It's coming...snow that is...
we here in Maine are preparing for a winter Nor'easter... to begin around midnight and lasting throughout the day tomorrow...a foot of snow or more...Tasha Tudor once said "I like the smell of snow. Snow has a definite smell, like apple blossoms." I tend to agree...tomorrow we shall wake to a blanket of winter white...goodnight...
two fat hens (or roosters). . .
2 hours ago
Love your cutie in the snow ♥ Best wishes.. hope you're stocked up!! Will be thinking about you! -Tammy
Hope all goes well Julie.
We have a bit of frozen rain, a thin layer of snow, & black ice on the roads. We will get more during the night, but nothing like you are facing. Hugs to Homer & all.
Yes, snow has a definite smell. I remember it well. Good luck with the Nor'easter!.....and the blow up Christmas decor....all I can say is that if I had grandchildren in town I'd have a big, waving Santa too!
I love the "peacefulness" that snow brings with it! It has a way of quieting things down! Enjoy your "winter white"!
Hi Julie.
Love the picture of Winslow :)
We got a huge blanket of snow overnight here in Ontario, Canada.
I love snow.
Have a great day and go for a nice walk in that snow.
Lucky duck. We got a light blanket of snow followed by freezing rain. YUCK!!!!!
Morning Julie, hope your all tucked inside safe and cozy......through another log on the fire.......Love the picture of Homer in the snow, what a sweet furry face.......Wishing you a Happy New Year, Hugs Francine.
my computer is toast so i am using my daughter's! we got about 8 inches. i bet you have more!
Enjoy your snow. It's never more enjoyable then right after Christmas when you can set back & enjoy it. What I love most is the silence it brings. Happy new year! Jan
Hope you had a wonderful First Christmas with that beautiful baby boy! Stay warm!
I love snow but we have only had a dusting here and very windy!!That's scary when you live in the woods!
Stay cozy and warm.
Stay warm and I so adore that snowy little nose!
Stay warm and watch the snow fall all day. It sounds wonderful to me.
We didn't get that much we got about 4-5 inches.
your dog is so sweet.
Hi Julie,
Are you plowed out yet?!! Hope you are all safe and warm! LOVE the pic of little Winslow!! Bet he loves fresh snow!! It really does clean the atmosphere! Along with the cold!!!
Happy New Year to you and your family!!
Cathy G
Lucky you! We had a fierce wind and buckets of rain here on the Eastern Shore. As we have a new pup (Scout) this year, we are very anxious for the first snow. She adores foul weather and racing through puddles. We expect she'll be delirious with the first snowfall! Wishing you and yours a happy and snug new year!
As long as I don't have to drive in it...I can like the snow.
The snow you are getting left our area and we now have 8 inches and we already had 3 on the ground in our neck of the woods here by our big river in Michigan. Loved reading your past blog posts and being a gramma myself...I have to say it is so wonderful. Look forward to getting to know you. Take care, Janice your newest follower.
What a cute pic of a slightly snowy Winslow Homer! Best wishes for the new year.
Happy New Year, Julie!!!
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