I find myself at the age where I take nothing granted...I relish the small things that life has to offer... I find no greater pleasure than working in my gardens...whether it be flower, herb, vegetable, the act of placing one's hands in rich warm soil not only soothes the soul but lifts the spirit as well...gardening is a true country pleasure...How welcoming the delightful spring weather was...sunshine, warm temperatures with rain arriving when the gardens seem to need it the most....weather permitting I spend as much time as possible outdoors...June is soon coming to a close...July now waiting in the wings...4 minutes of daylight lost (sigh)...I toil in the garden till the curtain of darkness is drawn~
Beautiful clematis!
How I hate the thought of losing minutes of darkness.
Happy 4th to you.
Hugs :)
Enjoy Julie, it all goes to quickly!
So true!!!!! I am out everyday in my gardens too.
I find that I am more at peace with myself...more than ever before. And, that does include being thankful for everything and taking nothing for granted. It's a great age to be. Thank you for sharing your beautiful words. xo
Hello Sweet Julie, I love this post for I feel the same way. Outdoors as much as I can be, warm sunshine, smell of the earth, birdsong, makes me happy. Take care, enjoy the simple things, Hugs Francine.
Julie, you sound just like me. I love gardening and getting down in the dirt. It so amazing the gifts we get from Mother Earth. She is full of surprises to delight us each day. Most time we are too preoccupied to take the time to appreciate the abundance.
Have a great day as June says goodbye.
Very nice post, I agree........so peaceful working the soil, hearing the birds sing and the bees buzzing, so blessed to be free!
for so many years all i did was travel and i loved it. now, not much can drag me out of my house and gardens!
I couldn't have said it better.....exactly the way I feel! Have a wonderful holiday weekend. Jan
Love your clematis and yes the days are getting shorter now. :-( Janice
Hello Julie,
I am sure your gardens are just lovely. It is so hard to be inside isn't it? I bet you enjoy it so much. I love how pretty and green everything is. I should go take pictures of brown. :)
I hope you have a lovely fourth of July.
Julie, I have trouble keeping up with my favorite blogs, I have so many, and of which your's is one. The only way I can truly keep up is to have posts come into my inbox via e-mail. I tried to find a place on your blog where I could sign up but to no avail. Is that something you would consider having so we can keep up easily with you. Your photography is so beautiful and I love how you write about your life in Maine and these are things I would really not like to miss..Happy Wednesday..Judy
I love working in my garden, I find it very therapeutic and there are so many lovely things to appreciate. I don't mind the slow descent into autumn and winter as every season has its beauty and its pleasures.
Such lovely words...and flowers. Enjoy your holiday weekend!
Happy 4th of July Julie and the entire crew at Dog Trot Farm!!
Hi Julie, I couldn't agree more - life is precious, life is short, life is to be enjoyed.
What a lovely summer we are having here in Maine. I have never been too much of a gardener, but this year we have a few more things in the ground than before, and have started composting. I find my morning isn't complete til I've made a circuit around my house, greeting each rose, hosta, herb... There is a catbird who follows as I go, meowing to me, and chipmunks chirp their warnings to one another. Apparently, I am dangerous.
Beautiful picture, and words too! I so agree. Hope you have been enjoying the Glorious Summer days!
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