends to live a shorter life than those indoors because of the dangers. I try so hard to keep our one guy in and slowly but surely I am succeeding but he was an alley cat for a LONG time and it's hard to break him of it. The others were happy to oblige and stay in. Good luck! Maggie
NO !!! They die earlier !!! YES !!! They LOVE to run and catch small animals and bring them to your door and fight with other cats and..... Well, you get the picture.... It's a tough decision. I've done it both ways and prefer to have them safe inside- But, if your cat has ever been outside, then, it's not fair to imprison her now.
When I had an indoor/outdoor cat, I HATED that she hunted and was always trying to sneak her "catch" in the house (and sometimes she succeeded - ugh!). I suppose if I was in the country I would let her go out, but living in the city people do not like wandering cats!
Hugs to you in Maine :)
So tough when they want to leave the nest. I would watch her close and make sure she came back. Since all of my cats have been adopted I always got them used to the house and then slowly I let them roam the yard and then when I knew they would come back then I wouldn't worry so much. It is still hard. I never lost any.
You have mums? We won't see them here for another month or so. It is still too hot.
I am ready for my garden to be put to bed too. I don't really have any food left in it.
Have a great week Julie.
My opinion, absolutely not. Way too many kitties die young by going outside. Hit by a car, attacked by an animal(phishers(sp?) and coyotes will get them around here), and maybe pick up some disease.
I would get her some toys and make a couple of nice high spots near windows where she can perch.
Hello Julie, no I would not,maybe it`s just me. I think cats should be kept indoors for their safty and the other little creatures and birds. They are born hunters and around my yard the cats are killing my nice songbirds I love to feed, baby rabbits, chipmunks,everything they can catch. I just do not agree with cats roaming the yard. Maybe in the country it`s different but we have to keep our dogs from roaming,cats should not be allowed also. Take care, Blessings Francine.
This is a hard one... cats are hunter by nature and if she is a hunter she will not be happy until she can hunt mice or birds or chipmunks unfortunately. Oh the thought of it is not pleasant ... I can't stand it when they have a bird in their mouth but it's their nature.
I would allow the cat out with supervision at first until she gets accustomed to her surrounding and territory.
My cats have always been indoor cats. They usually settle down. I am afraid of something happening to them outside.
I have two kitties who live inside at night and outside during the day, when the weather is good. Both of them came to me as outside cats (wander to my house with their little kitty luggage from who-knows-where) and stayed. I coaxed them both in eventually. I don't want them out in the dark and I won't let them out in the morning if the weather is bad. We live on a pretty country-ish road, and they don't like cars and won't go near it. All that being said,if I'd brought them home from a shelter, I would keep them in. And these guys are probably going to begin to stay in more and more. They are older now and they tire easily. Good luck with your decision. She is beautiful!
Hi Julie. Yes I would. I have started letting our adoptee, Kenya out and she loves it. She also looks healthier from being able to get outside.
i am an indoor cat person all the way. sadie mae might have free ranged before you got her and that could be a problem. we have so many strays in our city, i would fear letting my kitties out if i still had them.
So many pros and cons. We have 3 cats and they are indoor/outdoor cats. They love the outdoors. But...they all still have their claws which makes the outdoors safer for them. We live on an acre plus the surrounding neighbors have land and the dirt road we live on is private so not much traffic. They also have brought in many, many unwanted guests this year. Fleas...and lots of them. Which means expensive treatment for 3 cats. Plus treating the entire house with nasty chemicals.
They also love the birds...as much or even more than we do! And they are constantly sitting under the feeders waiting for one to land in their vicinity.
If I had it to do over...I think I would keep them indoors...but I would make sure they had another kitty pal to play with. And scratching posts. And cat toys.
As for their pitiful meowing by the doors and windows...that would be hard to take.
Both of my cats are indoor/outdoor kitties. They keep my farmette pretty much rodent free and so far haven't had a run in with the coyotes. In the winter, they stay inside usually in close proximity to the wood stove. If Sadie Mae has been an outdoor cat and can look at the outdoors she will never be content as an indoor kitty and will drive you nuts. I feel this is a case of quality of life vs quantity. As much as I hate to think of it, if one of mine is lost to a predator, Great Horned Owl, Fisher or Coyote, I know they had great lives.
I've been in your spot before, it's such a hard decision. My current cat Zoe is a house Diva, but every morning in the summer I let her out for an hour to smell the roses and roll in the dirt. She's content to come in but very insistent on going out! Sometimes opening the basement door and allowing her to hunt in the cellar is enough to appease her! Good luck!
If she were mine (and I have 10 cats) I would NOT let her out. It's hard if they were outdoor cats before they came to you... but I personally think it's worth keeping them in anyway. There are a lot of perils outside that you can't protect them from...
My neighbor has two cats that go out; they love to use my garden for a litter box, and kill the birds that have always enjoyed our yard as sanctuary...which is no fun for anyone (besides the cat?). We also had to rescue our little black hen who was corned by one of his cats (in OUR yard!)while she was out pecking around my garden.
Maybe if Sadie had a (indoor) feline playmate, it would take her mind off the great outdoors!?? :))))
I have debated this question with each cat we have gotten through the years. First and foremost is your location...is there a lot of traffic? dogs? opportunities for a cat to get into trouble? If so...keep her inside. If you feel you have a safe environment for her, and she is well acquainted with your home/yard, then I would let her out. Ultimately, all of my cats have ended up outside and they have survived and been good rodent killers, and I think, happier in the long run for being able to be a 'real' cat. For what it is worth, that is my humble opinion.
