Today, I made a visit to our local animal rescue league...It is the same shelter where I befriended and eventually adopted two of my cats "Sweet Emma Lou" and "Sadie Mae"...prior to my visit I did a bit of online research viewing the stats on the cats available at the shelter with hopes that one might like to make their forever home here at Dog Trot Farm...
Our new family member would need to adapt and accept the presence of old and blind Winslow Homer...he or she would be required to put up with the occasional "chicken in the house" and tolerate an inquisitive eighteen month old ... last, but most importantly agree to be an INDOOR only cat...with the disappearance of Sadie Mae INDOORS is a must...My hope was to connect with an older cat or perhaps a pair of older bonded cats... Like most of you I adore kittens, but kittens with all their cuteness typically have no issue finding a forever home and are soon adopted after their is the older/senior cats which are most in need...I adopted Emma Lou at the age of five, Emma lived to the ripe old age of 21...My research contained the names of six cats, male and female, their average age between 10 to 12 years...To my unexpected surprise five of the cats on my list had been adopted, (good for them!) one cat remained...however... was unavailable for adoption due to an unexpected illness..Sadly... I came home empty handed...I know eventually I'll find the kitty who is out there waiting for me...I'll just have to be patient and give it some more time...Sadie Mae we miss you...
two fat hens (or roosters). . .
2 hours ago
I know that you will be getting the perfect little kitty for your house soon. As I learned sometimes it is just better to wait for the one who fits perfectly than to get one that is a terror to the whole house.
I am sad though that you came home empty handed.
Never fear, your kitty is indeed waiting for you...just apparently not at this time. xo
I can see that you really want an older cat to give them a home for a little while. I'm sure they will be well taken care of.
It looks like now isn't the time to adopt a cat. Perhaps soon you will find the perfect cat for you.
Wishing you good luck.
So glad to hear you went to an animal rescue. Go will be there for you!
God love you for wanting to adopt an older kitty. I'm sure you will find the perfect match soon!
Hugs from Ohio :)
Awwww Julie, bless heart heart, I to look for a older animal to love. So many of the older animals get left out finding a forever home. Everyone wants a baby. I know you will find a kitty to love, Blessings Francine.
That's awesome you're going to adopt.
We recently made a similar journey to an adoption center and found a 7 year old neglected and abandoned cat with the biggest heart. Gentle and sweet, and left alone after her owner died. The family of the deceased dumped her and her sister off at the shelter. But so few want overweight old cats. She had a bad infection too. Such a sad moment to see her in a noisy packed kennel. Her sister had been put down a week prior. Just awful.
We adopted her, and cleared the infection up after only one visit to the vet.
She's lost weight and loves to play and seems intensely happy. Well-behaved in every way. The perfect lap cat.
I couldn't recommend more highly that people consider adopting old cats. So many years left in her. And just so SO grateful that we found her.
I am a first-time visitor to your blog and this amazing, heartfelt post has got me hooked!!! Anyone who opens their heart and home to a needy animal, especially a senior homeless pet has captured my undying admiration. I am currently searching for a home for a cat who found me two weeks ago. A beautiful silver tabby with long stripes down her back. She is DECLAWED, which shocked me. I have put up posters and asked all our rural neighbors but no one claims her. I am just stunned that anyone would "dump" a declawed cat to fend for itself. She lives in our shed as she is terrified of my five cats (all WITH claws). I am trying to gain her trust so I can get her to my Vet to see if she is microchipped.
Look forward to reading many more of your post. God bless you for all you do for animals.
Good things and cats come to those who wait.
The right one will find you soon. Keep looking
Hi Julie. As someone who is quite connected with the animal world I want to thank you for looking at the shelter and for wanting an older animal. Jerry dog walks at our local shelter and to see all the older dogs that are there for such a long time just breaks your heart. My daughter also volunteers at her shelter and fosters dogs. She just adopted her latest foster, an 8 year old dog. What a little doll. I also peeked back at your last post, which I missed, I see you are getting a head start on the season. I can't wait to see Dog Trot Farm in all her finery. I just know it will be a site for sore eyes..Happy Weekend..Judy
So nice to adopt an older cat. I had a great experience when we adopted our "big Girls" and I miss them every day.
when you least expect it, a little 'someone' will find you ~ I'm sure of it....Thank you for loving them all.
She will be remembered as such a beautiful girl. Hope you find a new kitty to fil your home with love.
She is beautiful...I'm sure you will be able to find that perfect just takes keeping the thought out there and checking the shelters often.
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