There is only ONE...I repeat ...ONE... disadvantage to providing care for your grandchild...
it is almost guaranteed that if a wee one has the SNIFFLES you can bet it's just a matter of time before "Ole Granny" gets it...pass the tissues...please...
two fat hens (or roosters). . .
2 hours ago
So true!!! I hope you both are well soon.
I hope you both are well soon.
Hugs :)
hope you get to feeling better soon !!!
it's all the hugs & kisses, it will get granny every time! grin
hope you feel better quickly!
Feel better!
Morning Julie, passing you a box of Kleenex and get well wishes.......What a darling little Travis is though, sniffles or not.......Spring Blessings Francine.
Sending out healing hugs to both of you! Be well soon...
Isn't that the truth..our grands live with us and they brought home the bug and just had to pass it on...hope you and your grandson are feeling better. Janice
A small price to pay for caring for such perfection.
heal quickly.
Hi Granny Julie!
I think you must be more than ready for some warm Spring weather! Long in coming this year for sure!
Sending wishes for you and Travis to recover quickly!
A little home made chicken soup might do the trick too!
Hang tough!!
Cathy G true! Hope you (both) are feeling better soon. He is one cute boy!
What a face!!!! If this helps, mine are now 8 & 11 and about 3 yrs. ago I quit doing that. Eventually, you just build up resistance. It helps that they don't seem to catch everything anymore. Take care! Jan
Both of you get better quick!
Hope granny and the wee one is better soon!
It is always so nice of them to share their germs. You probably got them giving him kisses.
i sure hope you don't have what i have. i have been SICK!!! get well soon!
Sorry grandma... I take time released vitamin C to keep the grandkid's cold germs at bay and so far it has worked pretty well.
Oh yes - the job-hazards of being a granny! Whenever I go east to visit our two little ones I come home with a snuffly souvenir!
Oh, yes! That is the part I can't stand. And when they start school you get EVERYTHING they have, and you get it worse, while they just get it lightly!
Oh, I know this SO well!
I know exactly what you mean! Feel better, Dawn
Take care and be well!
Ahhh! But it's worth it.
That is a given fact!! For all wee one's caregivers!
Oh, but look at that face!!! Get well soon, the Easter bunny's coming!
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