Bright and early Monday morning the boys from Parson's Dairy Farm arrived to mow our fields. This is almost two weeks early, typically they arrive on June 16th. How I remember this is our oldest son Kristopher was born on this date. Through the years I planned many a farm themed
birthday party. What a thrill it was to watch the equipment arrive and know with almost certainty Artie would stop and offer you a ride. What a simple joy for a little boy.

The fields are planted with Timothy, Alfalfa and Clover. The crop is used as fodder for the Parson's small herd of Dairy cows.

The Parson's Farm is strictly an IH farm( International Harvester) no John Deere Green for them!

At the age of ten Kristopher started working for the Parsons. He farmed up until he went to Community College. He once confided in me ," Mom I would work on the farm for free, I love it so much". Kristopher is employed as a Diesel Mechanic for Southworth Milton CAT, repairs all of the Parsons equipment and now owns tractors of his own. He is partial to IH, but has been known to add a John Deere or two to his tractor collection.

At the age of thirteen my husband also worked for the Parson's Farm. He is now employed as a nuclear inspector, but still has a love for farming and it's machinery.

A second cutting happens usually towards the end of August or early September. Will be looking forward to seeing you then boys. Have a great summer!
that is neat, loved seeing how they cut for fodder instead of the usual haying. such pretty green fields!
I love this post Julie! What a great family to family tradition!
Hi, I love to watch hay being cut, too. We don't have a farm but they cut the hay in the fields in front of our house, they just did it about a week ago. The girl driving the tractor had a dog sitting beside of her. They usually do it in May and September around here.
Nice shots. My oldest grandson is in college for diesel mechanic through a John Deere program. Complete with two years of guaranteed employment upon finishing a year from now. Our family farm now in the hands of my youngest son has one JD, on IH, and one Case,...guess we just won't play favorites when it comes to tractors!
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