Thank you one and all for the wonderful advice and tips directed towards eradicating the migraine inducing skunk odor from Winslow Homer....

He may not be the sweetest smelling dog in town.... but he sure is the cleanest....

no more late night outings for this little man....he is grounded....
It's that time of year isn't it....... Spring, skunks, and oh so many things to get into for a little dog!
Good job mama on the cleaning! What a job!
Hugs(as long as he's smelling so sweet now! LOL) to you and Winslow Homer!
Cathy G
Poor little Winslow Homer...he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time! Hope he smells better soon!
I know its nice to make new friends, but dear Winslow needs to be more selective whose butt he sniffs in the future. hehehe
Glad he is smelling sweeter now.
So this one worked? That is good to know. I have been more afraid of walking up on one than the dog. They think my front yard is theirs. :)
yes, he needs to be grounded...which reminds me, little bear needs to get her black body in the house! she is just as bad as mr. winslow!!
Oh Winslow Homer!Poor guy!
Oh gee, I hope things are smelling better! Poor Winslow Homer!
Sure am glad you got that taken care of! And, yes, WH should be grounded. {grin}
Poor Winslow!!!
Winslow Homer is looking mighty handsome after all of those baths :)
I don't know whether to laugh or feel bad for the little guy... he just looks so "washed out"... lol! I hope no more skunk discoveries for the remainder of the season... that's got to be tough on your hands and back scrubbing him down too...
He is squeeky clean. When our dog got sprayed she ran in the door and behind sofa. Oh yeah that was on stinking mess.
I hope that poor Winslow has learned a valuable lesson and I sure hope he wont repeat this again. At least he's all nice and clean and I hope that your headache is all better. JB
Gosh, Mom, he was taking care of you. How did he know....that thing was so stinky!
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