Was it a ghost?...spirit?....you tell me....

First you need to know our home was built for us, it has had no other inhabitants, none human that is. Our bow roofed cape was built in the style of capes from long ago.... small rooms with low ceilings.... dark and cozy like a chipmunks nest. Another feature from the past is a "good morning" staircase. The main stairs ascend to a landing that splits in two opposite directions. The left landing connects to the right through our bathroom, which is located in the center. This particular incident occurred twenty years ago. I remember this day as if it were yesterday, it never seems to fade. It was summertime and my young niece was visiting us for the week. I had taken she and my two young sons to the pet store and "Auntie" allowed her to spend her money on a turtle. "Spike" spent the week lounging in our bathtub with an occasional swim in the pool.... what fun we four had. Yes.... Spike is still with us or shall I say with my niece. That particular evening it was hot and humid the kids and I had finished playing croquet and we all jumped into the pool with our clothes on. We had ice cream cones and then the kids readied themselves for bed. My niece, who at the time was around 11.... had long blond hair and was bunking in with her cousin Kristopher for the week. Later, In the quiet of the night I got up to use the bathroom, forgetting that Darlene was with us, I hadn't bothered to close the bathroom doors. While in the bathroom I happened to glance out the doorway and saw a young girl in a white nightgown.... with blond hair walk past.... then quickly turn and hurried back towards the bedroom. I thought, Darlene must have seen me sitting here and didn't want me to be embarrassed so quickly hurried herself back to the room. I quietly crept into my son's room to let her know I was finished, but to my astonishment Darlene was sound asleep.... in pink pajamas.... not a white nightgown....I just stood there dumbfounded....wishing she had on a white nightgown. I didn't tell a soul about that incident.... not for a very long time.... later some would say I was dreaming.... I know what I saw....It was not a dream....nor have I seen this apparition....spirit....ghost again. Now those of you who have had an odd encounter .... please do a post....it sure would make me feel better....or should I say somewhat normal....
While I haven't had an "experience" I certainly don't consider you odd, I think many people have had similar experiences.
I don't doubt that you saw a girl in a white nightie. I wonder who she was?
I promise to post something along these lines soon.
Oh Julie, this gave me chills. I think my heart would have stopped looking at those pink pj's. What was on your property before you built your beautiful home?
Check out my Haunted Farm story for a similar experience by my husband and sister :)
Well I was looking forward to your ghost story. I have one.
When I was a kid my grandmother lived in a old farmhouse. The ceilings were 10 feet tall and it had been moved in where I live now from someplace else in 1910.
Every night at 9:00 P.M. you could hear the sound of someone walking across the front porch to the front door, it would open and shut and then the cool air would move to the bedroom door and open and shut. My grandmother would say, " Oh my ghost is home I guess we could go to bed now."
We, my cousins and I would sit all snuggled up to my grand mother and she was never scared. We wouldn't sleep in the room alone though.
It happened every night and even if the door was locked it would open.
She finally tore the house down though in the 70s but we never knew what caused it or if it was ghost. But my extended family would come and spend the night just to watch it. It never disappointed us.
Now I hope you won't think I am really nutty. :)
Auntie, that gave me goosebumps!!
Oh Farm Girl, never disappoints. I love that story too. That is pretty amazing and the house my dad grew up in had a similar story with the back door opening and closing out of the blue over and over and over. Ladies, I think there must be something out there :)
I don't have any personal stories like that either.
However, when I was a kid we moved into my grandfathers house after he died. My mom said my dad always swore he heard his father walking the halls at night, and rocking in a rocking chair in the living room.
Oh, my goodness, that is SO spooky!!
Yeah it is goosebumpy Julie! The jury is still out for me if I believe in ghosts but your story makes me wonder even more. I don't really have any odd encounters to make you feel better or not alone. But I believes ya Julie!
I love ghost stories! They say our historic home is haunted by "an old woman who lives in our parlor" and a "young boy" who's been seen on our front porch, but the thought comforts me, it doesn't scare me at all. I have never seen neither the woman or the child. But I swear I can feel the presence of spirits in the house, sometimes. I like that feeling. I don't know that what I feel is a ghost or what, but it's comforting.
Hi Julie,
I am a believer! Oh, the stories I could tell you that I've personally encountered...many, many, many...probably my favorite is this. When I was living in an old apartment in Bradford, MA, I would routinely get woken up by my bedroom door opening and closing on it's own. I had a music box on my bureau, and it would waken me by playing with the top open a few times a week. I had some baby clothes for my new neice hanging on the doorknob in my room. I went to take a shower and when I came back, all 5 outfits were laid out neatly on the bed, booties by the feet. Many other things occurred there in the time I was living there, but those are a few. I came to call the ghost "Emma", I always felt she was a little girl ghost since the music box, baby clothes and stuffed animals were her playthings in my room. I would talk to her and ask her to stop waking me up with the door and music box. But, she never would. I ended up putting it away.
Hope you enjoyed my tale, there are plenty more where that came from! ~Vonnie (Peacemom)
Facinating, and I suspect no threat of any kind there. Personally I'm still neutral on any thought on such things. ATB!
I get chills reading about all this. I have never experienced anything myself (thank goodness) but my sister's close friend lived in a house that had many ghost/spirit encounters. There were 6 people in the family and it got to the point that no one would stay in the house alone, especially at night. Finally they moved to another location and say they still have funny feelings now and again. I am unsure at this point what I believe in.
Good Morning Julie!
Well...that would have scared the bejeebers out of me I'll tell you. I'm afraid I haven't had any experiences like that at all in my 57 years...and I'm very glad I haven't! I wish you were my aunty and I was 11 though...that would have been a ball jumping into the pool clothes and all...bet your kids and neices and nephews think you're COOL. Anyway...I hope you have a wonderful Thursday!
Maura :)
It's SO funny that I read this tonight Julie. I was at a Band Booster meeting at the school this evening and while we were sitting there a very soft knock was at the door to the hallway. The band teacher looked but did not get up to answer. We looked at him and he said "OH that's my ghost" he said at first it freaked him out when he would hear it but now he's used to it. It knocks the same every time it does it. It was VERY Erie!!! And I had a ghost in my dryer up in NY. That was a very funny story...I will have to share that with you another day. But your ghost...now that was spooky...and very interesting.
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