Could this bird have the capability of flying off with Sadie Mae? Sadie was a light weight, perhaps two or three pounds...
I believe this bird to be a hawk, what species I am not sure...this bird has been hanging around (high in the tree tops and also in the field) since early July...There has been absolutely no trace of Sadie Mae, it is as if she simply vanished into thin air...Any information and or advice would be greatly appreciated...thank you...
two fat hens (or roosters). . .
2 hours ago
OMG that is must be beside yourself. I am so sorry and sad for you!
I hate to say this but it happened to us with a cat.
Oh dear, Julie, I am so sorry, but up here a hawk would be a definite suspect. They are more than capable of attacking a cat, especially a small one. I hope this isn't the case, and that Sadie will wander in soon, just having been out and about.
I would say so Julie. An owl could also do it. I have had cats disappear for 7 months before and return, so don't give up hope just yet. She just could have gone for a trip and hopefully come home to you soon. I hope she returns to you. I know what it is like not knowing what has happened to a beloved family critter.
If she was smaller, but she looks to be a good size. I have lost cats, one I found part of, not an experience I want to see again, another just disappeared. It was in the spring and I am pretty sure a coyote got him, but I know it is possible that he got lost and found a new home and that is a better story;)
Is Sadie Mae a dog or a cat? I would say that it would be possible. Do you have coyotes? Hope she returns . That's sad not knowing where she is, whatever she is.
could Sadie have possibly been sick??? Cats will go away to die if sick...hate to even mention it, but I had an outside cat who done this.
it looks like a hawk to me, but not a red tail like we have around here. so sorry Sadie has disappeared. just guessing, but I would think that it could have carried her off. hugs Julie
Evening Julie, so sorry to hear about sweet Sadie Mae missing, my heart is heavy.....guess she was safer being a indoor cat....Not to sure about Hawks picking up cats , know an Eagle would........but fox, coyote would get her....Lets pray she ones home soon, Hugs Francine.
I don't really know, but I feel badly that Sadie Mae is still missing.
I think the hawk is probably still too small to fly off with the cat, although that seems awfully light for a cat. Still...I don't think so. I'm sorry, I do hope she turns up soon.
Mary Ann
oh no....i hope not!
I have heard of hawks getting small animals but I am sure your Sadie Mae was not one of them. We had a hawk around here recently snatch up a squirrel. That's why I don't let my chickens wander unattended. I think Sadie Mae may be a little large or long in length for a hawk. I pray she comes home soon :) I have faith she will!
I am so sorry Julie. That hawk looks huge. Is Sadie Mae the size of a rabbit? He could get her but I had a kitty that just vanished for 6 months and one day driving I saw her sitting by the side of the road. Just like she was waiting for me. I don't know where she had been in all of that time but I did find her. Don't give up hope yet. She is after all a cat. They get bent out of shape when you won't let them outside when they want too.
Oh dear, I wonder if this could be a falcon? Sure hope it didn't get your little Sadie Mae. The thought is just terrible. Maybe she just needed a little get-away and will be home soon. Have a great week and just keep saying your prayers, Dawn
I'm sorry that your Sadie Mae is still missing.
Hawks eat small mammals and birds, lizards, snakes and fish, even rabbits. I hope that your cat wasn't part of his diet. She may still return.
Having lived with multiple cats my entire life, I know that when they go missing your mind can turn to thinking of the worse possible things being responsible for their disappearance. Even a small cat usually weights 6-7 pounds, Yes, A Hawk could kill a cat or smaller dog but I do not think that is the most likely cause of Sadie's disappearance. Cats, just like people, can die suddenly natural deaths from hesrt attack or pulonary emboli. If this had happened I suspect you would have found her body out in the open.
Do you live in a rurally isolated location or are their houses nearby. I have had cats go missing and it turned out they got locked in other peoples garages. Kids like to take cats home and try to convince their parents that the cat needs a home.
