Has the spirit of Christmas found you? Did you partake in Black Friday? how about Cyber Monday?
I myself am just coming out of the Thanksgiving sugar and tryptophan induced coma, now it's full speed ahead to Christmas...and speaking of Christmas, any suggestions for keeping a cat out and off the Christmas tree? I have a strong feeling this is going to be a big issue in our home this holiday season, prove me wrong, will you please Sadie Mae. Have you purchased a Power Ball lottery ticket? I'm not a gambling type of gal, but I would love to win and I do have a ticket, actually five, courtesy of my dear mom. If I had the good fortune to win... it would be my main goal to secure the health and well being of hungry, homeless and abused animals in the State of Maine, perhaps all of New England...I would love to play Santa Claus and give the winnings away, anonymously. What would you do if you were the lucky winner? Finally, any advice for getting a good nights sleep? For the life of me I cannot seen to sleep at night. Perhaps due to the nocturnal howling of coyotes or the mice which seem to have invaded the attic. I swear a mouse family was putting up their Christmas tree last night, quite a happy ruckus going on. Thank goodness for these new fangled mouse traps, a trap where a mouse gets itself caught, the trap is self contained and you never have to witness the stiff dead carcass...So once again last night, sleep did not come, I got up and ironed, tonight if the same scenario arises I shall bake. Mr. Dog Trot is away on business and if need be I can crank up the Kitchen Aid and let the flour fly!
two fat hens (or roosters). . .
2 hours ago
Always enjoy your posts! I've missed ya! Little sprigs of Christmas have found me, here and there.. no big tree this year. Just little ones. With the big tree we always wrapped a nice long piece of wire to a nearby doorknob. Wasn't visible, but kept the tree secure in case our cats, well.. decided to be cats :) I need to know what mouse traps you are using. I've tried them all in this holey ol' house.. lol. We bought one powerball ticket. I had the same thoughts as you - in fact, I have a very deserving place in mind who rescues wildlife. And of course a local animal shelter. Luck to both of us! -Tammy
You are so much like me..if I had all the money in all the world I would take care of all the abused and hungry and homeless animals in the whole world at least here in Delta County.
Julie ~
I hope you can sleep tonight!!!
I personally haven't bought a lottery ticket in years, but have been in lottery "pools". Today I did go buy tickets and just asked for the ticket that everyone else was buying :) I would be a lot like you if I won. Heck, I don't need to win it all. Sure would be nice to win enough to retire...sigh.
Hugs :)
Mr Dogtrot needs to be home for you to sleep well. I am sure that he is very happy to come home and find that you didn't sleep well and he HAS to eat all the goodies that made your night pass away. I didn't have much money but when my parents died they left some money behind for me and my children. I had been thinking about helping this young man that is working for my company and took the wrong path for awhile. Put it in a envelope and dropped back by the shop when no one was around and gave it to him and his family. I can not tell you how my heart felt when I drove off. The next day I got the most beautiful card and my heart was busting open again, as he told me "this isn't much Ms. Linda but thank you" Nothing can top that!
"Crank up the Kitchen Aid and let the flour fly"!!! :-) Sounds great!!! I use ear plugs to help sleep... and no snacking 3 hours before bedtime. For mice, I have a plug-in thingy called "Riddex". Some brands make noise, but this one is quiet and works very well. No mice in 12 years. It is finally cold here so Christmas spirit is flying here... now for some evergreens and cookies! :-)
I really couldn't sleep if I knew there were mice in the house (my greatest fear is a mouse). Looks like someone in my state won a portion of the lottery & since I didn't buy a ticket, guess it's not me. Hoping it's someone who really needs it & will share with others in need. Have a great Thurs. Jan
Hi Tired Julie......I would also buy a big farm and take in abused and unwanted animals if I won money, my dream........Love the picture of the tree, so warm and wonderful......No help in the cat in tree department, sorry but you should put the cat up in the attic for abit to get the mice, LOL......Hope you can sleep tonight......Blessings Francine.
First...sleep...I swear by EASY NOW herbal tea by Traditional Medicinals. It works!
Next...a big no on all that Black Friday stuff...we cleaned out the garage.
The Lottery? I would build group homes for adults with special needs.
What a fun Christmas this will be for you with that beautiful baby boy!
Take care,
No Black Friday or Cyber Monday for this blogger! I don't like crowds - in store or online :)
The decorating hasn't started here yet, nor has the baking. I'll be away for work next week, so I have my eye on about the 10th of December, but we leave everything up until January 6th, so that's plenty early.
Holy cow lady! Cats and Christmas trees - training and we went small, up on a table and tied to the wall the year we had kittens at our house. Definitely secure the tree so they can't bring it tumbling down. Sleep - try the old remedies, warm milk or chamomile tea.
I wonder what is up with the no sleep. I haven't had a good nights sleep in so long. Last night I about gave up at 3:00 and got up too. Well the bright side of this you got your ironing done. When my husband is away I never sleep just kind of catnap.
I have never bought a lottery ticket in my life. :) I liked reading all of the nice things you would do if you won. It is nice to think about that sometimes.
I hope you have a very nice day today. We finally have stormy weather it is so nice.
Bye for now.
No Black Friday, No Cyber shopping, only a trip to the thrift shop today and I found a Pendelton skirt and a few books.
Sleepless night are annoying. I hope that the mice go away and stop bothering you. Too funny, mice puting up a Christmas tree.
Happy baking.
should be "putting "
Sadly the Christmas spirit has not found me yet.Love the tree and as far as the kitty I haven't a clue.I really feel for you and your sleepless nights.I have the same problem and it gets old fast.Hugs,Jen
use a spray bottle to warn the cat off. Sleeping you are talking to the queen of not sleeping. I take benadry to help me sleep the Dr said that was ok.
Mice my 19 year old kitty has brought us two mice go kitty.
It's always hard to sleep when Hubby isn't around.I hope you get some sleep tonight! Hugs Cheri
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