The afternoons now grow short, the growing season is over, our heat and humidity has been replaced with cool clean air thanks to last evenings wind...the long awaited Autumn days are finally closing in...

These are the days I relish... when the air cools and mother nature begins her long anticipated nature show...there is much to attend to both indoor and out...time to tidy up our gardens and feather our nest...

globes of orange dot the countryside and plump juicy apples hang heavy from the their tree...

we top off our wood piles and enjoy the last remaining flowers in the garden...

potatoes are dug...

and leather britches dry...

a request was made..."honey could you build me a bee skep house?" "a what say's he?"

yes,'s perfect...

Autumn, my favorite time of year...
Hello Julie, ditto on this time of year, love it to. Beautiful pictures, your flowers are so pretty with the butterflies on them. Love the beeskep house, wonderful job Mr. Dogtrott, as is the picture of the side of your cozy home. Enjoy your evening, Blessings Francine.
Mine too! So glad it's finally coming. Enjoy!
love this post!
love this time of year!
love the little house!
Oh, I want a bee skep house. That is just about the coolest thing for a garden. I can't wait to show my husband.
Never a big fan of autumn...but you sure make it sound appealing! Enjoy this time...
Mine, too! Mine, too! We've got some trees already showing their beauty. I picked the last of the cukes more batch of pickles and about 50 pounds of tomatoes to put into sauce...we're just 'bout ready for the chillier weather round here! ~Vonnie
Good Morning Julie! I feel it in the air!! I love Fall!
Doesn't it feel great! Your gardens still look good, love the bee skep & house.
Doesn't it feel great! Your gardens still look good, love the bee skep
Love reading your blog. I agree, this weather is the best. I have so much energy now. Love your bee skep house, have been asking hubby for one also. Your yard looks beautiful. Dianne
Okay I've never heard of the bee house - can you explain? Fall is normally my favorite too but it is so dry and the air so full of smoke that I'm stuck inside because of my allergies. So I'm enjoying your photos!
I'm liking it too! I bought my first pumpkin yesterday. However, I am not liking having to turn the heat on in the morning.
Beautiful~ love the beeskep~ I begged my Hubby to make me one in the spring~ don't ya just love em~ and especially that they can make them up for us~ so much better made to order our special way~
have a great day~
Oh such lovely shots and I love your bee skep house. I am still looking for fall about the only thing I notice is the swimming pool is loosing a degree a day. Which means even though the days are hot, the ground is cooling.
Isn't that interesting. Your flowers look beautiful. So do the Monarchs.
mine too! i loved the cool air this weekend. what a wonderful bee skep house!
Hi there, Yep Fall is in the air; later this week our temp will drop 20 degrees. I love seeing all your flowers and your Bee Skep is beautiful. I have a small one on my desk but I've never seen one that big-do the bees use it or is it just for show?
Thanks for sharing.
It is a beautiful time of year but always a little sad too..... I have to snap out of that quick though as there is so much work to get done before the ---- flies! Can't say the s word quite yet! LOL!!
Beautiful photos..... LOVE that Bee skep house! Hubby done good!!!
Cathy G
Yes... I can smell a change in the air, even down here; that and scent of all the wild, ripe concord grapes... Mmmmmm :)))))
September is such a wonderful month in New England!
Love the Skep and its new chateau ~ will the bees use it?
Isn't it wonderful, Julie! Last year I mourned the end of summer but this year I'm relishing it. Happy September to you!
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