Yellow.... a friendly color.... a color that lifts our spirits....a color which offers a ray of sunshine.... a color that is most welcomed on such a wet and gloomy day as today....

yellow....the color of fuzzy baby chicks....and speaking of baby chicks....order forms are now available from Blue Seal....Paris Farmers Union Stores....and other local hardware stores. For those of you who are interested in starting a flock of your own, Blue Seal is offering a free course in chicken keeping. I attended this course two years ago, and it was very informative and beneficial to a newcomer such as myself. I do not typically offer advice, however, one of the most important steps in becoming a good chicken keeper is to be prepared. Before you go to pick up your new flock have your brooder ready. I used a cardboard box, newspaper lined on the bottom and paper towels on top of the newspaper. Have your heating lamp turned on (place a thermometer in the brooder) new chicks need a temperature their first weeks of ninety degrees. Have water and feeders filled and positioned in their new home. When introducing your chicks to their new surroundings make sure to dip their beaks in the water, you do not want them to become dehydrated. I added vitamins to my chick's water and also started them on medicated feed but switched to organic when they reached the proper age to do so. Then sit back and watch the fun begin. Your new fuzzy bundles will grow quickly, the more they are held the friendlier they will become. Oh....and let me forewarn you of the "chicken dust" they will create....

....and If you are a lucky girl such as I, your mother will keep an eye out for all poultry related items. These boots.... an unexpected delivery.... arrived at my door last week.
Oh.... did they ever put a smile on my face....Thank you mom, I love them!

Chicken keeping will become addicting....and soon you will find chicken related items decorating your home....and before you realize it you'll be proud to sport a pair of chicken boots such as these....advertised in Martha Stewart Living....I'm sure Martha would say "Chicken Keeping: It's a good thing."
Oh my goodness, those are the sweetest things ever...except for perhaps a few real ones! We are all itching to have the building of the coop underway here. We are eggstremely eggcited! : )
I love the boots! Too dang cute! And, yellow! the little chickie following your blog photos around.
I've had my eye on a place in the country recently. It isn't going to be available until April and I was thinking it would be nice to have chickens again, keep your fingers crossed for me that nothing goes wrong, now I'm sure I want chicks! I love those boots!
Take care,
cute boots. and I love yellow also such as sunny yellow sunshine.
What cool boots! Oh my gosh I think I would even wear those out in public. Forget the hen house. Did you know that when Martha does her episodes on chickens they are some of her most popular? I love her chicken episodes. I love also even reading your post about being a new chicken owner. Isn't it hard to not say yes to more chicks? I think I could just fool with chickens full time I enjoy it so much.
Thanks for the very nice reminder about getting chicks.
Do they make them in Guinea??? hahaha! I love yellow, it's the color that makes me smile!
Those boots are fabulous!
Great boots! Thanks for all the info on chickens. I really want to move out to the country and have chickens someday. I love hearing about them, until then.
Oh my gosh-those boots are AWESOME!
What fun!
Love the boots, where did your mom buy them at?
What a great picture of tulips, chicken boots and baby chick. All great signs of spring.
The chicken boots are tops. Love it... I can't wait for my tulips to bloom, they are still under the snow.
I LOVE those chicken boots! Martha would say they are "a good thing too!" Your girls are going to find you irresistible in those!
Would it be too forward to say they are very "Chic"!
Have fun getting ready for your new little chickies!
Cathy G
Those boots are adorable! You mom has great taste!
Oh I LOVE the chicken boots!!! How cool!
Yellow is the colour we're all waiting for here, as we watch the daffodils push through the soil. I bought pink tulips today - the soft pink of mother-of-pearl *sigh*.
I love those boots and just know my girls would like to see me coming toward the coop in a pair!
Little chick peeps are so dang cute! If I had more property I'd probably have a few chickens around. I've seen so many beautiful varieties... they just seem so comforting... LOVE those yellow boots! Makes me want to splash around in a rain storm! :-)
Julie those boots! Darling. I know you don't like to post pictures of yourself, but please just one with the boots at the girls coop. I am sure your Hubby would snap a picture, IF you would let him :)
I know what you mean about addicting, I'm that way with my ducks. Though, my flock is much smaller, I do love my ducks. One year for my birthday my husband bought me a curio to "house" all the knick knacks that I had. Have a great day, get out and wear those boots!!
Wish I lived in a area where I could raise chickens. And I love goats too. Those boots are so freaking cool! Nice of mom to get you those.
Those boots are the Best! What a lucky gal you are.I am getting chickens next year. You gave good
instructions on chicks! Cheri
I love the rubber boots and the color yellow!
I looked for these boots online and it says they are no longer available. Waaaaa. I really wanted some!!
I almost missed this wonderful post! Guess what? I ordered those boots two days ago thanks to a tip on facebook from a blogger friend. Got a deal too (half price!). I can't wait till they arrive. Maybe I'll sleep in them too.. lol! -Tammy
I need these boots to reward myself for almost surviving the winter from hell..
Flat Creek Farm--please send me a link. Many thanks!! Janis in Vermont
Oh. My. Goodness. This is a bit scary! My mother sent these same boots to ME about a week before yours did. She saw them in...Martha's Living Magazine too. Do do do, do do do! Twilight Zone ;)
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