Sadie Mae... is a lovely feline specimen... she has been blessed with the prettiest green eyes you have ever seen...she is friendly, but aloof...Sadie is not a lap cat...or shall I say that is till my dad pays us a visit then she becomes HIS lap cat...
As you may recall my preference is for Sadie to remain an indoor kitty, however she appears to have other see Sadie Mae is a very picky eater...once a stray one would think Sadie would devour anything and everything that is put in front of her...wrong...while residing at the shelter Sadie was given a diet of Science Diet dry cat food...once feeling safe and secure in her new home...Sadie began turning her nose up to anything that was offered...I have tried the vast majority of grocery store dry and wet foods...also various expensive brands purchased from the pet store...I have shredded white tuna and tonight a chicken go...however...(Winslow Homer is happy with the various leftovers)...than I had an epiphany...perhaps Sadie is a free only makes sense that being a feline she enjoys the thrill of the hunt...well unbeknown to me Sadie Mae escaped out the cellar door which I had inadvertently left open...Sadie quickly took advantage of the opportunity...
perhaps this is why I discovered Dorcas Lane on the roof and soon after Sadie Mae crouching in the catnip patch...
Dorcas decided she was not to be any one's lunch...
my broody hens Josephine and Loretta....were not the least bit fazed...Lulu Belle slept through the commotion...
while Gladys and the rest of my girls continued on with their daily activities...Sadie Mae was captured and returned to her inside should her hunger strike continue or until I discover her ideal meal I just may be forced to allow her to run free...any ideas...anyone?
and this little guy, he did not bat an eyelash but remained deep in slumber land...

I love his little hat with the ear flaps. That is so cute. Your hens looks wonderful. I am so glad you caught her and she came back.
She is just a brave kitty. She wants to investigate.
I am so glad you shared. I love it that she loves your Dad, that is so cute. Lovely photos Julie.
Julie ~
You always take award-winning pics of your chicks! Not bad pics of Sadie Mae either. And Travis. OH MY! What a gorgeous baby.
Hugs :)
So Sadie is a hunter. I have no helpful suggestions. Hide her dish in a chicken suit??
life on the farm!!! it must be a surprise at every turn!
my, little TL has grown, he is adorable!
Love your girls! Lulu Belle is quite the looker!
You are right, Sadie Mae has the prettiest green eyes that I ever saw and I think that she is using food to control you just like a kid would.
Maybe, she's not hungry enough. I'd just ignore her and give her water. She'll eat when she is hungry enough
Awww that baby boy looks like the cutest china doll with his perfect porcelain skin, just so sweet.
Babies are just so beautiful.
Your kitty and chickens are so cute but not as sweet as that sleeping baby! I love the names you gave your hens...happy fall to you!
Sadie has such beautiful eyes!
It's amazing how deep babies sleep. Good luck with the feeding issue. They usually like smelly food. Sorry, I don't have a clue
What pretty animals you have. And your photos are simply gorgeous. What a cutie pie your grandson is! You have a blessed life.
Your Sadie Mae looks like the sister to my Sadie! My Sadie is an indoor cat with no desire to go outside even if the door is open.
When your kitty gets hungry enough she will find her food and water.
I love the photos of the chickens and especially Travis!
Try putting catip in sadie's food no harm in trying, Maybe she wants to free range with the chickens. She might even move in with them! Love all the pictures especially Travis Lloyd, ooh he is sooo precious!
Your pictures are amazing!! Thanks for sharing them along with the story!! ~Cammie
Hello Julie, Sadie does have the most beautiful green eyes, as for her diet, not sure, picky ain`t the word. Love all your hens, they are very pretty, wonderful pictures. Also those sweet cheeks on baby Travis, oh my, little cherub is he.
If Sadie Mae has been on her own and hunting for food, she probably prefers raw meat. I feed my dogs and cats commercially prepared raw food and raw ground chicken from Mainely Poultry. My Maine Coon demands his raw food twice a day as well as the grain free kibble they have available at all times. Even with all of that, I usually find a partially eaten rodent body on the deck in the morning.
I agree that Sadie Mae has amazing eyes. We have one cat that is indoor and 4 others that are indoor/barn/hunting cats.
Cold here today. Very cold for this time of year, but then October is just next week.
Your photos are just lovely. You still have a great amount of color.
I would love to hold that warm little bundle of love in the last photo!
No ideas Julie that you haven't tried and I know you are trying them all. The only thing I could suggest would be a raw diet that you can buy already prepared at pet stores. But ick, I sure couldn't do it and I think it would be inconvenient.
Missed you. I thought that you might be very busy and it sure sounds like it. Glad that everyone is doing okay for now :-).
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