In the beginning there was a little banty hen named Josephine. Josephine was a very determined little hen, her goal in life was to become a mother. Julie, the kind hearted hen keeper took pity upon Josephine and decided to grant her wish, three weeks later two little chicks were hatched out...

Little Gwendolyn soon became the apple of her mother's eye...

the older ladies in the coop learned to tolerate the chicks presence...

day by day they watched little Gwendolyn and her sister grow...all remained calm in the hen house...

that is until today...why Gladys cocked her head in confusion...the kind hearted hen keeper gasped in disbelief...

the "croaking" noise grabbed Henny's attention...

Pearly May's eyes glazed over...

and Phoebe was ready to draw blood...

you see today is the day that Gwendolyn found her voice... I on the other hand remain speechless...

Proud papa Don Juan puffed out his chest, fluffed up his tail feathers and announced to the world that his son shall be named Ramon...

and there will be no "crowing" over it...Good Sunday everyone...
It's a rooster??? Now you have two? Oh gee, Nice farmer Julie is going to have her hands full. :)
Oh Julie, what a nice hen keeper you are. I love your chicken story. Papa Don Juan rooster is very handsome and I bet that his son Raymond will grow up to be handsome too. JB
So sweet, go chicks, and fellows!
LOL,hahahaha, I can't stop laughing!!
I love it!
Cute! I love these chicken "tale" feathers!
p.s. Yes, Kim Dubay is up in Yarmouth.
SO well said! Makes me think of my very missed and dearly departed banty rooster Jerry. Love your post so much!
Ha! Ramon! Good one...
What a surprise!Great story I loved it.
Ha! So little sweet chick Ramon is "coming out"! Don Juan better back off! Cute story, Julie.
Oh my gosh, this was a fabulous post!
I think there is going to be some fighting going on yikes.
Oh dear! We once had an Auntie Em that we were forced to rename "Auntie Ed."
What a surprise. I really love when I get to read all the chicken stories on the blogs that I follow. Good luck to Ramon and the rest of the crew.
This story made me smile!
Julie ~
How funny! I'm sure Don Juan is quite proud of!
Hugs :)
Little Ramon looks just like his Daddy. Keep us up to date 0n what's going on in that chicken coop.
Uh-oh! This is perfect reading this morning as we have a rooster that gave me some trouble during morning chores. I must compliment your attitude as a second surprise rooster would make me fly the coop!
Oh my! I had a Gladys and Muriel who became Brett and Trace. They went to other farms to have hens of their own. I no longer hatch our eggs because it's just too hard when we get little roos.
I hope Papa and Ramon get along okay.
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