Today...this day...just an ordinary December day...a day to finish one's Christmas shopping... to purchase the Christmas turkey...humming along to Christmas music while browsing the isles of Walmart...mentally checking off items on my "to do" list...
I soon rounded a corner and before me a women appeared to be weeping...I slowly approached and asked if I might be of some assistance...she regained her composure informing me that she had just spoke with her husband who had informed her of a horrific incident that was unfolding in Newtown, Conn. She soon described what she had just learned... a chill shuttered through my body...there are no words to describe this unspeakable horror...parents have lost children and children have lost a parent...their lives will never be the same...This evening, as I look at the Christmas lights, they do not seem to glow as brightly and singing along to Christmas music does not feel is difficult to make sense of such an evil act...perhaps there is none..tonight... my thoughts and prayers go out to the families of Newtown, may God bless you...
two fat hens (or roosters). . .
2 hours ago
Words can not describe the empty feeling that is sitting in my heart for those families who have lost children and parents, friends.
God will care for his little lambs. Prayers for all.
Hugs, JB
This is such a tragedy. We are praying for all affected by this horrific event.
Very well said, there are no words to explain this tragedy, I can only pray for the families, Julie
I work as a special education aide in an elementary school (K-4). I took a personal day off today to start my Christmas shopping. You can imagine the horror I felt when I heard the news on the radio. To think of a whole class of innocent children gunned down in their classroom is unspeakable. I keep seeing all the students in my school and a wave of sadness washes over me. I also have afternoon bus duty and the kindergartners are so sweet they can barely get their little legs up the bus steps. For as long as I live will never understand this kind of madness. God Bless them all.
I have been just stunned and saddened the horror of it all is just horrible. My heart goes out to all. Everything is just so senseless.
It's impossible to comprehend. My heart aches. How can a parent be comforted? There just are no words...
Oh Julie, my heart breaks for the so heartbreaking.....prayers for them all....Hugs Francine.
Prayers for all!Such a tragedy!Hugs,Jen
I live in Portland a few miles from where a shooter entered a large mall and killed 2 people and left a teenager in critical condition. It was only because the shooters gun jammed that more were not killed. When I awoke to the terrible news of the tradgedy in Newtown, CT. I felt the same way you are. These senseless acts of violence are emotional rollercoasters because they are so out of place in what is supposed to be a season of peace and happiness. In some ways I feel that I should not allow another person's malicious act take away the positive messages that this season brings. While I will surely remember all of the families in my prayers, I will also try to regain the cheer and goodwill we so desparately need - especially now. I will honor the dead, but I will not allow one (mentally-ill or evil) person to dim the light that this World needs more than ever. My heart is neither bright or up beat tonight, but I will do my best to recover and experience all that is good & positive this Christmas season and do so in memory of all those innicent lives senselessly ended. But first we need to fully process what has happened and grieve our loss.
As a teacher this rocked me to the core . . . It is just unimaginable to me why someone would harm these innocent children and adults or anyone for that matter.
A few weeks ago we lost a young and exceptional teacher unexpectedly, today her mom posted on Face Book that her daughter is taking care of those children in heaven. May God bless them and may they rest in peace.
Our hearts are heavy with sadness.
Your words are so beautiful, Julie. There is no sense to be made of this latest incident. We can only pray.
Horrible. I had to turn the news off and weep.
It is just so hard to believe that this tragedy has happened. I feel as you do, that this Christmas will be shadowed with sadness for the families that have lost so much. I heart is breaking.
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