First let me say what I am about to tell you is the truth...the honest to God truth...
so, here I am in the backyard...weeding the flower garden under the delightful shade of an oak tree on a very hot and humid morning...lost in thought...thinking about how much I missed Winslow Homer and how I sure could use his help keeping the local critters at bay...

then, I was completely caught off guard.. I heard this noise...a noise that I recognized but one that I had not heard for quite some time...not here at Dog Trot Farm anyway...I slowly rose from my knees... looked around half expecting to see the rooster who had just let out a "cock-a-doodle-do"...I saw nothing but the bewildered look on my hens faces...I stood there for a moment...questioning myself..had the humidity gotten to me or did I really hear what I think I heard... I saw no rooster... I walked over to the coop and upon inspection
this five year old blue egg laying beauty... Pearly Mae...suddenly let out a deep, low, loud and clear "cock-a-doodle-do"..I was dumbfounded...stunned actually... had I not seen her in action with my own eyes I never would have believed wonderful knowledgeable chicken keepers...please tell me have you ever experienced anything like my gal trans gender? I just don't know what to make of this...I would love to hear your input...I fear I made need a chicken
Check out the hencam blog: . :) I searched "hen crowing" (without the quotes) and it brought up some results! Most in her comments.
Then use ctrl + f and type in "crowing" (without the quotes) to find where she talks about crowing in hens. Let me know if you need help, I can send specific links through email for you. (my email is in my profile.)
Two of her posts that have hen crowing in the comments are "Spurs on Hens" and "How I Know What I Know About Chickens". Hope that helps! You could probably email Terry about the issue? She is my go to blog person about chickens. :) (Sadly, I don't have any right now.)
Just yesterday I happened to check Peace Ridge Sanctuary's Facebook and saw a post about their trans-gendered chicken, RuPaul. They also provided a link to an article about this astonishing fact of nature. You must have been so startled!
i have no idea but i will return later to see if anyone else knows!
I don't raise hens but I've read about it. Apparently it sometimes happens. She must be the dominant hen in the flock. Is there a rooster that was removed? Sometimes when the rooster is removed a domineering hen will crow. A very interesting post this morning.
Happy Labor Day.
OMG....thank you for starting my day with a huge belly laugh! I can't help think maybe you should rename her/him Caitlyn.......
Haha That is funny!! Yes, Julie, I have experienced it a couple of times. I think it must have something to do with hormones. I had a bantam that every spring, she would crow and act a bit roostery but then go back to herself once she got broody.
We also had another chicken that laid eggs a good egg layer until a fox got her. She escaped but that shock, must have triggered something as she turned into a full blown rooster. Sometimes as with the hen we had that did turn into a rooster, her comb and waddles started growing. The bantam didn't. I am so glad you had a chicken story today. Have a lovely day today.
No help with this one. Living on the farm none of our hens did this. Maybe she just decided to take charge now. Janice
So now chickens have gender identity
Great pictures.
Hugs :)
I have never heard of such a thing. Lol
My Cockoo Maran does the same thing. Each morning when I let her out of her coop, she runs to the top of our hill, flys to the top of the railing on the stairway and lets out her wonderful vocal cock-a-doodle-do. I thought I was nuts..glad to hear its not just me.
Oh yes...I have a hen who crows. She acts like a rooster in other ways too, but she is not! She used to lay eggs, but I haven't seen her on the nest in a long time. I just can't figure her out! She's odd for sure...but definitely a hen. I have read that sometimes this happens when there is no rooster's a dominance thing. We kept our roosters separated all Summer, but finally got rid of all but one, and he's back with the girls, so I am hoping she lets him be the rooster from now on.
Wow...This is very interesting! Never heard of it! You learn something new everyday!
My Peaches (Ameracauana hen) let out some pitiful crows. It has been a couple years.. she was in the house after a slight injury and being pecked by her flock. Early the following morning, she let out a crow that sounded much like a rooster who was just learning the ropes! So funny! And yes, so weird.
Glad I'm not the only one to experience this.. whew, I'm not crazy :)
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