It is more likely, in my experience, that cats allowed outdoors, no matter how well taken care of or loved, will decide to go on an adventure lasting from a few days or up for several weeks if they are allowed access to the ourdoors. I went through several of these extended adsences several times when my cats could go outside. I used to hate when my Mom would say "stop calling them & getting yourself upset. A cat will come home when they deside to and not a minute before". She was right I had cats return after 4 day, 10 days & 3 weeks. Usually none the worse for ware and acting like they had never been away. I couldn't take the stress of worrying, so when I moved to a condo, all 4 cats became indoor only & microchipped incase they got out into the hallways. They all quickl adjusted to indoor life and I was amazed at how less stressful it was for me.
Do you live where there is an local Craigslist? People post a lot of lost & found animals there because it is free. Did Sadie have a microschip/collar with ID & have you called all area vets offfices? If people find a cat they may take it to a vet.If there are houses nearby have you checked to see if she could have gotten locked in a garage or garden shed by mistake or have been mistaken for a cat needing a home? Have you posted "Lost Cat" signs/photo at nearby road intersections? Getting her photo out into local stores. Put ad in local newspaper offering a reward. I guess you have alredy walked Sadie Maes' local routes and check her hiding spots. If you have or get a Twitter account you can send a tweet out to everyone in the local area about Sadie missing and people who receive the tweet can forward the missing message to others. This is the fastest way to spread the word/ information about Sadie Mae. Check any no kill cat shelters in your County or nearest large city.
I would not give up hope of her returning at this point. Cats are survivors. If they are injured they often hide themselves until they think they are strong enough to get home. They can go a long time without food and can provide for themselves even when you think they cannot. I know it is hard to keep yourselved from thinking about all the terrible things that could have happened to her, but you have no way of knowing & guessing will just be upsetting to you & do nothing to get the car home.. All you can do is look everywhere you think she might have gone and post here photo where locals might ahve seen her.Get the word out on social website to as many people as possible. Then you will have done as much as you can possibly do to locate Sadie Mae.
Sadie has been gone about a week now & I think you have good reason to to believe she may still come home during the next few weeks. I might still call her a couple of times a day in case she is hurt & disoriented nearby.
Sadly cats allowed outdoors have a nuch shorter life than an indoor cat. If you decide to allow your cats to live part of their life outdoors then you also have to accept that their life will be shorter than an indoor only cats.
I sincerely hope that Sadie Mae does return home to you. It is awful to wonder where they are and what might have happened to them.
Oh dear...such a disturbing thought indeed. Sending hopeful wishes for Sadie Mae's swift return home.
Warm hugs...
I don't think that the hawk would have taken Sadie Mae either. I sure hope you find her. I lost one of my cats a while back, so I know how sad you're feeling. If something got her, it's more likely it was some kind of carnivore like a coyote. Come home, Sadie Mae!
Thinking about the hawk taking your Sadie Mae made me hold my Sadie so much closer. How awful. I am hoping that she is just on round about and will return when she is thru roaming.
So sorry your beautiful Sadie Mae is missing. I hope she finds her way home safe and sound.
Hi Julie, this looks like a Cooper's Hawk and they could indeed take a small cat. We have them here, and this and the red tails are why my girls no longer free range. Well, them and the coyote that seems to be enamoured with the girls as well. Hoping for Sadie Mae's return to you...~Vonnie
Hopefully Sadie Mae will return. Not sure if a hawk would get her, but I know coyotes and foxes will go after cats. I keep mine inside...too many foxes and coyotes here in my neck of the woods. Janice
If Sadie Mae was as small as you say, a hawk might have been able to fly off with her. To put this into perspective, I witnessed a Barred Owl take a gray squirrel off a tree. When he was done manteling, he flew off with it but he couldn't gain over 4 feet altitude and it was a very labored wing flap. I would be more inclined to point the finger at a Great Horned Owl or a Fisher.
So sorry to read about Sadie Mae. That is a hawk and their talons are very strong. They will get a fairly large rabbit and pick it up and hold on, so it is possible that happened with Sadie Mae. Poor little thing, that would be so scary for her. So sorry. Judy
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