I know sometimes it can get on your nerves with the pleas :-), but there is just so that they can get into, so my vote is no. This comes from the Mommy of two cats, but they really don't plea to go outside, they never knew that part of the world.
Hi, I would like to comment on your question about whether to let Sadie Mae be a free range kitty.. I would say NO, definitely not..
Kitties can get into too much trouble, get ticks and fleas and they tend to have longer lives being totally indoor kitties..
Our Boo kitty is seventeen and has only been allowed out on our deck~~~maybe a half dozen times in his life..
Sadie Mae sure is a cute kitty and is so fortunate that you are giving her a permenant home.. I'm sure she'll be loved like never before..
I've enjoyed reading your blog for quite a while now. You have a very interesting home and surroundings.
Blessings, Charlotte
Morris was a stray and no matter how much we tried to keep him indoors he refuses to be an indoor cat.He is neutered and he will knock things down until he is allowed to come and go.Good Luck.
Keep in mind that if you do let her out, you will most likely always be letting her out! Once they get a taste of outdoors, that is where they want to be!
I've had cats since I was a little girl. Always indoors and outdoors and always a tragic death. When I finally moved into my own house and adopted my own cats I vowed they would never go out. It's a vow I'm keeping. Between fights, fleas, ticks, dirt, and untimely deaths it's just not worth it to me. I figure our house is plenty big enough for them to roam around.
Best of luck in your decision, Julie.
No seems to be in the lead, and I quite agree. Good comments from everyone.
What a tough decision you have to make! I see the longing in that little kitties eyes for that is what they are by nature... nocturnal and hunters. Once they become domestic and are living with humans we are responsible for their health and the health of those in our household. I think with supervision she can be allowed outdoors perhaps not allowed to roam though.
Apply a natural tick and flea repellant or a good one like Frontline. I know people take issue with that but in the country it's necessary. The ticks have not been as bad this year here because of the dryness but still have to be vigilant in checking for them. Wishing you all the best in your decision as she is an adorable little creature!!
Cathy G
My cat Maude is like Sadie, she wants to go outside...roll in the grass, sun bathe, etc...but after too many close calls I came up with a compromise. They make harnesses for cats so I walk her and she is okay with that, we go out and she can walk and roll and eat grass and I enjoy the time with her and I know she is safe. When we come in she is very content and happy. Try it! This way everyone is happy and safe.
I have two adopted cats, (going on 7 yrs) and during the spring, summer, and fall the cats are out on my enclosed (screened) porch. They have their cat trees and other places to perch up high. They love it. The only time I let them out is when I can be outside in the yard. My girls are pretty good at staying in the fenced in yard. However I do have a fence climber and she loves the young girl that lives next door. Friskie likes to sit on the neighbors porch and wait for her to come home from school. My cats are not free range cats. I live in the city, it would be too hazardous for them.
Good luck with your decision.
We've gone inside only and glad for it. It was tough at first, but they have adapted and are happy and safe. Foxes, coyotes, fisher, never mind all the neighbor's free roaming cats open you only to trouble. Didn't use to worry about letting them out, because always got them in at night. Only one we lost to the wild was in the daytime. Have been an indoor only cat house for 4 years now and staying that way.
I would hate to tell you to let her out and then have a Fischer cat, coyote or some other creature get her. We had cats growing up and they were outdoor cats. They came in and out all the time. I think as long as she comes in at night she would be okay!
Not sure about the kitty outside...I'm very allergic to cats, so have never had one in my life. She's awful cute, though!
Thanks for dropping over to my blog! I'd be happy to share my pumpkins with you if we were a little bit closer (I think you're up around Portland, aren't you?) Thanks also for the suggestion for Jenna's blog, I've been following her for years now. I actually believe I found you from checking out a comment you left on her blog! Isn't that funny?
Autumn temps the last two nights have me smiling for sure. Tomorrow supposed to be more akin to July again, but we're back to more pleasant temps for next week. Peace to you! ~Vonnie
She's a beautiful kitty! I've never owned a cat, so I can't give you any advice . . . sorry. All I can tell you is that whatever decision you make, will be the correct decision.
NO, it is so heart wrenching if they die. I will not own another outside pet. We have had dogs even kill them.
No I would not!
I have 2 barn cats that I would let out during the day and put up at night, well Lucy didn't come home and didn't come home and still didn't come home, one day my neighbor who hardly ever even looks over my way is waving to me asking if I have a cat missing, he's seen one that looks hurt and doesn't want his daughter to see her and if he sees her again he'll let me know, walking away he gets my attention again and Lucy is at his garage in the bushes. After a trip the vet, leaving her for a week, going back every day to see her, not knowing if she' make it or not, over a 4-5 month period and more vet check ups and a specialist in another town away for a micro bacterial infection I am happy to say Lucy looks like nothing ever happened.
Of course this is almost with a vet telling me she really may not make it, and to face that reality, and it's going to cost me of course over $1000.00 after all the surgeries, medicine, lost work, fuel, special food.
So many prayers for her healing.
So she and her sister go out when I am with them only and are not ever left out.
Sorry for the long answer!
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