Sadie Mae's fate is sealed...

Being a curious cat Sadie Mae simply cannot help herself...she jumps onto the bathroom sink while I brush my teeth, hops in the clothes dryer while I am in the process of doing laundry...Travis's pack "n" play and changing table are favorite napping spots, Sadie gains pleasure by giving poor old blind Winslow Homer a swift cuff... just because... and her middle of the night visitations, where my hair is her favorite nightime toy. Nevertheless, it was my two banty roosters which sealed Sadie Mae's fate...Don Juan and Ramon sounded their alarm to a coyote crossing our front field.... Sadie Mae will remain an indoor kitty...she has a basketfull of toys, the basement to explore, fresh catnip growing in the garden, and a cozy bed to sleep...perhaps in the future a friend to call her own...A big thank you to all who left me a comment, I read and took each one into consideration...maybe I am being selfish, but for my own peace of mind Sadie Mae remains behind the doors of Dog Trot Farm...
A coyote went across your front yard? Oh my gosh, I know that when we had foxes so bad I was so afraid for my kitties.
I didn't know you had coyotes.
It is maybe for the best that she lives in the house. Don't you wish you could speak kitty and tell her why?
You must do what you think is best for Sadie!
I think it's a wise decision. Sadie sounds like she is quite capable of amusing herself indoors :)
She's beautiful! And a fox?? Yikes! I would keep her in too. It just isn't worth the risk.
Thank you Julie for your kind words over our loss of Whiskers. We're slowly healing and miss her a mighty bunch.
Julie ~
You are not being selfish, you are being responsible!!!
Hugs :)
Sadie is adorable!
With coyote in your area your kitty is definitely better off inside but if it's an outdoor kitty, she might be not too happy. Good luck with your new furry friend. She's beautiful. JB
I can understand, and hey, it's just for now, right? Who knows, maybe in the future, you can make her a tall pen outdoors, with things to climb or something, just watch out as cats can get depression, so if she starts peeing everwhere (almost in spite) you may have to let her out, don't they have kitty leashes?
we have coyotes here too and we live in a city! sadie will be a happy house cat! good for you!
Glad that your sweet girl is safe inside.
Yeahhhhh! :)))))
A wise decision! We have coyotes in the park where my husband runs. He often sees signs posted by owners looking for their missing cats...
I think you made the best decision for Sadie Mae Julie. I could go into my thoughts on the whole subject of in or out but it would be long. In or out is why we don't have a kitty now. Sadie Mae's face is the sweetest old soul face I have seen on a kitty. And I do think two kitties are always better than one... :) You have been on my mind Julie.
Wow across your front yard,Good decision. Sadie has a basement that's more then enough room to explore.The birds will be happy too.
Good decision, I think. A basement to explore...lucky Sadie! My pair of indoor kitties would love that.
Hello Julie, I for one am very happy that you are keeping Sadie Mae indoors, thats great for her, though she may not think so. It is a all around great choice,keeps her safe, songbirds and other little baby creatures. Blessings Francine.
YES!! She is so cute. Hi Sadie Mae, Dolly and Maggie Mae and all the ducks from Ginnysyard.
I competely understand she will be use to it in no time. My kitty is 19 and I could not at this point keep her in. She never asks to go out at night and she only goes out when we are around. All winter she will stick her head out the door and run for the wood stove.
You're not selfish, you're a good mommy! Sadie Mae will have a safe and happy life with you!
haven't read all your comments but felt the need to add mine . . . indoor kitties (old and young)live THREE times longer than outdoor kitties! good, no make that GREAT, decision!!
There is so much personality in that sweet little face! Good choice keeping her in... you'll enjoy her company for many more years than if she was left to wander the outdoors...
Dear Julie, is a honor to receive benedictions from the distant Maine, thanks!!!
I read that also you have a novelty... compliments for the your adorable very beautiful!
Sadie Mae is beautiful. My girls live a very spoiled indoor life and I don't hear any complaints. They are healthy, active and oh so loved. Sadie Mae will thank you this winter!!!
Glad you decided to keep Sadie Mae inside. I'm always hearing sad stories of outside kitties lives that have been cut short. I have a stray kitty who has been inside for over ten years and he still is there when a door is opened. Always looking for an escape.
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